Recent content by Puzzle

  1. WI Alabama football got the “death penalty” in 2002?

    The SEC might have called the NCAA’s bluff.
  2. pivoting-wing Supersonic — first test flights of 1979 come ten years earlier?

    As an engineer you're giving us far too much credit. Everything after 'working' is pure chance and you're lucky to get that.
  3. Challenge: Fix the LCS Program

    I wonder if they could have gone much smaller and treated them as autonomous weapons platforms. You could get minimal offshore fire support, a bunch of CIWS stations for anti speed boat and short range missile defense, and if there's nobody on board who care if it's sunk?
  4. different 25th Amendment so that the U.S. Senate can “bench” a disabled president such as Reagan in Spring of 1987? ?

    The loyalty is definitely part of the point. Getting your opponents declared insane and locking them up was a Soviet move, and power/politics tends to corrupt high minded ideals. If congress wants a president gone they have impeachment, they don’t need a sketchier way.
  5. WI: No "score bug"?

    Ironically the original view on the scorebug was that it would turn off casual fans, who wouldn't need to be watching the game to know the score and could just flip away. The Ringer did a great article on Fox buying into the NFL and part of that was the discussion about the scorebug.
  6. Malaya What If

    Here we go! I’ve been following this timeline and it’s felt glacial at time but I’m very much looking forward to the kickoff.
  7. What could have been done to reduce Case Fatality Rate to 15% in WW2 w/o ASB?

    The quikclot gauzes were basically the product of a backyard inventor. At the risk of insulting Frank Hursey it seems like they could have been moved up a few decades from 1989.
  8. The Ballad of Sailor Bill: A Timeline of the Tortoise in the White House

    Just to try to resurrect a small part of Gerald Ford's legacy, he was a star football player and had the chance to go pro. Tripping over an oversized turtle isn't in the same range of hits he absorbed. Bill might be in more danger...
  9. The Ballad of Sailor Bill: A Timeline of the Tortoise in the White House

    I assume that's a fairly common line in these reports.
  10. The American Colossus - The Presidency of an American Bonaparte

    That seems like a lot more nepotism than I'd expect.
  11. Can the US reintroduce Jaguars?

    Do we really want them? I feel like it’s easy to sit in front of our laptops and talk about how cool it would be, but I think a few dead dogs, sheep and cows as they venture out will change minds. Having predator free wilderness is a pretty nice luxury, if we want dangerous large animals there’s...
  12. What would be the best way for a B-29 to drop a nuke in contested airspace?

    The one-way Downfall could have been not so bad in my mind is if the US decided to give it another six months of siege first, mining all harbors and destroying everything they could from the air until the starvation started to do the awful work instead of GIs. The war was won, the only question...
  13. WI: American culture without suburbs/car culture

    There’s a lot of differences between the US and Europe, and I found this article interesting discussing the impact. The author’s main point was that Europe spends more on a higher quality of police for crime deterrence, but the US’s more individualist approach has led to putting the...
  14. WI: American culture without suburbs/car culture

    I tend to think policing would be considerably harsher. People won’t just accept high levels of crime if they can’t escape to the suburbs. Regardless of its related flaws throwing criminals or ‘criminals’ in jail and leaving them there is one way to reduce crime.
  15. How Plausible is the "Disaster at Dunkirk = Nazi Victory" Tropes?

    The big pitfall in all of these things is of course that Hitler is a bit of a madman. It’s vaguely possible to imagine some peace built around the Germans withdrawing from a partially demilitarized western Europe in exchange for recognizing that the conquered Poland and were keeping it...