Plausibility/ACH: Fascist Spain and Nazi Germany switch fates.

Obviously not too sure if it possible, but still an interesting idea to analyze.

Anyway, what I am suggesting is if it possible for Franco to take Spain down a hardliner Nazi path similar to OTL Nazi Germany, and for Hitler and Nazi Germany to take the more Spanish Franco route - as in Hitler does rebuild Germany similarly to OTL, but when he dies he gives the throne back to the Hohenzollern family thus making Germany a monarchy today. This would make Spain the possible WW2 victim/villain which had to be invaded similar to the fate of Germany in WW2.

Only problem is I am not too sure who exactly Franco would ostracize like Hitler did with the Jews. Was there actually a Jewish minority he could ostracize in the same way?
Spanish "Lebensraum" could possibly be a united Iberian Peninsular, maybe with some of Southern France and North Africa - not too sure if they want to take back their lost colonies in the New World (but the dream has to be kept alive for that)
Obviously not too sure if it possible, but still an interesting idea to analyze.

Anyway, what I am suggesting is if it possible for Franco to take Spain down a hardliner Nazi path similar to OTL Nazi Germany, and for Hitler and Nazi Germany to take the more Spanish Franco route - as in Hitler does rebuild Germany similarly to OTL, but when he dies he gives the throne back to the Hohenzollern family thus making Germany a monarchy today. This would make Spain the possible WW2 victim/villain which had to be invaded similar to the fate of Germany in WW2.

Only problem is I am not too sure who exactly Franco would ostracize like Hitler did with the Jews. Was there actually a Jewish minority he could ostracize in the same way?
Spanish "Lebensraum" could possibly be a united Iberian Peninsular, maybe with some of Southern France and North Africa - not too sure if they want to take back their lost colonies in the New World (but the dream has to be kept alive for that)
Most Jews and Muslims in Spain had been expelled in the 15th century just after the Reconquista ended. Franco's biggest enemies were Basque and Catalan separatists