Road to the German Democratic Republic 3 – International Agreements
Road to the German Democratic Republic 3 – International Agreements

The achievements of the German Democratic Republic were not only visible when viewing how much better it stayed united and in control, but actually also how it managed to play it’s neighbors in diplomatic contact, archiving agreements that overall secured it’s borders with them, while also negotiation a militarization of the Rhineland, partly to better protect this main industrial and population region against the uprising rebel forces loyal to the Berlin government. At the same time the negotiations for overall reparations were limited and would directly be tied to the areas the German Democratic Republic and the Berlin government directly controlled, held and had access to, as everything else would be promises they would be unable to fulfill in terms of reparations otherwise. All of this allowed the German Democratic Republic to recourse larger areas of Germany and at the same time also securing it’s future and that of the German people as well. In the End they managed to reintegrate the Rhein-Ruhr area and also stepped up their propaganda against the last remaining rebellious state, the National German Reich under Hitler in Bavaria. There National Völkisch German Rule had been so horrible and devastating that the overall local population itself rose up against the Munich Regime of Hitler and formed local rebel and guerrilla forces of all part of German society and politics to oppose them even in armed conflict if necessary. This was the main reason why the Conservatives and Nationalists from there had to use their SA Army to keep internal control, while being so preoccupied, that they would be unable to push outwards outside of Bavaria, or so the Berlin Government thought at first. However, the Conservative-Nationalist radical hatred for the Socialist and Communist Coalition Governments in Thuringia and Saxony, that despite all this they still attacked them against all conventional logic and reason. That was why Thuringia and Saxony later fell so easily back in the hands of Berlin and the German Democratic Republican Army, as they had fought a Two-Front-War against them in the North and the Conservative-Nationalist in the South.

Unlike most other parties in this German Civil War, the German Democratic Republic itself had a rather fair justice system and even would trial the traitors that had betrayed it and caused this German Civil War to start fairly. This did however not mean they would be capable to escape their punishment, as most of them were trialed for high treason and would be punished for that with executions most of the time. The innocent were therefore not as often intertwined in these trials and sentencing then under most other German Civil War nation states, governments, warlords, cliques and regimes, were in some chases they made up the majority just for hearsay or having the wrong political viewpoints. In comparison the German Democratic Republic was fair and just and would even show mercy, by sentencing to life-long sentences instead of executions for all that had not outright killed, or ordered to murder someone else during the German Civil War. Yes some even were later pardoned to be released earlier if they had proven they regretted their actions and truly reformed themselves in prison into regular democratic, republican German Citizens. At the same time many of them truly managed to change their ways and only a small handful later started political parties, organizations and movements close to those they had followed, led, or otherwise supported during the German Civil War. At the same time this milder treatment and reintegration, as well as pardons meant that many of the revolutionaries and rebels actually rethought their decisions, or at least would not fight as fanatic and radical, as they otherwise would have. It was one of the reasons this much more united German Democratic Republic would win the German Civil War as a much more strengthened, unified surviving democratic republican nation state then most other potential Germanies in comparison. At the same time the remaining Conservative and Nationalist elements, that in the eyes of many had pushed Germany into the Great War/ World War just a decade ago before this, were seen as the last dark shadow leftover from the Second German Empire itself that they needed to eliminate before a true democratic republican German Nation State could truly be born.
Road to the National German People's Reich 4 – Heim ins Reich
Road to the National German People's Reich 4 – Heim ins Reich

