Kingdom-Building: A Valois-Bourgogne TL

Should I create a smallish chapter dedicated to the normal life of Burgundy or the Burgundian Court?

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Chapter 4: The death of Isabella of Bourbon
"Philip the Fair, not much was known before his marriage to Anne the Warrior, what little we do know was that he was very close to his mother, Isabella of Bourbon (the Kind). At the age of 8 losing a mother would be hard, history says it hit the boy even harder since the family of Charles the Careful was very close to each other." -Random Historian (Ran out of authors sorry ;-; )

September 25, 1465, Antwerp, Brabant

Isabella held Charles hand tightly. "My love." she coughed before continuing, seeing both Philip's and Charles' eyes in tears she knew she didn't have much time left. "Do not cry for my death, god has willed it so." Philip cried harder, "Mom, don't go please stay here with me and dad." Isabella looked him in the eyes and wiped his tears before continuing, "My love, I will await you in front of the Lord, fulfill your dreams of becoming king, do not let me drag you behind and raise our son well. Let him enjoy the full life of a prince that I could never give him." Isabella continued, Charles with tears in his eyes. "I promised to make you a queen all those years ago, please don't leave until I fulfill that promise." Charles replied shaking. "You have already treated me like a queen. That's all I could ask for." Isabella closed her eyes one last time as the life and breath from her faded away.
"MOM! MOM!" Philip screamed as Charles cried over the death of his wife. Isabella of Bourbon is dead and Charles, count of Charolais is a widower. Charles immediately rushed to Philip hugging him and prying him away from Isabella. Philip screamed, "DAD LET ME STAY!" Charles softly replied, "She is watching us from above now my thunder. Let us grieve properly like the princes we are."

The funeral and tomb was elaborate and extravagant just like any Burgundian event. Philip was still crying beside his father. Charles was already in tears as hugged his son over her mother's death. Isabella of Portugal, and Philip the Good attended the funeral as the death of Isabella of Bourbon stopped their fighting for now. Recently, as Philip the Good health began to decline he still wished to remain in power as he sought a friendly relationship with France considering the latter's partial funding of the former but ever since the betrayal at Paris. Isabella began to argue against Philip in order to secure her son's position and not to bound him to whatever he wishes. They reconciled on the funeral as Charles continued to mourn her death.

Philip summoned Charles, "My son, I have been too harsh on your blunder at Paris, it appears the Lord has already judged you enough by taking your wife away." Philip said in a solemn tone. Charles who could not speak as he was still too shocked by her death nodded ever so slightly. "I am growing old, you and I both know, I am not the duke I was years ago. I have already confirmed with the estates, within a week you shall be made Duke of Burgundy and your son, Count of Charolais." Philip continued, Charles looked up towards him, "Father..." Charles began to respond, Philip shushed him, "My son, it is high time for you to take the reins of our fledging 'kingdom'. Your mistake at Paris made me realize that France especially under Louis can not be trusted like I trusted when Charles was King. The world is changing, and you know it best so rule as high as you said when you told me your ambitions as duke." Philip finished, watching Charles' response. "I will take the reins, I have already lost so much as Count of Charolais, perhaps the lord will be more fortunate with the Duke of Burgundy." Charles replied, with Philip smiling. "Let the lord bless our great duchy."

Charles arrived at Bruges in the sombre mood. The coronation passed incredibly quickly to him as he was no longer Charles, count of Charolais. He was now Charles I, Duke of Burgundy. The estates cheered and clapped but he was still in a sombre mood, his son Philip, now Philip of Charolais didn't even smile. Charles finished the coronation and took Philip back into the castle. "Philip, I'm sorry." Charles apologized as soon as they arrived. Philip met his apology with silence until he spoke, "Dad, remember when me and mom asked you to stay? Why didn't you stay?" Philip asked in a whisper. Charles hugged him harder, "I made a mistake, I placed my ambitions ahead of you and mom. I will never do that again. I promise." Charles replied with shakiness and sorrow. Philip continued to cry, for the world lost its colour to him when his mother perished from Tuberculosis.

