World at War


This is going to be a semi-dystopic world of war that unlike some other dystopias tries to be realistic.

I will be the first to admit that this idea is based on Chris’s Carrier War’s TL. However it has a few twists.

So first things first the actual story will start in May 2006 but I think a bit of scene setting is needed.

Finally, I realised that there was no way my world could exist with nuclear weapons, so ASB’s have intervened and removed all starter materials. There is no Plutonium or Uranium anywhere on the planet.
Hans Gruber, Why the World is the Way It Is, Darmstadt University Press, 2005.
Chapter 1.

To understand the world today one has to understand the past. The world is on the brink of the abyss, everywhere the wars and rumours of war. Austria wages a war of words with Slovenia while Brandenburg threatens Saxony. It has always been so and with a major war more likely than anytime since the end of 12 years war in 1979, it more important than ever to understand why humanity seems to be doomed to live forever in armed camps awaiting that final diplomatic faux pas. The World is quad-polar, with a mess of tiny states in between the Great Powers, kept alive because to unify or destroy them would upset the balance of power. The Powers loudly proclaim the differences but to one caught in the middle they all seem the same. However while they have their similarities, endless armies, legions of spies, hordes of ships and oceans of hate, they have great differences.

All have the advantages and the weakness, the United Kingdom is richer than all the rest, but her armies are small and her population tired from centuries of keeping the peace, she needs to be supreme at sea to protect her Empire from Russia and America but needs to be strong on land to fight in Central Europe against the Russians and Frenish. She is Giant, but she is pulled in every direction and can’t be strong everywhere as has been proved 4 times so far.

The United Kingdom is a federal state of England, Ireland, Scotland, Hanover, Holland, India, Australia, and the Caribbean. With additional colonial territories in the Middle East, Africa and Guyana in South America, the United Kingdom in the largest Power of them all. The United Kingdom is the least authoritarian of all Powers with limited habeas corpus and a reasonably lenient penal system mainly fines for minor crimes or death for more major crimes. The Political system is similar to the one we have here in Darmstadt, with a self-appointed legislative body the House of Lords and Generals which contains the Lord President more than is common elsewhere. Her navy boasts 20 carrier battle groups and over 400 smaller ships. Uniquely she has two armies, the Territorial Army a conscript army of 4 million men deployed mainly in Holland, and Hanover and Northern India to fight the Russians and the Frenish on the dense plains of Central Europe and the deserts and mountains of Asia, though it is also responsible for internal security and has some deployments in Africa and South America. The elite force is the Royal Army a mere 300,000 men strong, a completely volunteer force with a strong light infantry component, trained to fight the jungle war against the Americans in Southern America and against the French in Africa. The Royal Air Force is stronger than the Russians and Frenish air forces but like the army has two roles. One tactical and air superiority in Europe and near the battle lines and the Strategic Bomber Command tasked to carry a potential war to the Russian and American heartlands.

The Frenish can excel all in a hate, contained by the United Kingdom to North-East and in Africa, and by Russia in Central Europe. She may rule the Mediterranean but she is penned into it, as her navy can never equal the American’s or the United Kingdoms. Russia forever threatens are allies in Central Europe so she must stay strong their while defending her coasts.

Consisting of the France, the Iberian and Italian peninsula’s and her much of North Africa the Divine Empire of the Franco-Spanish lands is a moderately wealthy, semi-federal state similar to the United Kingdom and America. Unlike the other powers she is ruled by the Imperial council consisting of the Prime Minister, the head of the civil service, the Army, Navy and Air Force chiefs and the Emperor as non-voting chairman. The government in Lyon is strong and can overrule the local government on any issue. The French Army while small in comparison to the Russians at a 3 million men is much better equipped than them and normally acquits itself well against them. However against the United Kingdom, Frenish élan can only do some much against the Lowland line a continuously updated 40 mile thick chain dating back to the 1600’s. The French Navy is a coastal defence force designed to limit the United Kingdoms raids on coast with a large corsair force to interdict the United Kingdom’s sea trade. She only has 3 carrier battle groups but with total control of the Mediterranean thanks to the three chokepoints of Suez, the Bosporus and Gibraltar, she has little need of them.

