Terror in Littleton: How a tragedy shaped a nation

@SirCecil It is true that the average bully is highly unlikely to be intelligent enough to use "preemptive reasoning" to justify his violence alleging "preventing another Columbine".

That said, bullies don't need to believe it, just realize that saying that makes teachers pretend they don't see or hear anything when the bully is attacking their victims.

Deleted member 191087

Kyle was poking at the last bit of his Chinese takeout as he watched the news still bemoaning Bush’s victory over Gore. It had been a couple of days since the election was over, and having been paid a tidy sum from his media appearances and campaigning for Nader while having acquired his GED, he found himself feeling akin to the ancient Achilles, resting in his tent. Sure, he’d had it good, but he’d never been passionate about Nader, and the with the vociferous hatred being heaped upon the man with the endless chants of “spoiler!”, Kyle himself had caught some of the flack. His dad had even started leaving the phone off the hook to silence some of the incessant phone calls. Kyle hoped people in his hometown wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, but with his face being all over the news…

He chucked the empty food carton at a trash can, where it bounced off the rim and landed on the ground. Frustrated, he sighed and went over to pick it up. His cell phone started to ring. He hoped the angry liberals hadn’t figured out his number again as he answered it.

“How’s it going champ?” asked John. “I haven’t seen hide or hair of you since the election’s been over.”

“Oh uh, just relaxing.” Kyle responded. He felt an unease in his gut, something that had been bothering him since he had started on the campaign trail. He decided now was as good a time as any to dispell that feeling.

“Hey, can I ask a question?” Kyle asked

“Go ahead champ.”

“What exactly was the point of going to stump for Nader if we knew he wasn’t going to win, and didn’t really align with him? I know you’ve always told me it was about the publicity, but couldn’t we just have easily worked for Bush and got the same result?”

John chuckled. “My boy, Bush is a busy man. I doubt he would’ve so readily listened to a pair of radicals” – he said the last word with a twinge of sarcasm – “such as ourselves. Sure, he’s an improvement over a Democrat, but I doubt he would’ve heard us out in the same way. When it comes to politics-”

“Yes, I know, you have to make sacrifices.” Kyle interrupted. “Okay, so maybe Bush wouldn’t have taken us on. What about Buchanan? He was a struggling third party candidate, and he’s more in line with my values then Nader ever was.”

“Well, Buchanan is a bit of a toxic commodity,” John replied. “Surely you’ve heard of all the hubbub around his latest book.”

Kyle admitted that he hadn’t. John chuckled.

“Anyhow,” John continued, “If we had joined Buchanan, that would’ve taken votes from Bush, and we already admitted he was the lesser of the two evils. If we had to siphon votes from someone, better we take it from someone who deserves them less.”

“So we were intending to be a spoiler?” Kyle asked. He wanted to say ‘you’ instead of ‘we’.

“Now I didn’t say that, but if that’s how it worked out then that’s history.”

Kyle grimaced. He felt like a pawn on a chessboard, and didn’t like it. “Yeah. That’s history.” he replied.

“Yes. But enough about that, I was calling to ask if you had any plans for the future.”

“Oh! Uh…” Kyle thought about the fame (and contempt) he’d drawn as a national figure. His plans before getting expelled were to join the military and learn a trade, like his dad did. Granted, he’d have some trouble keeping a low profile, but he could always move somewhere else. Surely people in Alaska had plumbing problems or electrical issues.

Before he could articulate any of that though, John went on. “I think you could really leverage some of that media attention and become a rising star yourself.”

“What do you mean? Like, book deals and stuff?”

“Lord no! Something with a bit more bite to it than that.” John laughed. “I’m saying you could run for office yourself. Nothing too big of course, just some local, low stakes races at first.”

“You really think so?”

“My boy, I know so. You’ve got that youthful fire in your belly. Me, I can help you, but I’m an old fart. I haven’t got the time left to keep the torch burning. That’s why, if you choose, I’d like to pass it down to you.”