Teaser 1: "You promised that you would not put your ambition ahead of me!" Philip yelled in anger,
Teaser 2: Louis grew in jealousy and admiration when he heard of the new court of Charlotte, Queen of France.
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Character Study #7
Charles the Careful: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I KILLED ISABELLA YESSSSSS. As I have said I would continue Charles' sorrow so killing Isabella of Bourbon is obviously a natural step in the right direction to change him. I always thought he was far too arrogant and hot-headed so I really wanted to shoot him down like a lot because the dude was talented but his arrogance was just too much for me. + A lot of TLs don't have him grow either he's dead or he becomes even more arrogant after winning another battle.
Philip IV of Burgundy: So goes the golden boy LOL, I have a story to write regarding him and yes watching all of you love Philip as a golden boy and then going to see all of you in shock after Isabella's death is too good XD. His story will be a classic story of finding love heh.
Character Analysis #2
Isabella of Bourbon: History writes her as a very minor character here. She is someone who was forced to marry Charles but they had a happy albeit quiet marriage. Charles wouldn't necessarily neglect Isabella unlike Louis to Charlotte but he was a bit of a dick IOTL. He wasn't there at Mary's birth and she died alone by herself.

In this TL their marriage a tad warmer so that's why Charles is with Isabella when she gave birth. Her education to Philip will be a little but it will be quite helpful in the future. Again with the butterflies of the whole delay for Charles to hate Louis. The friendship that Charlotte had with Isabella is going to change a lot of things going forward already she's becoming a bit of a rebel.

I loved writing her as a character, but I always knew she would die. It was essential for continuing the narrative/character driven story I have written for the Burgundian state. She was also one of my most static characters, the other one being Louis XI, but I made this one intentional as I wanted her to be a catalyst for change not a character that will change. She is one of my favourite people to write and her death and eventual reunion with Charles will have an impact later.
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Isabella of Bourbon: History writes her as a very minor character here. She is someone who was forced to marry Charles but they had a happy albeit quiet marriage. Charles wouldn't necessarily neglect Isabella unlike Louis to Charlotte but he was a bit of a dick IOTL. He wasn't there at Mary's birth and she died alone by herself.

In this TL their marriage a tad warmer so that's why Charles is with Isabella when she gave birth. Her education to Philip will be a little but it will be quite helpful in the future. Again with the butterflies of the whole delay for Charles to hate Louis. The friendship that Charlotte had with Isabella is going to change a lot of things going forward already she's becoming a bit of a rebel.

I loved writing her as a character, but I always knew she would die. It was essential for continuing the narrative/character driven story I have written for the Burgundian state. She was also one of my most static characters, the other one being Louis XI, but I made this one intentional as I wanted her to be a catalyst for change not a character that will change. She is one of my favourite people to write and her death and eventual reunion with Charles will have an impact later.
You're amazing
I still think I'm like a child playing the playground against the Giants who have written great Burgundian TLs ngl like if I could write half as well and half as long I would be so happy XD
Here's just a plan Charles had but failed to gain, (Read: I shot the idea down cause it was too unrealistic): He wanted to seize Lorraine for himself as a spoil of war in the war of the public weal. He wanted Champagne to be given to Anne as a dowry.
I may do more of these to give y'all a better idea of what goes on in my head when coming up with TLs :D
RIP isabella. Let's hope margaret if they marry, does a good job too.
I have plans for Margaret of York, I never written a character recovering from grief at all so it's going to be a real challenge. Let's just say Margaret will teach Philip plenty of things, stuff that he has forgotten over his grief. (Yes Isabella of Bourbon and Isabel of Portugal will return)
I have plans for Margaret of York, I never written a character recovering from grief at all so it's going to be a real challenge. Let's just say Margaret will teach Philip plenty of things, stuff that he has forgotten over his grief. (Yes Isabella of Bourbon and Isabel of Portugal will return)
Great. margaret was among the greatest of the york siblings. And if she can give Philip some siblings even better.
Alright I think I do have a better story to tell with Margaret but the question is do I make a cadet branch and if so where do they go in the story?
Alright I think I do have a better story to tell with Margaret but the question is do I make a cadet branch and if so where do they go in the story?
As Support for Philip of course! Making sure he has allies and emotional support from little siblings who love him.
Yea but I can't just write them off as just emotional support, I either have to kill them off like Isabella to inspire more change or give them a proper ending :)
February 25 1465, Paris, France

