TLIAW: A Bone To Pick

Two things I have thought about you might have more info on Roem.

One: What are the rules of the new Conservative leadership contest?

Two: (And this is where I have a slight problem). I know it's needed for the story to work, but why precisely has Cameron re-jigged the leadership contest rules.

With Miliband it made sense. The tripartite nature of the previous system meant he managed to win, on Union endorsements despite David leading in all the other categories. While I except that the present Tory rules have been around since 98, Howard reviewed them in 2005 and decided to leave them as they were and they were the rules under which Cameron won, so I'm not certain why he would seek to change them, unless it's to A: Rig the deck in favour of his chosen successor or B: Stop Boris from winning (which he can't do while still at City Hall anyway)


I swear you came up with this TLIAD just so you could find a place to use "Syriza May" in a place that actually makes sense :p

Is there a reason why Boris isn't being mentioned here? If the Tory leadership rules have been broadened to the wider membership then you'd think he'd be the one who would benefit.

I also look forward to seeing Peter Davies' father being mentioned...
I swear you came up with this TLIAD just so you could find a place to use "Syriza May" in a place that actually makes sense :p

Is there a reason why Boris isn't being mentioned here? If the Tory leadership rules have been broadened to the wider membership then you'd think he'd be the one who would benefit.

I also look forward to seeing Peter Davies' father being mentioned...

I presume you mean Philip Davies. Even the Boneites couldn't get Peter Davies in the party...
I've enjoyed reading this. It strikes me that Bones has a rather larger constituency amongst Conservative MPs for his views than does Corbyn in the PLP, although not, of course, a majority or anything approaching that.

I also suspect that Bones isn't going to inspire a membership boom in the Tory Party, since a lot of his support amongst the general public will come from people who actively despise the thought of belonging to a political party, but he won't have to - his views won't be uncommon amongst grassroots members.