Kyle mulled it over for a minute, keeping John in momentary suspense as he digested John’s words. If he struck out on his own, he wouldn’t be as beholden to other people’s standards, wouldn’t have to muzzle himself on the policies he believed in, and he’d be able to make a difference, a real difference.

“What do you think I should do?” Kyle asked?


Christian lazily watched the TV announcing the winner of the 2000 presidential election, straining his eyes to see the harsh blue light in the darkened room, only a crack of sunlight from the dusty curtains providing any other source of light. He groaned and slowly sat up, head pounding from whatever he had been doing the night before. Empty beer cans clanked and crunched noisily at his feet as he trod his way to the kitchen. He was only mildly surprised to see Bruno cooking pancakes there, as the younger teen was a much more experienced drinker than himself.

“What’s up,” Christian asked, opening the fridge and grabbing an already opened carton of milk.

“We’ve got a busy day ahead of us today,” Bruno replied, “We’re hitting the streets for the next couple of weeks. Election season has been a huge boon and every anarchist in the city is going to be downtown pissed off at Bush.”

“Wait really?” Christian replied, taking a swig of milk. Since getting to Bruno’s he’d just hid out here and partied – this was an escalation he didn’t know if he was ready for yet. He considered calling his parents until Bruno started talking again.

“You’ll be fine man,” he said, “they got bigger fish to fry then someone who skipped on bail on a weapons charge. Besides, we’ll blend in with the crowd.” Bruno placed some pancakes on a couple plates before looking at Christian with that same smirk he had on him when they were locked up together.

Christian weakly smiled back, taking his pancakes. “Alright,” he said, “I’m in.”



-CNN, January 20th, 2001


Hitting the ground running on the topic of education, President Bush has put forward his federal education plan on Tuesday, seeking to drastically alter and reform what he and other Republicans have characterized as a failing education system.

“We must focus the spending of federal tax dollars on things that work," Bush said. "Too often, we have spent without regard for results, without judging success or failure from year to year."

One of the most controversial proposals in the President’s plan concerns the implementation of a voucher system, where federal funding going to schools that consistently underperform would be broken up and distributed to parents for use in providing a private education or a transfer to a local school. Most contentious has been a proposal to use such funds to support individual homeschooling initiatives, as part of a conservative effort to shore up support among families that provide education to children in the comfort of their own home. [3]

Most Democrats oppose the idea of federal vouchers, claiming that any divestment of federal funding to public schools would only leave failing public schools further in the dust.

-CNN, January 23rd, 2001

The young man carefully handled his photographs, having developed them with practiced ease. Wouldn’t want them damaged now, hell no. These pictures would be part of his legacy, alongside his journal, his video tapes, his webpage, everything.

To think he considered winging it and having someone else develop his pictures! It’s true he didn’t need money anymore, and just as true he could’ve spent the extra time doing something else, but he talked himself out of it. The risk was too great. Why fumble the ball at the goal line? At that point it would’ve been better to have never planned anything at all, to trash everything and forget the whole scheme. He couldn’t bring himself to turn back now.

He placed the pictures of himself posing with guns in a yellow envelope and searched for some stamps to mail it properly.

[1] Largely as OTL
[2] OTL: https://web.archive.org/web/2004092...LLPOLITICS/stories/01/23/bush.wrap/index.html
[3] Except for the bit about homeschooling, all these policies were proposed, but ultimately cut, from No Child Left Behind.
Oh geez, another attack in the making? I’m horrified about what might happen next…

Also regarding your response to my question, I guess that means that, in the general scheme of things, we Scandinavians seem to be mostly unscathed…for now at least. Who knows what you may have in store for this world though. Anyways, great chapter as always. Looking forward to seeing Kyle’s potential future career in politics as well.
@SirCecil It is true that the average bully is highly unlikely to be intelligent enough to use "preemptive reasoning" to justify his violence alleging "preventing another Columbine".

That said, bullies don't need to believe it, just realize that saying that makes teachers pretend they don't see or hear anything when the bully is attacking their victims.

