
A screenshot from the popular 2012 animated film Mega Man, based off of the iconic video game series, depicting the reveal of Rocky the protagonist as "Mega Man" about to go on his mission to avenge Dr. Light and go to war against Dr. Wily and his army of robots. The film has been jokingly referred to as an "Electronic Rock Opera" as the popular soundtrack contained bands such as The Protomen, The Megas, Ninja Sex Party and TWRP, with "The Will of One" playing in the scene where Mega Man begins his mission.​

Super Squadron, an American superhero television series produced by George Lucas' Lucasfilms that lasted from 1975-1977 that would eventually launch the Power Rangers franchise.


1993's Mighty Morphin Primal Rangers, the 16th season of Power Rangers would propel the franchise to new heights not seen since the franchise's first series Super Squadron thanks to the series' head writer, Haim Saban.


Still from the final episode of Power Rangers: Pirate Legacy, serving as the 35th anniversary season that would rival the popularity of its predecessors.
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Fan image depicting The Undertaker's WrestleMania Streak as of 2012, with the center piece being Undertaker vs. The Rock at WrestleMania 28. Taker would win that match and add The Rock to his list of victims.
1914 - President of the United States Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, though condescending and paternalistic when it came to African Americans would be remembered for his actions, in particular during the first world war, where he, thinking strategically would sign a civil rights amendment, seeing it as a way to grant access to more able bodied men.

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1915 - The sinking of Oscar II, better known as the Peace Ship was among the key factors which strengthened American involvement in what many still saw as a European war. Among two of the passengers of the vessel as it was sunk by a German U-boat were the American tycoon Henry Ford and the former presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson.

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Another factor that lead the Americans into war was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917, one that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico, one which would see Mexico recovering Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Seen above is photo taken from a Mexican attack on the U.S.

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Seen above is an aerial reconnaissance photograph taken of a Mexican village on the Southern Front during the armed push lead by General John J. Pershing of the 8th Brigade.

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Among the most intriguing figures of the First World War, in particular Americas involvement in the war was an African American woman by the name of Viola Abrams, who had originally served the United States as among the many black nurses stationed in Fort Bliss, one who yearned a chance to prove herself before eventually entering the war a spy...

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The infamous, exotic and seductive Mata Hari, also known as Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, who worked as a spy for the French Deuxième Bureau was among the many spies to have crossed paths with Viola Abrams, with one of her post war books alluding to a close, some could say romantic relationship with the American spy, far from the only woman.

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Seen above is Captain Frederick "Fritz" Joubert Duquesne, South African Boer and German soldier, big-game hunter, spy, and among the many spies to have met Viola Abrams, in fact, the infamous spy, dubbed by many (Possibly just himself) to be the "Boer Baron Munchausen", claimed to have been, for lack of a better word the nemesis of Viola Abrams.
For those of you curious, I've actually written a story about the Viola Abrams character which I may put on the writers forum.

A 2019 image of Alexander "Alex" Browning, member of the Immortal Eight, who have successfully survived the infamous brushes with death following the 2000 North Bay Bridge collapse. A former student of Mt. Abraham High School, Alex survived the Volée Airlines Flight 180 explosion in 2000, and has been targeted by plausible yet absurd opportunities for death ever since. Alex was initially implicated in the deaths of his teacher Valerie, and his classmates Tod, Terry, Billy, and Carter, but evidence wasn't enough to fully incriminate him. Ultimately dropping out of school to focus on finding ways to beat his impending death, him and his now-wife Claire Browning have consistently found ways to avoid dying in the years since the Flight 180 disaster, while maintaining a celebrity status among some.


2021 image of Claire "Clear" Browning (née Rivers), Alex's wife. Also a student of Mt. Abraham High School, she helped Alex throughout the second death streak surrounding Flight 180 and its survivors. She voluntarily exiled herself to a mental hospital months after the death of her classmate Carter Horton, where she remained until finding a sufficient "death-proofed" house. In the mental hospital, she gave advice to college student Kimberly Corman, who survived the third streak of mysterious deaths, this time surrounding the Route 23 pile-up, allowing her to survive along with police officer Thomas Burke. Member of the Immortal Eight.


Kimberly Corman, survivor of the Route 23 pile-up, and writer of the best-selling "Final Destination" novel series, which was based off of the experiences of people involved in the North Bay Bridge collapse, Flight 180 disaster, and Route 23 pile up. This novel series is famously credited for saving students Wendy Christensen, Julie Christensen, and Kevin Fischer, during the fourth streak of the now-dubbed "180 deaths". Member of the Immortal Eight.

The next images involve Thomas, Wendy, and Julie.
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Kimberly Corman, survivor of the Route 23 pile-up, and writer of the best-selling "Final Destination" novel series, which was based off of the experiences of people involved in the North Bay Bridge collapse, Flight 180 disaster, and Route 23 pile up. This novel series is famously credited for saving students Wendy Christensen, Julie Christensen, and Kevin Fischer, during the fourth streak of the now-dubbed "180 deaths".
I see what you did there with that.

