
A photo of Adolf Hitler eating the head of a Unicorn (Equus monoceros) for his dinner, circa late 1930s to early 1940s.

Nick O'Bannon (1983-2010), the almost-member of the Immortal Eight. Nick survived the McKinley Speedway Incident, and went on to survive the fifth death streak since the North Bay Bridge collapse in 2000. Death almost claimed him at a cafe, which was named Death by Caffeine. However, with the help of another premonition, he managed to leave the cafe seconds before a truck drove into it, killing his friends Lori Milligan and Janet Cunningham.

In early 2010, Nick heard about the rapidly-growing Immortal Seven and decided to call Alex Browning to see if he could be available to meet the group in person. Alex agreed and arranged a meetup date for the next morning, which would never be fulfilled. While walking to Alex's place, Nick slipped onto the pavement and died after hitting his skull on the concrete.


Sharon Dearing, the eighth member of the Immortal Eight. She was a manager of the Clark Building, and was known for helping save 12 people from the collapse of the Clark Building (from structural instability) by following the guidance of the Immortal Seven, who grew in popularity after the disaster. She managed to get 2 more people into Alex's safehouse: Owen Pirsling and Xander Thomas. However, both left to go buy groceries for the group, and were killed in an automobile accident. This left Sharon as the sole survivor of the Clark Building streak, forcing her to join the Immortal Eight.

The Mars Mission Simulator helped Ares crews practice the most challenging phases of Martian entry, descent and landing

The Mars Mission Simulator (MMS) consisted of two simulators in Building 5 of Johnson Space Centre (JSC). The Fixed-Base Simulator (FBS) included high-fidelity mock-ups of the Mars Exploration Module (MEM) Ascent Stage cabin, as well as a low-fidelity mock-up of the Descent Stage laboratory area. The Motion-Base Simulator (MBS) consisted of the Ascent Stage cabin. It utilized a six-axis hexapod motion system with an additional extended pitch axis to provide motion cuing for all phases of Martian entry, descent and landing, as well as ascent and orbital insertion.

The MBS provided crews with computer generated visual scenes out of the downward looking windows only, while the FBS supplied downward, aft, and rendezvous window views. Simulation software modelled all MEM systems including many pre-programmed malfunctions, response to cockpit controls, and interactions between systems. Building 5 at JSC also contained FBS of the Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) and Skylab stations, as well as MBS’s of the CSM and Mission Module Command Post, which simulated Ares stack transposition and docking.

Before each Ares flight, astronauts logged many months in these simulators; and during Trans Mars Cruise, had a small computer simulator aboard the space vehicle which they used to practice the most challenging parts of the mission.

A us carrier ferrying planes for the japanese national goverment during the jcp rebellion (1952-1965). The war started after the goverment enacted a crackdown on the jcp which in turn began sabotaging infrastructure and goverment building in particular though the rebellion wouldnt officialy start until the JCP assinated both the emperor and his wife (alongside a couple of american soldier that was guarding them and multiple japanese police) this and combined with the soviet funding arms and funds to the JCP lead to a gruelling rebellion that would last until 1965
Scenes from Doctor Strange (1992) starring Jeffrey Coombs in the title role.

These are actually scenes from "Doctor Mordrid" (1992) released direct to video by Full Moon Entertainment (their normal business model). It was originally meant to be an actual Doctor Strange movie but the producers were going for a "R" rating which Marvel Comics objected to. Despite having lost the IP, Full Moon decided to go ahead with the movie anyway, simply changing the names of the main characters (Doctor strange became Doctor Mordrid & Baron Mordo became Kabal) and slightly retooling the background of the main character (he is an interdimensional being instead of a human). Had the deal not fell through, you might have seen a "Marvel / Full Moon Cinematic Universe" during the mid-90s.

If you can find it online, the story is clearly a Doctor Strange one and actually fairly entertaining in all of its low-budget glory.
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My Life As An Adult Audroid About 1st World Problems Like A Lack Of Modafinil In The Morning
(2009, MTV.) After the cancelled of MLAATR.​

A still from an Instagram post made by the account @real_wanda_m (owned by anomaly KTE-12323-Green-L'Engle, otherwise known as Wanda Maximoff) on December 3, 2023.

[sirens sounding]
[KTE-12323-GREEN-L'ENGLE looks up]
KTE-12323-GREEN-L'ENGLE: I think it's gonna kill us.
[sirens sounding]
[brief flash of light]

At 1403 hours on December 3, 2023, the Global Occult Coalition performed a successful neutralization of KTE-12323-Green-L'Engle in an undisclosed location in the former Eastern European state of Sokovia.
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