I don't think preemptive reasoning would even be accepted as a justification if it were offered mostly because it doesn't make any sense on its face. Furthermore I don't think you would need such an "altruistic" motive to justify bullying, if you look at OTL and the bullying and ostracization of dissident teens suffered the only justification that was needed - as articulated by people like Evan Todd - was that "those kinds of kids" are strange and wrong and thus deserve maltreatment. It's as simple and childish as that.
Keep in mind Joe Ricci has a painful death by cancer awaiting him in 2001 unless he gets butterfly-induced karma ahead of time
Will the abusiveness and corruption of the teen treatment industry be exposed far earlier?
Possibly later due to restrictions on social media. That's one thing the old media has been utterly powerless to stop. I realize that this is an unpopular thing to say these days, but Élan School would still be in business if it wasn't for social media.

Fun fact: Élan was featured in an Academy Award nominee tell-all documentary about the abuses of the troubled teen industry. Nominated for the 1984 Academy Awards, I mean.

Will that change if the next mass shooter’s manifesto blamed the TTI or the attack is aimed at one of the facilities? Or if someone grabs a gun after hearing horror stories to “liberate” those kids?
Hasn't happened IOTL, and TTL's troubled teen industry isn't actually worse than OTL's. So far, all the involved parents have gotten off lightly – that is, lonely at age 60-70, as opposed to stabbed to death in their beds at 40-50.

How likely is it that John and Shannon’s parents will have something to say to the world when they see their children again?
Zero. They don't love their children and they never did. Let's not forget that overzealous school officials don't send children to troubled teen and/or gay conversion camps, parents do.
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Part 15, Festering Wounds (January-September, 2001)
“I know we’re gonna have followers because we’re so fucking godlike”

-Dylan Klebold


Tragedy struck this afternoon in De Anza college, in Cupertino, California, as a student San Jose police have identified as 19 year old Al DeGuzman embarked on a horrific killing spree. The attack occurred at 12:35, which saw improvised explosives devastate the campus cafeteria while DeGuzman, dressed in black, fired at students fleeing the scene. Police have claimed at estimated 25 have died, including the gunman, who took his own life. De Anza college has been evacuated of its 10,000 students and 1,000 faculty on fear of further bombs being planted on campus. [2]

The attack immediately brought to mind the 1999 Columbine massacre, in which Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold initiated a similar attack involving explosives and firearms. Police have confirmed that DeGuzman was influenced by the attack on Columbine, mentioning that he had “paid homage” to them on his personal website, which has since been taken down, and in private writings and videos that have not yet been released to the public. The attack comes sixteen days after portions of the infamous Harris and Klebold tapes were released to the media[3], after members of the Columbine Review Comission were allegedly warned that publication of such material could lead to copycat attacks.

Friends of DeGuzman have expressed shock and disbelief…

-SF Gate, January 30th, 2001


President Bush today ordered all flags to be lowered half-mast in mourning the 24 victims of the brutal attack on De Anza college, now considered the worst day of violence on an American college campus. Bush has pledged to meet with victims and their families later this week while imploring lawmakers to amend the Juvenile Justice Act of 1999 to include provisions on college campus safety.

“Schools should be places of safety and sanctuary and learning. When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom and every American community.” Bush said in televised remarks.[4]

Schools nationwide have closed amid bomb and shooting threats that have once again deluged beleaguered school administrators and law enforcement in a repeat of the aftermath of the Columbine massacre two years ago. The killings at De Anza and new wave of threats has sparked fears among authorities that the events of April 1999 has inspired a new generation of disaffected students to take up arms, emulating Columbine killers Harris and Klebold as role models.

-LA Times, February 1st, 2001

Internal memo from the Bush administration

Take some people who are experienced in counter-terrorism and see if they can help federal, state, and local police out on school violence […] These nihilistic teenagers have managed to kill more Americans than any anti-government militia group or foreign terrorist organization, and have now proven to be building off each other, increasing in number…


Officer Taylor sipped on a gas station coffee, wiping his mustache dry as he watched the kids line up from afar. The line moved slower than usual, owing to new security measures put in place after the killings at De Anza; now all students had to have their backpacks thoroughly searched before entry. Taylor kept himself partly hidden behind a corner, on the off chance he’d be able to catch some wrongdoers by surprise.