Russia stretches from Gora Golaya in far Northern Pacific to Kabul on the borders of India; from Warsaw to Burgas, on the shores of the Black. She is faced like the United Kingdom and France with a mosaic of tiny states in Central Europe which are protected by numerous, conflicting treaties with all the Powers. In South she reaches Baghdad before once more facing a mosaic of tiny states that made up the Ottoman Empire, all of the states are protected by treaty like in Central Europe. Further east she runs into British India and then China a mess of warlord states, tens of whom disappear or a born every year. While these are not protected by treaty no one will allow Russia to expand her already considerable holdings in China. Finally in east Russia faces the menacing American outpost of Japan, many of whom have long memories of the brief Russian occupation in the 5 years war.

Her system of government can best be described as organised anarchy at the top as the army Checka and nobility constantly plot to place their candidate on the throne while the only limit on the powers on state are the incompetence of the state. However if a strong Tsar massacres his way to the throne he can turn Russia in to an unstoppable steamroller as Tsar Zhukov proved. Her enormous population when coupled with her Chinese territories allows her to deploy vast armies that can overwhelm France or the United Kingdom if she can get them there. Her standing army is difficult to for an outsider to estimate as not even the Tsar knows how many souls he commands. However it is at least 8 million men though many of these are needed to maintain law and order. She is poorest of the four powers, poorer even than the wrecked and war states of Central Europe, but she has proved that 700 million peasants can overwhelm Western technology. Her navy can be politely described as a collection of scrap metal that occasionally drifts out to sea.

The final Great power is America, the second English speaking power. Born during the 11 years war when Pitt the Younger was faced with the choice of Holland and Hanover or America and he chose to hold on to his foothold in Europe. The oceans of blood spilt since then to hold Holland and Hanover against the Russians and French and the 4 wars fought between the United Kingdom and the Empire of America have caused millions to question Pitt’s judgement. America is undeniably the premier power in the Americas extending down past Panama to Medellin. To her South she has the Confederation of American States, made of the former Frenish provinces liberated by America and the United Kingdom in the 6 years war. The Caribbean islands remain under the rule of the United Kingdom, thus posing a thorn in America’s side and the perfect jumping off point for raids along America’s long and indefensible coastline. While America has made numerous attempts to conquer them the United Kingdom as held on thus far, though every Lord President since Jefferson the First has made repeated pledges to remove all European influence from the America’s.

Economically a powerhouse that almost matches the United Kingdom the Empire of America is relatively liberal politically with a strong focus on free trade. However the vast power of the military council and the Secret Service means that despite some local elections it could never be regarded as true democracy like Sweden. While it is less of a police state than France or Russia it is incredibly paranoid about spies after the scandal of President Arnold, who was revealed after four years in office as a United Kingdom spy. The American Navy is the equal of the Royal Navy in some respects, with much more of a focus on littoral operations in the Caribbean and less emphasis on trade protection. Though the need to keep the supply lines open to the Philippines and Japan against possible United Kingdom interdiction based from Australia means that it is nearly as capable.

The remaining states can be divided into three, Puppets like many of the Middle Eastern and Central European states. Warlord realms like China where everyone claims everything, but no one really rules anything. And the Confederation of American States, which has strong central government and true independence, guaranteed by both America and the United Kingdom. The Confederation has the potential to be a fifth power but is held back by its poverty and small population base.


Monthly Donor
Interesting beginning. I look forward to you developing the world.

