Which style should be predominant?

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I have to admit that you surprised me. I had seriously expected Speer to remain führer for some time and to be able to calm things down in Germany.
So in this TL there are the same on every time n führer wants to start the third world war he dies of a "suicide".
By the way, what is the German population in the colonized lands?
The population of Germany in 1960 was 73,147,000. With the couple of million lost from the Angriff, even with forced minimum several baby per mother there shouldn’t be any overwhelming German settler population. They might try to fully implement Lebensraum, but it would be difficult to go full manifest destiny/conquest of the desert/Russian conquest of Siberia simply because their numbers would be too low and the resistance so high. The indigenous population in the east of Prussia like Poland should be in the majority. I can’t imagine even if they had a hundred years, no wars, complete submission of their populations, they’d be able to achieve a majority in territory in the farthest East before they’d collapse. 20-25 million max would be the best the Germans could hope to have in those colonized lands right now.
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Judge Dredd34 so at the very least, poland will have been colonized (above all because there aren't many polish people left), Crimea (gotenland) and maybe the baltic states?
Maybe if they’d had decades to fully concentrate on low population yet highly arable land, and obviously destroy the indigenous populations consistently. Yet that would require no more offensive wars with any powers (including Israel), fully concentration on their Eastern territories, no more civil wars, and 4-5 decades of time minimum to achieve that (at least for the states with lower populations). Poland would be a majority until the 80’s (if they concentrate on it), Crimea would be less difficult yet still very far away, and the Baltics themselves would take even more decades that Germany doesn’t have politically, economically, and socially.
Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that there were 10 million settlers by 1960, with 4 million of them being in Crimea or the Donbass.
I was wrong, must have missed that when I was reading through. Crimea being majority German makes sense as it’s population was in the low millions in the 1940 same with Donbass. I guess the whole “keep quiet or we’ll annihilate every last one of you” worked nicely in those small-median populations. Those states with larger populations should take decades though especially in European Russia.
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The population of Germany in 1960 was 73,147,000. With the couple of million lost from the Angriff, even with forced minimum several baby per mother there shouldn’t be any large German settler population. They might try to fully implement Lebensraum, but it would be difficult to go full manifest destiny/conquest of the desert/Russian conquest of Siberia simply because their numbers would be too low and the resistance so high. The indigenous population in the east of Prussia like Poland should be in the majority. I can’t imagine even if they had a hundred years, no wars, complete submission of their populations, they’d be able to achieve a majority in any territory in the farthest East before they’d collapse. 20-25 million max would be the best the Germans could hope to have in those colonized lands right now.
Germany in this TL must have a population close to 200 million.
Germany in this TL must have a population close to 200 million.
That’s impossible the USA in 1970 had 203,392,031. There’s no way a population of less than 90,000,000 especially a population suffering from multiple wars, the Angriff, and many other debilitating factors could possibly surpass the U.S. population in that regard especially in that amount of time. An uptake of 120,000,000 Germans is possible by the end of the century, higher if you squint using the reclassified Germans in annexed territory. It’ll be very unrealistic if that’s case even with 5-baby German women.
That’s impossible the USA in 1970 had 203,392,031. There’s no way a population of less than 90,000,000 especially a population suffering from multiple wars, the Angriff, and many other debilitating factors could possibly surpass the U.S. population in that regard especially in that amount of time. An uptake of 120,000,000 Germans is possible by the end of the century, higher if you squint using the reclassified Germans in annexed territory. It’ll be very unrealistic if that’s case even with 5-baby German women.
Remember that Germany annexed the Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, most of Switzerland, Bohemia and Moravia and had an average of 4 children per woman. It's totally believable.
When you count all of the annexed states as part of the German ethnicity, loyalty, and sharing the same religion/values maybe. I’m counting full Germans born from German parents. Your right if we count all the states by the Germans annexed as fully German than it would certainly be believable.
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Population in 1939:

Germany: 86,755,281
Netherlands: 8,729,000
Belgium: 8,387,000
Sweden: 6,341,000
Switzerland: 4,210,000
Denmark: 3,795,000
Norway: 2,945,000

Added population: 121,162,281

Adding the addition of other German minorities now living in the Reich (such as the Baltic and Volga Germans), along with rising birth rates, it is entirely credible that Germany could reach a population of 200 million by the 1960s.

For comparison, the American population jumped from 130 million in 1939 to 180 million in 1960.
The population of Germany in 1960 was 73,147,000
The problem is that this is the German population including years of bombardment and death between 1942-1945, the loss of a very substantial amount of territory, emigration, and generally a much smaller birth rate. The real life data for population became irrelevant since 1939.