When the German People’s Reich had finally defeated it’s enemies in the German Civil War, the German National People’s Revolution, mass arrests and mass executions followed, with their political, religious and other ideological enemies disappearing into prisons and camps, were most would be worked to death. During the 1923 to 1926 the German Civil War had devastated much of Germany, killed many German people and nearly annihilated the German Nation itself, but the Nazi’s viewed it as a stroke of luck, destiny as Hitler himself called it. After all the German Civil War, like the Great War/ World War itself it had eliminated what they viewed as the weak and impure, the unwanted and the undesirable. As a result the fanatic German Nazi’s were glad for both conflicts and even further glad that they survived and came out atop of it, as it supported their overall ideological world views of the survival of the fittest and the struggle for dominance and power. As a result of that the Nazi’s own continued arrest and elimination of these groups was seen as the final cleansing of Germany of those that had remained throughout the conflict, not seeing how it undermine their overall views and ideology in itself. With the whole German Nation now under Nationalist control, with the German People now under their hands the Nazi’s now could reshape and remodel the new state and it’s people after what they themselves viewed as the ideal nation state, creating an authoritarian, militarist, dystopian dictatorship and tyranny itself that would be viewed not only as one of the most horrific in Europe and the entire world. It was a National German State in which the authority of the Führer and other leaders inside the hierarchy was total, in were their word was command and in which no questioning of the powers above was allowed, literally, as it was a quick and easy way to get someone into a reeducation camp, or prison with the most severe chases, at least in the eyes of the Nazi’s resulting in torture, up to death for those poor souls involved. The terror of Nazi rule so ultimately engulfed the German people and nation that it came closer to real Hell on Earth then any other place in human history, even the neighboring and rivaling Soviet Union.

While one was Communist with some Socialist tendencies, Nazi Germany as it’s ideological rival and mortal enemy on the European Continent and closely allied to Nationalist China rivaled the Soviet Union as two more Fascist, Nationalist nation states which while ideologically viewing their own Han Chinese/ Asians and Germans/ Europeans as superior humans above all others, both not only shared an ideological, cultural, social and religious rival and enemy in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union itself was viewed as a bastardized abnormally to both of them as a Eurasian Nation State which intermixed Europeans and Asians, Slavs, Turks and Mongols in the warped views of the Nazi Germans and Nationalist (Han) Chinese alike. This was why both Nationalist regimes viewed the Eurasian Soviet Union as a mixed race nation state and the Soviet Union People as a degenerate mixed species that was neither European or Asian. Unsurprisingly depending on the two of them their views internal were quit different, with the Nazi Germans viewing the Slavs while not as Europeans, like the Germanic or Latin People, at least as European-like, but at the same time they did the same with the Turkic People, as they viewed the Mongolian People and East Asian People, overall Asian People in general as the Yellow Menace a danger and threat to the European Colonial and Imperial world order and dominance. While the rest of the normal world viewed Germany and China as radical, racist, fascist, nationalist and overall crazy despotic, authoritarian dictatorships and tyrannies which were internationally isolated, hated, disliked and boycott by most other Nation States in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia/ Oceania. As both regimes however supported and traded with one another, despite disliking one another thanks to the Soviet Union as a common enemy and the German military support during the Chinese Civil War before the later German-Chinese split over racial, cultural, social, religious and ideological differences between them that could no longer be overlooked after the Fall of the Japanese Empire against the United States of America, the End of the Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War and the Chinese Civil War.
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Had hoped to finish this small AU/TL up today, but it has been a packed long day and so the rest will come tomorrow. Needless to say none of this reflects any RL ideological or political views (at least not mine personally).
Road to the German Peoples Republic 4 – Union of German Peoples Republics
Road to the German Peoples Republic 4 – Union of German Peoples Republics

The newly created Union of German People's Republics too inspiration of the proposed United States of Greater Austria, the German Confederation, or the Soviet Union alike was made up of the Rhein-Ruhr Republic, the Bavarian Republic, the Prussian Republic, the Mecklenburg Republic, the Oldenburg Republic, the Hannoveran Republic, the Thuringia Republic, the Saxony Republic, the Baden-Wüttenberg Republican, also known as the Swabenland Republic and the Brandenburg Republic alike who together formed the new Union of German People's Republics. Each and every one of these German Republic had it's own capital, internal laws, autonomy and liberties, with some more socialist, some more communist, some liberal, some communal, others more agrarian, or rural farming communities. As a result many of these various German Republics themselves were overall quit differently internally, in their politics and in the way they run thinks, with Hannover being more centered around Farming and Fishing, while the Rhein-Ruhr itself was more urbanized and industrialized in comparison, wich was the overall individuality of them. Much more so then the Soviet Union they truly were a Union of independent, autonomous German Nation States and this was one of the resions why the German Union Parliament was located in Frankfurth once more and the Federal Diet being placed in Brunswick itself. This division of power was also meant to prevent any of the member states of having all major centers of judicative, executive and legislative power in one place, one city, which was why they all were spread out so far across Germany and it's union. At the same tim the Union of German Nation States was a statement that beside different views of socialism and communism, the German People still worked together, compromised and archived to make the Leftist International Dream a reality come true within this new Germany. This was why in honor of that many Trade Unions, Socialist, Communsit and Labor parties, movements and other such groups met in Berlin to celebrate the German Workers and Farmers victory and taking control of the German Nation State for itself.