At least that’s what he told himself as he absentmindedly stirred the coffee. He’d come to realize shortly after becoming a police officer that most of the job is boring, bureaucratic work, and he thusly lowered all his expectations moving forward now that his idealism was shattered. But this? This was babysitting, pure and simple. He hadn’t had to deal with anything more serious than spitballs and paper airplanes, and maybe the occasional roughhousing typical of idiot teens. He took a final sip of his coffee and rounded the corner to throw the rest in the trash can, figuring he’d get started on his patrols.

What he saw next made him jump in shock, spilling the coffee all over himself. Right behind the trash can was a kid pulling a revolver out of his backpack, out of sight from the kids in line. Without thinking, Taylor closed the distance between himself and the kid, taking several gallops forward, and pulled out his pepper spray.

“Freeze!” he shouted. But operating on pure instinct, he didn’t hesitate as the kid looked at him with eyes widened in shock and jerked backwards into the trashcan. He just sprayed. The kid yelped in pain before descending into coughing fits, face turning pumpkin orange from the gas. His own nose running and eyes burning, Taylor pumped the whole can of gas on the kid, grabbing the gun and wrenching it out of the kid’s hand.

That’s how Charles “Andy” Williams was rendered a footnote, briefly covered in the local news, then forgotten.[5]


“I’m telling you it’s a risk,” said Jim Samples. He and the president of Cartoon Network, Betty Cohen, were walking through the front lobby of the building as the two of them conversed. “It’s not that I’m against the program entirely, but we’re working in an environment where we’ve got parents, politicians, all sorts of interest groups ready to run people off over what they see in movies and TV.”

Cohen sighed. “I doubt our planned programming would attract that kind of negative attention. At most I can’t see it rising to the level it has with other, more explicit works like horror movies or rap artists.”

“You’re probably right,” said Samples, “but I’m not sure we should risk angering our advertisers, catering to adults when we’re primarily a kid oriented network. I say at least wait until the heat dies down, give it a year or so so that we’re not running so close to another major tragedy.”

Cohen let out a brief “hm” as the pair arrived at an elevator. She pushed the up button and told Samples “Alright, put Parental Block[6] on hold for a while.”



-CNN, April 6th, 2001


Following an assault charge last year, the infamous shock rapper Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, has been sentenced to four years in prison in a Michigan court. The charge stems from an altercation the previous year in which the rapper pistol-whipped a man he witnessed kissing his wife. The verdict comes after Eminem plead guilty to the offense, and still has pending charges in a separate criminal case in which he is accused of brandishing a gun during an argument with an associate of rival band Insane Clown Posse.[8]

-MTV.com, April 10th, 2001


-CNN, May 14th, 2001


In a vote fractured along party lines and with much debate between both parties, the Student Support Act has passed the Senate is a momentous 51-49 split, with Republican Jim Jeffords of Vermont providing a lone dissenting vote. The plan as approved would establish proficiency tests for students, performance standards for schools, and most controversially establishes a federal voucher program for students in failing schools, enabling them to use federal funding to transfer to private or different public schools. Democrats have at times lambasted the idea and asserted a voucher program would inevitably lead to the neglect of public schools.

"I commend the Senate for passing an education reform bill that will significantly improve and strengthen our public schools," Bush said. "The reforms in this bill reflect the core principles of my education agenda: accountability, flexibility, local control and more choices for parents."[9]

-CNN, June 15th, 2001


The man’s cell phone rang in his pocket, slightly surprising him. Who could be calling him this late into the plan?

“I made it through,” said Marwan. “Are you in?”

“Yeah,” the man replied. “I’m in. I’m still waiting to board my flight.”

“Understood.” Marwan hung up. The man snorted derisively, wondering what the point of such a touch and go call was. He placed his phone back in his pocket, deciding against calling any of the other soon to be hijackers, and looked at his watch. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited to board his plane, never to reach its intended destination.

