War name description thread

Silvershirt Rebellion

The Silvershirt Rebellion was the takeover of the American Capitol Building on April the 3rd 1935 by an anti-Semitic, white-supremacist, facist group called the Silver Legion of America or the Silvershirts. The Silvershirt's own paramilitary group helped to keep hold of D.C for the next year and William Pelley was proclaimed dictator with his inspiration being the Machtergreifung in Germany 2 years earlier. The Silvershirt Rebellion caused significant racial tensions in the U.S and violence erupted across the country especially in the Southern States and Los Angeles where the Silvershirts were building the Murphy Ranch for Adolf Hitler after Germany's success in WWII. This interracial tension meant many more Americans were supportive of the Nazi cause which delayed U.S entry into the European theatre of WWII.

2nd Australia-New Zealand War


2nd Australia-New Zealand War

The Second Attempt of the Fascist republic of Australia to "unite the Glorious white people of Australasia under one banner". the war goes well at first, as New Zealand is semi-fascist itself and receives little support from other countries. However, As news of Australian atrocities against the native Māori of new Zealand reaches the rest of the world, Support for New Zealand quickly starts flooding in. The war ends With Australian forces being driven out the New Zealand by Indian and Chinese Forces and a new, much friendlier government being set up for new Zealand.

The War of Victoria's Honour
2nd Australia-New Zealand War

The second and (unlike the first) successful attempt by British Empire forces to liberate Japanese-held Australia and New Zealand. Famous for the Battle of Wellington where a local volunteer militia withstood 90 days of aerial bombardment before a relief force could be airlifted in by the Royal Indian Airship Corps.

War of the Evil Chancellor

Edit: Damn. First post, and it's a ninja.


War of the Evil Chancellor

The War of Victoria's Honour

Both are names for the same war. This was a war in South Africa in the late 1800s and early 1900s between the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The British Empire stepped in on the side of the Transvaal in this war, which was used by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the rest of the government back in the UK mainly as an excuse to raise taxes.
The war was finally brought to a conclusion when the ailing Victoria, in her last major act as monarch, withdrew Royal Assent from the government. While no longer precisely legally binding, this caused confidence in the government to collapse and triggered a general election, which the Liberals won on a platform of peace and promptly put a stop to the war.
The strain of the process is widely considered to have been fatal for the long-reigning Queen.

((Ta-da... The C. of the E. at this time OTL raised taxes a LOT during the Boer War, and had the nickname of Black Michael. Sounds like a good fit.))

The War of Dependence.
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