With the Spartaciad, a version of the Olympiad for Labor, Socialsit and Communist Nation State boycotting the original returned Olympiad as a show of Capitalism, Colonialism and Imperialism. In comparison the Spartaciad was much more communal, celebrated the games more so then the victories and did not even give out gold, or silver medals, but copper ones for everyone, the main difference being that the medals themselves were slightly differently decoated and had varying ranks and insignia upon them. At the same time all of these medals had hammer, sickle and other such imagry inprinted upon them to show the true winners and the true people holding up their nation state as the farmers and workers that build, fed, clothes and created everything inside of it. This was why part of the Spartaciad olympics parade also celebrated the farmers and workers before even beginning the overall festivities that would shine a bright light upon those that truly formed the backbone of the German People's Republic Union. Similarly the various farmers and factory workers with their trade union in the German People's Republic's would also compete with one another in terms of overall production. They made their own sort of game out of it with the workers that performed best being rewardet in percentages as well as in honorable medals to celebrate their work for the German Farmer, the German Worker, the German People and the German Nation State alike. These impressive work quota and at the same time fair and just rewarding of farmers and workrs gave a great example of the new Germany, while at the same time also inspiring Socialists, Communists, Trade Unions and other similar groups in the neighboring states of Germany, as well as across Europe and the World alike, with the International itself parising the new German People's Republic, leading to a great split inside the International Socialists and Communist between those supporting and backing the German People's Union and those backing the Soviet Union and vice versa. This rivalry soon would lead to a series of proxy-wars and civil wars between the two across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, especialy during a phase of decolonisation.
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Road to the German Military Dictatorship 4 – A United Military Germany
Road to the German Military Dictatorship 4 – A United Military Germany

The German Military Dictatorship under von Hindenburg had slowly but steadily turned into a authoritarian despoty during the German Civil War and would remain that way long after the conflict was over. In most neighboring countries and natuin states this rearment and once more gowing military might of Germany made many nervous. Despite all this the German dictatorship itself would maintain it's border agreements with it's neighbors, much more concearned with the overall fear of internal unrest, rebellions and uprisings then they were with most of their neighbors, wich was why the German Military Dictatorship was such a radical enemy of the communist Societ Union, that they would not only fight proxy-wars against it in the East of Europe, as well as later other parts of the world, like the Americas, Africa and Asia as well later on. At the same time the German Military Dictatorship itself served as a protector of much of the East European Nation States from the Soviet Union and it's ambitions agaisnt Easter Europe in territorial gains and their plan to install socialist and communist regimes across the Globe. Still despite all this the German Military Dictatorship did not dare declare open war on Russia with the Poles as their allies, as they feared the Russian allied French would force them into a Two-Front-War like they had back in the Great War/ World War. Therefore the Germans were hailed as liberators and friednly allies by most East Europeans, especialy as they hemselves had given up all territorial ambitions against ot's neighbors, wich made them over time much more trustworthy to the Germans and their new Nation State, despite it being still very militaristic and martial, even in comparison to the old German Empire and the Prussian State itself. The rivalry and tensions with the Soviet Union and the threat it meant for the German Military Dictatorship were also why the German Military itself would have a excuse to rearm, keep high military budgets and a strong overall military, while also getting paid and overlooked by their eastern European neighbors, who now backed their militarism, as long as it was targeted against the Soviet Union and not them.