Best of luck with the TL.
[FONT=&quot]The POD

The POD is the Glorious Revolution. William and Mary come over same as OTL, but due to ASB's William manages to push through an Act of Union between Britain and Holland. He wanted to do this in OTL but no one in Holland or Britain would support it so he backed down. In this TL he doesn't. This sets the example and come the Hanoverian succession (which hasn't been butterflyed away) Hanover is brought into the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Holland. The Seven Years War goes ahead on schedule, i.e. France is kicked out of NorAm. Come the next war, i.e. 1790's Americans, including Canadians have had to pay lots of tax to support the British Army in Lowlands, but are not getting protected from the Indians, so they revolt, the UK is overstretched and Pitt recognises that he can either lose America to the rebellious colonists or Hanover and Holland to France, he makes the wrong choice.
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Chpter 1:Kill Sweep

Chapter 1: Kill Sweep
8 pm (GMT+1) 2nd May 2006
FOB Tungsten
Occupied Congo

Lieutenant Rogers walked into the Ops Room and found a seat at the front, next to his fellow platoon commanders, wondering what new way Captain Singh had come up with to kill him. Captain Singh walked onto the podium in front of briefing screen.

“Good evening gentlemen, as I am sure you know a Missionary, John Wentworth disappeared from the village of Bulwayo four days ago. He is dead, a Section patrol lead by Sergeant Schmidt from C Company found him in a ditch, four miles out of town. He while the autopsy has yet to come back, he was killed by two medium-calibre shots to the back of the head. I suspect that the autopsy will reveal it was .38 calibre shell fired from FN56K, the standard pistol of the Frenish army for the past fifty years. For moment we assume that the good missionary was killed by the local guerrilla fighters, probably sheltering in Bulwayo. We are going to do a kill sweep”

The projector behind Captain Singh lit up showing a top down map of the area around the village.

“We will insert via gyrocopter with an objective time on target of 7:45. 1 Platoon lead by Lieutenant Rogers will be dropped to the North of the town in this clearing, 2 Platoon to the South East on the road and 3 Platoon to West in this field. We will do a standard kill sweep, link up ASAP to stop any of the natives getting out of the ring and move in killing all males, then burn the hovels to the ground. I know you have all done this a thousand times but this village is going to be smoking wreckage tomorrow. You know as well as I do that we only keep these damn Frenish idiots under control though terror and if they think they can kill our Missionaries, they will soon think they can kill soldiers and then we are in a world of shit. Okay, so any questions?”

“No, then good I want every man by ‘copter pads as 6:00, so get some sleep, reveille will be 5:30.”

Filing out Lieutenant Rogers wondered if he would be back in time for lunch tomorrow, they were doing Lancashire Hot Pot and he didn’t want to be in the field eating from a rat pack when he could be tucking in back at base.

As they came into land he went over his combat suit for last time, gas seals okay, face mask comfortable, drinking tube working, ammo pouches loaded up, and magazine fitted correctly. With a final shout of “Everyone ready” Lieutenant Rogers lead his men out of the ‘copter and into the jungle clearing that had been selected as their LZ.

“Time to earn the King’s shilling”
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Chapter 2: Politics.
2 pm (GMT-5) 2nd May 2006
The Presidential Mansion
Lord President Kennedy stared out the great window of the Circle office onto the lawn, wondering what the future would hold for him and his country. He had been fighting since he was 11 to stand in this office. The work at school, at university always striving to come first, to get noticed, then finally joining the Service, passing the tests and then fighting the War in the streets of London and clubs of Lyon, always sneaking, always lying, always killing, then back to Jefferson to head up Training Wing, weeding out the traitors and pushing the weak over the edge, then becoming head the Service and when Adams died claiming the office over the bodies of his colleagues.
What it been for, he had needed to become paranoid to get here, but know he knew that everyone was plotting against him. His colleagues wanted this office, not knowing the fear that came with it; the other powers wanted him dead so they could place their candidates here. His beautiful Mary dead in car bombing five years ago, his brother Robert killed by the Checka in Moscow merely because he was head of the Service.
But now America would take its rightful place at the head of the world, the United Kingdom would be distracted by the Russians and Frenish and then he would unify the America’s under him, after that the world was his oyster.

