What ideology should Stahl follow?

  • Communism

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • Nationalist Socialism/Stahlism

    Votes: 35 64.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Both Germany and the USSR are going to be stronger and weaker ITTL, the Soviets especially.

The USSR because although industrialisation is still happening (with complete disregard for human costs like OTL) and no purges (Old school generals from WW1 and the Russian Revolution probably won’t last against Panzers and Stukas anyway). The Soviet Government will be rife with bureaucracy and corruption, Trotsky’s Soviet democracy along with no fear of being purged means people juggle for power a lot more which might slow down modernisation, not to mention the cost of exporting the revolution which will most likely be put down.

Germany because two (and maybe later one, hint hint) strong leaders and masterminds in logistics and propaganda will guarantee the Nazi party stays in power from within (Not sure on whether or not to make this a Nazi Victory TL).

Make it fair And Ask Expert Forumites to wargame scenarios ? Then roll for luck, ? Organic timeline would fit best for stuff as unusual as this.

Also for some reason i find Idea of Hitler as Stahls Bormann interesting.
Chapter 5 - Civil War

By Christmas, Germany was embroiled in a civil war. The war started in the cities but expanded into the countryside as anarchy and chaos gripped the nation. Stahl, against the strong wishes of Adolf Hitler, formed a sort of coalition with other far right parties, realising that the Nazis needed help more than ever. Hitler and Stahl reached a sort of compromise when he promised the coalition would be broken and the various parties absorbed when the war was over.

Two key elements would dictate the outcome of the war: Propaganda and Expertise. With Germany's military and economy heavily restricted by the treaty of Versailles, the Weimar government fell apart with it's generals and politicians defecting to a faction or fleeing the country all together. The Nazis and Communists would become the main players in this new war and had militias exceeding well beyond the permitted 100,000 troops, both sides managed to work around this treaty. Internationally, reactions were mixed, the Entente declared the Rhineland a neutral zone and took advantage of the Ruhr, something they would come to regret. The Weimar Republic was pronounced dead when President Hindenburg died from the stress of the country going into disarray on December 3 1923.

Propaganda was clearly in the Nazi favour, Stahl's self portrayal as a strong and capable leader inspired many Germans to side with him, much to the annoyance of Hitler who was losing credit within the party. A 'Provisional Government' was set up in Munich in January 1924, throughout the city, massive portraits of Stahl and to a lesser extent, Hitler and other Nazi leaders were everywhere, on every wall and street corner. Swastikas hung from flag poles and banners covered windows in a display of ideological fanaticism. Stahl, Hitler and Goebbels held a massive rally, calling for "All red blooded Germans to come to the aid of the fatherland to protect it from the rampaging Jewish Bolsheviks coming for our women and children!". Thousands of veterans were swayed from this quote and alone, they weren't the first nor were they certainly the last.

As the original government was swept away, high ranking military officers found themselves in a vacuum, on one side was the KPD, the main side of the Communist Front which was largely disorganised and couldn't find a common ground other than defeating the Nazis, like the White Army in Russia before. On the other was the NSDAP, united under the leadership of Joseph Stahl, a ruthless but capable leader with his sidekicks: A jealous Hitler, a charismatic Goebbels and experienced Goering among others. Manfred von Richtofen was invited to dine with the Nazi leadership in February, although he was suffering from injuries and PTSD from his near death incident at the hand of a Canadian pilot in the war, after some convincing, Manfred agreed to join the Nazis who were secretly building up an air force.

As the masses, officers, veterans flocked to the right, the communists with only a handful of workers were falling apart at the seams, although help from the USSR was significant. The Communists began to fracture over the year. The last communist strongholds fell on August 13th. Massive rallies and celebrations were held in all German towns and cities. Joseph Stahl delivered a thundering speech, announcing the Third Reich and his promise to restore Germany's greatness forever.


A Nazi rally following the German Civil War

Manfred von Richtofen siding with the Nazis would play a key role on the propaganda and military side of the war

Stahl's personality cult would grow in the aftermath of the civil war
I think that Stahl(in) will at least purge KDP and communist sympathizers from the country before anything else. No military purges methinks: Stahl(in) and Hitler won the civil war with the help of the military, and unlike the Russian Civil War, Stahl(in) didn't need to fight against it.
So Stahl is the dominant figure in the Nazi Party. Hitler would likely be 'disappeared' if he tried anything. Himmler too, since he was loyal to Hitler. It would be ironic if Rohm survives to be a Beria-like figure.
Unlike Hitler, Stahl would probably be more patient with military rearmament, focusing on rebuilding the country from the scars of WWI and funding fascist movements in other nations. How are relations with Mussolini?


Is Stahl Eastern Orthodox? Or did him and his family convert to Catholocism or Protestantism to fit in? Or is he into the weird occult stuff a lot of Nazi higher ups were into.
Is Stahl Eastern Orthodox? Or did him and his family convert to Catholocism or Protestantism to fit in? Or is he into the weird occult stuff a lot of Nazi higher ups were into.
The Nazis and Soviets hated religion in OTL. Not to mention that Stahl is probably going to make up his own history to cover embarrassing moments.