This German Military Dictatorship itself also heavily glorified it's military that not only had fought and created the new united Germany in the Franco-Prussian War, but also managed to keep it reunited in the German Civil War. Despite all of this the overall militarisation of the German Military Dictatorship, despite it all was more Prussian then like it had been under the Nazi's in comparison. Still it was so much and so visible to others and remindet especially the French and Russians of the previous German Prussian Militarism, that it made both nervous. The lack of any major naval build up at the same time and the restriction of the German Navy to a purely defensive North Sea Fleet mant there was no naval race against the English and therefore the British Empire backed the Germans as a stronghold agaisnt the Soviet Union and the Russians in Central Europe to keep the Balance of Power. Yes their good relation after a while went so far, that they were in support fo giving Germany back Togoland and Kamerun, while the former German Colonies of East Africa remaiend British, Southwest Africa remaiend South African and New Guinea remaiend Australian. This especially pissed of the French-British relationship, as it meant the French either gave back Germany their parts of Togoland and Kamerun they had taken and with it the majority fo French territorial gains beside Alsace–Lorraine (German: Elsaß-Lothringen), in exchange for quicker German Reperations, or actually loose the support of the British against larger German rearment. This British-French Split and division ultimately elad to the French under their new Left-leaning government persuing closer ties with the Soviet Union agaisnt the Germans once the Polish had becoem pro-German under their own Right-Wing Military Dictatorship against the Soviet Union, wich in turn pushed the British Emprie much more direct into the German allianc enetwork on the European Continent itself. It was a contineud escelation of overall German-French rivalries and German-Russian rivalries that once more dragged the rest of Europe alongside with them troughout this new, not quit as hot European Rivalries and Wars.
Road to the German Nation States Federation 4 – Federated German Nation States
Road to the German Nation States Federation 4 – Federated German Nation States

The newly formed Federal German Nation States themselves were quickly liked by many of their neighbors, even the French and Polish nationalists, mostly because of the Fact that they were so loosely aligned and held together they would never again pose a true threat for either of them. At the same time both French Nationalists Irredentists and Polish Nationalist Irredentists alike feared to push or outright attack this new German Nation State Federation themselves, as the Franco-Prussian War had proven how uniting such a act could serve on behalf of the German People, the German Military and the German Nation. Because of their federatet status and the way their new German Federated Nation States worked, their very own governments, capitals and political systems, yes even judicative judgment systems were all seperated from one another. On fact just like their capital cities and governments all of their Nation States worked completely independent from oen another, but shared a united Parliament in Berlin, as well as a coordinated foreign diplomacy and security policy. Despite it all their economic policies and even trade with foreign nations was qui individual and seperated once again from oen another. This individuality and auonomy in some chases elad to quit some differences within the German nation States themselves, wich was why the German Nation States High Court was ultimately established as a neutral judicative that despite this would be allowed by all to judge over them, so it could serve as a fair judge capable of solving disputes and disagreements on a civil and lawful way. To ensure this neutrality, every Federated German Nation State would send one of his High Court Judges specialised in own local German Nation State Law of their own, as well as overall Federated German Nation States Law alike to the Federal German Nation Stated High Court in Magdeburg. The Federal German Nation States Army iself did basically only exist on paper for the most part, not in reality, as the several Federated German Nation States would be keen on keeping their own overall command structure and seperation of their militaries from one another.

Things were made even worse as the Federal German Nation States that were along the border were keen on a larger armed force and bigger, more expensive border defenses, while the other German Nation States were not always willing to pay for this too, especially not those in the intrior that felt much more secure and needed a much smaller army, police and security force if any overall. The Federal German Nation States themselves were overall a much more defensive nations then many past iterations of Germany and while especialy some German Nationalists, pan-Germanists and others critizised it as a danger and threat to the future of Germany and the German People in one Nation State, many neighbors also saw it as a change for a more peaceful Central Europe and Europe overall. At the same time the overall situation of the German Nation States meant that the various other Great Powers and Global Powers of the world with interest in Europe used the German internal devision for their spy and sabotague activities against one another. As a rsult the Federal German Nation States were the center of international spy activity, both in reality, as well as in novels, books, movies and television series. This development was partly increased by the various German Nation States inside the Federation also using their own intellgience organsiations and agencies to spy on and agaisnt one another to be secure from any internal operations against one another, which would open them up from manipualtion by other neighboring states, great powers and global powers, who would use these different German Federation Nation States Intelligence Agencies and Organisations as a prolonged arm of their own one inside of Germany, no matter if they were officially alleid with the Federal German Nation States, or their rivals and enemies. The Federal German States themselves tried their best to prevent this and better coordinate and cooperate their various different Intelligence Agencies and Organisations, but that was often much, much easier said then done as most of the Nation States of the German Federation had some kind of rivalry with one another despite having remaiend within one larger German Federation.
Road to the German Democratic Republic 4 – A Democratic Republic of Germans
Road to the German Democratic Republic 4 – A Democratic Republic of Germans