10 pm (GMT+3) 2nd May 2006
The Kremlin

Tsar Suvarov stood in his modest office in Kremlin looking out on to Zhukov Square, watching the Muscovites scurry about their business, none, not even the apparatchiks daring to look up at the Kremlin for fear that they would be noticed. Looking down at the cold faced Preobrazhensky Guards standing guard by the Kremlin gates in their grey greatcoats with their loading rifles he could easily understand the peoples fear. Sometimes he wished he was still on of the people, focused on simple problems, not the head of the vast state that was Russia, beset by worries that French would attack in Europe, or the United Kingdom in Asia, or even that America might invade his Pacific possession from Japan or the Philippines. Or looking inwards he knew the Checka was upset at the Army’s current primacy and they might act against him.
Ruling Russia sometimes had its advantages, but it was never as good as he had dreamed it was when he launched his coup against his unfortunate predecessor. He knew he had lived by the sword and he would die by it, but first he would take many of his foes with him.
His shoulder ached where an American made bullet was lodged a memento of his first wound inflicted by Muslim fanatics in the Mountains outside Kabul. He had no idea who had supplied that particular group, maybe even the Americans, only they could be stupid enough to supply the cat’s paws with American arms. But he would be revenged his wound by hurting everyone. He had spent the past four years readying the army for Operation Siberian Storm soon he would be ready to place Russia at the head of Europe and thus the world.

8pm (GMT+1) 2nd May 2006
La Grande Palace

Louis XXV, Emperor of the World, King of France, King of Spain, Emperor of Rome, Prince of Christendom, Ruler of the Seven Seas, and Lord of Africa was worried. France was tired, the infernal Russians were preparing for something, the Americans were more arrogant than ever and the United Kingdom loomed to the North-East. While he ruled 450 million people and the core of Europe he knew that France was not ready for the war that everyone else wanted. The Army was loyal but was overstretched; fighting the Islamists in Egypt and Palestine, the British were stirring trouble in Flanders and Africa and America was being rather brutal to his former subjects in Columbia.
He had just finished council and was in despair, the Army wanted to declare war on the Russians and the United Kingdom tomorrow so he could try out his new tanks, the Air force wanted war with the United Kingdom to test out their new bomber while the Navy wanted to fight the Americans and the reclaim South America as it would justify an expansion in the size of his service. The Prime Minister wanted a pay rise for the civil service and proposed to cut the Defence budget to pay for it and nobles wanted to pay less tax and damn national security and the bankers wanted their money back. All in all he had a lot to worry about.

7 pm (GMT) 2nd May 2006
Buckingham Palace
United Kingdom

Lord President Hague, Duke of Rotterdam asked her Majesty Queen Anne III to pass the salt. As he dusted his roast potatoes with the salt, he rehearsed what he was going to say in his weekly report on the state of her realm. The threat board was crowed beyond belief, he just got word that the Frenish were going to attempt a coup in Darmstadt, while the Russians were making threatening noises about Austria. The Americans were carrying out “fleet exercises” with a carrier and amphibious group near Cuba and just happened to be carrying live weapons. RAF reported that the AAF was testing a remarkably stealthy craft against the Caribbean air defence system. The Chief of the Air staff reported that they had ignored the forays thus far to avoid giving the Americans any clues about our radar capabilities. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff reported a few incidents in the Congo and some provocations by the Russians near the Khyber Pass. The First Sea Lord wanted another £250 million to get HMS Exsanguinator, the Royal Navy’s newest carrier, built on time and warned that the Navy really needed another 2 carrier battle groups due to the possibility of war. The Treasury meanwhile was screaming that spending 12% of GDP on defence was retarding the economy and wanted to cut the Armed forces to the bone.
World Map

World Map of this TL.

In some grey areas like China warlords are constantly at war with each other, but in the case of Germany epecially the grey areas represent scores of little states that are tied into the major powers alliances, here the war is less overt more coups and intrigue and less open warfare.