[1] This is not something I made up for the story. Al DeGuzman was arrested OTL mere hours before attempting to commit a massacre. He later killed himself in prison. I assumed ITTL he would’ve been more careful in his planning. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/De-Anza-College-Bloodbath-Foiled-Photo-Clerk-2957361.php
[2] Based on the details in his OTL trial: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Foiled-plot-a-test-at-trial-Man-had-notes-on-2843587.php
[3] Refer back to Part 3: https://www.alternatehistory.com/fo...tragedy-shaped-a-nation.541030/#post-24158077
[4] These were his OTL remarks when Virginia Tech happened. https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/gwbushvatechshootingsannouncement.htm
[5] He killed two people OTL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_Santana_High_School_shooting
[6] Parental Block was the original name for Adult Swim.
[7] Was shaved down to $1.2 trillion OTL thanks to a more divided Congress: https://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/04/06/senate.budget.03/index.html
[8] He avoided prison time in both criminal cases OTL: https://web.archive.org/web/2002102...m/news/articles/1442657/20010410/eminem.jhtml https://web.archive.org/web/2010120...0/news/articles/1442656/20010410/eminem.jhtml
[9] OTL: https://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/05/14/bush.guns/index.html
[10] OTL remarks: https://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/06/14/senate.education/index.html
Happy Halloween! This will probably be the last update for some time while I continue to do research and carefully consider the direction I want to take the story. With that in mind, if there are any questions, concerns, or ideas you'd like to share, don't hesitate to comment.

Zero. They don't love their children and they never did. Let's not forget that overzealous school officials don't send children to troubled teen and/or gay conversion camps, parents do.

Actually some parents have indeed been completely duped by programs like Elan, and have indeed been incensed over the maltreatment of their children. And while you may be right that school officials can't send children to these youth internment camps, judges and prosecutors can easily shift children into these places (or at least suggest them) as proposed alternatives to incarceration. In fact many of the youths that will be trapped in these places ITTL are going to end up there largely as a result of over-policing.
I think this is very well written, but I think a bit of focus on urban/majority-minority school districts is necessary.

There are going to be clear divides between some school communities on the implementation of things like SROs and metal detectors, while at more affluent schools within the same districts you’ll see concern and opposition. Another interesting factor is the impact on urban growth amid fairly equal implementation of school safety measures backed by the federal government. The late 1990s and early 2000s were the nadir of urban decline and the beginning of turnaround for some places like D.C. It’s possible you don’t see as much growth in urban or suburban areas.
“I’m telling you it’s a risk,” said Jim Samples. He and the president of Cartoon Network, Betty Cohen, were walking through the front lobby of the building as the two of them conversed. “It’s not that I’m against the program entirely, but we’re working in an environment where we’ve got parents, politicians, all sorts of interest groups ready to run people off over what they see in movies and TV.”

Cohen sighed. “I doubt our planned programming would attract that kind of negative attention. At most I can’t see it rising to the level it has with other, more explicit works like horror movies or rap artists.”

“You’re probably right,” said Samples, “but I’m not sure we should risk angering our advertisers, catering to adults when we’re primarily a kid oriented network. I say at least wait until the heat dies down, give it a year or so so that we’re not running so close to another major tragedy.”

Cohen let out a brief “hm” as the pair arrived at an elevator. She pushed the up button and told Samples “Alright, put Parental Block[6] on hold for a while.”
*takes a deep breath*.....................

Okay, I could see why they wouldn't want to risk losing their audience and the ire of parents, but what happens to Toonami? Does it become more like Miguzi? If so, then CN might NOT EVEN be around by 2007......
I think this is very well written, but I think a bit of focus on urban/majority-minority school districts is necessary.

There are going to be clear divides between some school communities on the implementation of things like SROs and metal detectors, while at more affluent schools within the same districts you’ll see concern and opposition. Another interesting factor is the impact on urban growth amid fairly equal implementation of school safety measures backed by the federal government. The late 1990s and early 2000s were the nadir of urban decline and the beginning of turnaround for some places like D.C. It’s possible you don’t see as much growth in urban or suburban areas.