The German Democratic Republic, after finally defeating the last rebels and unrest regions that were the Conservatives and Nazi's in Bavaria, the so called German National Reich, as it called itself had remained victorious toughout the German Civil War. A testiment to the German People's will to not only preserve the Unity of the German Nation, but the German Democracy and the German Republic alike. As a result it ermerged strenghtened out of the German Civil War and would in the future have a immense basis of pro-Democratic and pro-Republic elements that would safeguard it from internal and foreign enemeis alike, making it impossible for the Left and the Right to attack and weaken it from the sides of the political spectrum, as the Center inside of this new Germany was so strenghtened in numebrs, that the edges were laughable neglectable in terms of voter and seat numbers, if they gaiend any at all. At the same time the German People were allowed not only to vote for their overall representatives, but especialy in the smaller Kreise (County) and Gemeinden (Communes) a form of more direct democratic plesbicide was also allwoed and welcomed, with some smaller places going so far as to not even elect a local mayor, governor or similar administrative position, but outright ask the adult voting population itself, that since 1918 also incldued woman. With the German Demcoratic Republic reunited, lower reperations for the Great War/ World War allowed for a overall better reconstruction or war-torn areas and regions. With the reconstrustion and rebuilding, partly paid by the League of Nations, wich helped to support good relations between the German Democratic Republic and the League of Nations alike. As a result the German Democratic Republic became a viable member of the League of Nations, that would uphold it's laws and norms not only across the European Continent itself, but other places of the world as well, like in Africa, Latin America and Asia, were they would help in LON Peace Keeping situations during and after decolonisations in these areas. This included German ans Ashkari auxillary forces aiding new governments and nation states during times of crisis anc civil wars.

Even more important the German Democratic Republic was willing to spread it's Democracy and riches with others, helping stabilizing the economies of newly independent nation states, supporting young republics and democracies, so they would remain much more stable then the German one had been, hopefully without a Civil War of their own and backing democratic elected leaders all around the world. Without another major war in Europe they also supported the legitimal French Government against attacks from the Left and the Right rebels, uprisers and rioters during the French Civil War, just like the French had aided them in the Rhine-Ruhr area during the German Civil War before. Both Civil Wars overall therefore served to tie both nation states clother together and to learn how to cooperate, coexist and aid one another in a new, secure and peaceful Europe. Their cooepration therefore became a strong reason for the future wealth of Europe, especially as the English in the British Empire would soon stop trying to divide them and actually support and back the Germans and French in securing peace, stability, prosperity and anti-Communism in Europe, at first mainly targeted against the Soviet Union. This former European agreement inside the European Nations League Peace Federation (ENLPF) would later turn into the Euopean Federal League (EFL) as a sort of supra-national federation and union of various European Nation States, which during the height of the Cold War had been critisized by many memebr nations for being to centralised and powerful in it's laws and decisions, resulting in some outright comparing it to the Soviet Union that it was meant to contain and oppose. With the later End of the Soviet Union itself and it's breakup many belived the time of the European Federal League itself was also counted, but trough a series of cooperation and integration agreements, it transformed more into a United States of Europe later on that would rival the United Stated of America and the Chinese United Provinces (CUP) that had formed after the Chinese Civil War to replace the older before failed Chinese Empire and Chinese Republic alike.

The End