Charlotte watched over the city walls, she was back in Paris and she was deeply disappointed in the court there. Louis did not run a grand court like his cousin in Burgundy. She was after all only here because of his summons and she found the city in chaos. She asked around the court the reason why the city was in chaos. They granted her a reply in which a civil war was ongoing between Louis and his nobles. Charlotte looked on as she heard news of the stunning Burgundian Victory at Lorraine. She wanted to see Isabella again.

Charlotte was once again at the gate tower, she enjoyed her life as a queen, even in times of war she thought the responsibility and freedom was a welcome change in pace compared to her solitude in Amboise. Her thoughts suddenly broke when she saw a small group ride with a Burgundian banner tattered raised. The guards immediately asked who was it. "Charles, count of Charolais, I ask that you let me in!" Charles shouted. Charlotte ordered the guards to let him in as she rushed down to greet him. Charlotte and Charles greeted each other once again in Paris, Charles apologizing profusely that Isabella could not be here to reunite with her. "Charles, what happened?" She asked in shock as she looked at him covered in grime and blood. "You didn't have to rush down her, my queen. I told you to keep your head high not run fast." Charles replied in a fit of laughter. Charlotte slapped in mock anger, "Answer Charles." she answered firmly but with a smile. "I lost at Chatres and now we must prepare for a siege and pray for your husband's return." Charles replied in sorrow.

As Charles VIII began to siege Paris, one could see that it was already over as Louis arrived with a royal army that outnumbered Charles. He soon abandoned the siege and Charles greeted his liege once again. Louis asked, "How did they get to Paris?" Charles replied, "The bretons showed up at Chatres and attacked me from behind, if only you were there my liege and fought them off we would not be here in Paris." Louis scowled, "You are the first peer of the realm how could you not defeat the enemies of France?!?" Charles apologized. Charlotte watched the exchange with slight irritation, however the next words would piss her off even more. "Charlotte, my queen. I ask that you return to Ambroise after I defeat the rest of the rebels." Louis asked, Charlotte was livid and enraged while Charles watched on in horror. "I HAVE JUST RETURNED TO COURT, AND YOU DARE SUGGEST I BE BANISHED ONCE AGAIN?!?" She screamed. "My enemies, will not hestitate to use you and your inexperience to better off themselves." Louis calmly replied. Already he has heard rumours that Charles and Charlotte were secretly lovers, the only reason he dismissed them was that he has seen how Charles eyed his wife Isabella. Louis beckoned his hand, asking Charles to leave. Charles reluctantly left as he wished to recover from the stress of his loss at Chatres. Charlotte and Louis began to argue once again, and finally Charlotte capitulated and she went back to Charles to be consoled.

Charles consoled her with ideas of a separate court, and words of comfort that Louis would be persuaded to ask her to return after she realizes that she wasn't inexperienced. Charles spend some more days with Charlotte and baby Anne, remarking, "She will make a fine wife for my Philip." Charlotte agreed, "I wish for her to experience the same pleasures in Burgundy that I have done in my exile." Charles soon was called in front of Louis' court to discuss the engagement and Charlotte was not invited instead ordered to leave Paris, which she did with thoughts of revenge after this humiliating betrayal from Louis.

Teaser: As Charlotte screamed at Louis' messengers begging to not have her son taken from her. She was forcefully removed from holding her son as he was taken away. All while Anne watched in horror in the peephole to the door.

I like where this is going.

I cant wait for more Charlotte content.