Yeah, there's definitely got to be a major difference in how militarized schools are going to be in poorer, urban, and minority-majority school districts vs. wealthier, suburban, and white majority school districts. Zero tolerance and harsh discipline programs OTL are already frequently used to justify racial profiling of POC students and and OTL the levels of militarization OTL varies drastically by school district. I imagine a lot of already struggling school districts ITTL will still have no federal grants available for high quality teachers or new learning materials, but will find such grants for turning their building into a glorified prison extremely easy to acquire. Meanwhile your average suburb or exurb will probably see few changes other than a few extra cops milling about and maybe a security filter at the entranceways.

The Bush administration was already pretty anti-investment in urban areas, its only going to be worse here. I imagine the nadir of urban decline ittl will continue well into the early aughts, as the Bush administration rejects most any form of federal investment that would boost such areas. Sure things wont be as dire as the 70s, but any urban rebounding ittl will have to come entirely out of state coffers.
*takes a deep breath*.....................

Okay, I could see why they wouldn't want to risk losing their audience and the ire of parents, but what happens to Toonami? Does it become more like Miguzi? If so, then CN might NOT EVEN be around by 2007......
If I had to guess, none of the UC Gundam isn't going to make it to air.
If I had to guess, none of the UC Gundam isn't going to make it to air.
Correction, it will not be issued in the United States.

At the very least, 0079, Zeta, ZX and possibly CCA already exist and are already broadcast in Japan.

In any case, this is a minor concern, since the first Gundam series to air in the United States... was Gundam Wing, which will definitely NOT aired in USA, and will instead be subject to boycotts with racist rhetoric.

(A series starring teenagers at the controls of weapons of mass destruction who behave like terrorists? Yeah, no, that's just not airing on TTL America.)
Correction, it will not be issued in the United States.

At the very least, 0079, Zeta, ZX and possibly CCA already exist and are already broadcast in Japan.

In any case, this is a minor concern, since the first Gundam series to air in the United States... was Gundam Wing, which will definitely NOT aired in USA, and will instead be subject to boycotts with racist rhetoric.

(A series starring teenagers at the controls of weapons of mass destruction who behave like terrorists? Yeah, no, that's just not airing on TTL America.)
According to wikipedia, Gundam Wing's first episode premiered on Toonami on March 6th, 2000. Almost a year after the columbine shootings.
If I had to guess, none of the UC Gundam isn't going to make it to air.
Correction, it will not be issued in the United States.

At the very least, 0079, Zeta, ZX and possibly CCA already exist and are already broadcast in Japan.

In any case, this is a minor concern, since the first Gundam series to air in the United States... was Gundam Wing, which will definitely NOT aired in USA, and will instead be subject to boycotts with racist rhetoric.

(A series starring teenagers at the controls of weapons of mass destruction who behave like terrorists? Yeah, no, that's just not airing on TTL America.)
OMG!!!!!! That's a bummer......

Can it at least be released on DVD still?

As for an replacement, can I say......................Paltabor or Magic Knight Rayearth?
According to wikipedia, Gundam Wing's first episode premiered on Toonami on March 6th, 2000. Almost a year after the columbine shootings.
Yes, but Toonami is only the distributor in North America, not the one who actually does the work of creating the series.

The fact that Toonami refused to buy the broadcast rights (which is quite likely in this scenario) does not necessarily mean that the producers in Japan decide that they are going to cancel it.

Especially since Japanese artistic production companies are not as oriented toward depending on an international market to guarantee their survival as American ones.
Patlabor would be a good replacement but there's probably going to need to be a dubism that ages Noa up to at least 18.
Yes, but Toonami is only the distributor in North America, not the one who actually does the work of creating the series.

The fact that Toonami refused to buy the broadcast rights (which is quite likely in this scenario) does not necessarily mean that the producers in Japan decide that they are going to cancel it.

Especially since Japanese artistic production companies are not as oriented toward depending on an international market to guarantee their survival as American ones.
Right. If anything, I could see it being a DVD-exclusive release.