David Hasselhoff as Victor Lee (Ranger One) in Super Squadron, which would later become the first series in Lucasfilm's Power Rangers franchise. Hasselhoff would later reprise the role in future installments of the franchise, such as the fan-favorite 25th-anniversary movie Power Rangers: Forever Red.


Austin St. John as Jason Lee Scott (TyrannoRanger), who later be revealed as the nephew of Victor Lee, in Mighty Morphin Primal Rangers. Like Hasselhoff, he would later reprise his role in future installments.


Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Marvelous (Pirate Red Ranger) in Power Rangers: Pirate Legacy, the 35th anniversary series of the franchise. After the series' climatic finale, O'Donoghue's character would later become a favorite amongst audiences worldwide.

Former police officer Thomas Burke, Kimberly's friend ever since the Route 23 pile-up incident. He decided to retire from the police force shortly after and has accompanied Kimberly in writing the Final Destination novel series, as well as their own set of non-fiction books about the inspiring incidents which have gained lesser popularity.

Many years after the incident, at a store called Goldstein's Hardware, Thomas saved Kimberly from a potentially gruesome fate via a woodchipper, their closest approach to death thus far.*

Being part of the Immortal Eight, the group has successfully kept its members safe ever since its creation back in 2006 after the Train 081 subway crash, resulting in the miraculous survival of 3 of its passengers: Wendy and Julie Christensen, and Kevin Fischer.

*This ending (albeit resulting in both Kimberly and Thomas getting killed) is part of the "Choose Your Fate" special feature on the Final Destination 3 DVD, and its canonicity is disputed among the fanbase. Along with the ambiguous ending of Final Destination 3, this scenario explores a world where they survive.


A 2015 picture of Wendy Christensen, former student at McKinley High School. In 2005, she was involved in the Devil's Flight Roller Coaster crash, but managed to survive it, as well as the string of mysterious incidents following it, the fourth since the North Bay Bridge Collapse in 2000. She attributes her survival to the Final Destination novel series whose plotline was eerily similar to their predicament back then. Wendy decided to join the Immortal Eight† shortly after the train crash that almost took her life and her friends.

†There was an eighth person who survived the events of The Final Destination but never got to join the Immortal Seven. (An eighth person would later join the group.) His story will be detailed in the next post.


A 2018 picture of Julie Christensen, Wendy's sister. Julie herself almost got caught up in that iteration of the "180 deaths" during the Tri-Centennial Fair in 2005, but ultimately lived thanks to the timely intervention of Kevin Fischer. She went on to help Wendy in her research, often consulting the late coroner William Bludworth (d. 2017) after realizing he might have helped Kimberly's and Alex's group survive death's grasp.

She is a member of the Immortal Eight.
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Where do the Final Destination novels play into this, @shearsforest?
Still somewhat popular and have been adapted into films of their own (who enjoy a status similar to that of OTL's Final Destination films, and bump in popularity every time a death streak occurs). There are currently 3 Final Destination films ITTL, and 8 novels.

There have been 7 death streaks (and 1 suspected) since the North Bay Bridge collapse:
  1. The North Bay streak (2000), starting with Sam Lawton's premonition of the bridge collapsing. No survivors, with Sam and his girlfriend Molly Harper both being killed on Flight 180. This streak is covered in Final Destination 5, albeit with some changes to the story to fix the timeline.
  2. The Flight 180 streak (2000), starting with Alex Browning's premonition of the plane exploding. Only Alex and his now-wife Clear Rivers have survived. This streak is covered in Final Destination 1.
  3. The Route 23 streak (2001), starting with Kimberly Corman's premonition of a pile-up on Route 23. Only Kimberly and her best friend Thomas Burke have survived. This streak is covered in Final Destination 2, but mainly diverges when Kimberly goes to the mental hospital to meet Clear. In this timeline, Clear rejects Kimberly, who manages to figure out Death's order on her own. The sequence of deaths in the film still remains the same with the exception of Clear and Alex staying alive by passing incidents between each other.
  4. The Devil's Flight streak (2005), starting with Wendy Christensen's premonition of the Devil's Flight rollercoaster malfunctioning. Only Wendy, her sister Julie, and her friend Kevin Fischer have survived the string of events. This streak is covered in Final Destination 3, but in this timeline, she isn't just helped by the pictures, but also by the Final Destination novels Kimberly wrote.
  5. The McKinley Speedway streak (2009), starting with Nick O'Bannon's premonition of the disaster at the McKinley Speedway. Nick manages to survive, but gets killed shortly after. The streak is covered in The Final Destination, but in this timeline, he realizes Death's trap way earlier and offers to leave the cafe. His friends stay and get killed, leaving him as the only survivor of the Speedway streak. A year later, Nick finally decides to formally join the Immortal Seven but he trips on the pavement on his way to their place, dying from blunt force trauma.
  6. The Clark Building streak (2011), starting with Sharon Dearing's premonition of the Clark Building collapsing. Sharon ends up surviving and joins the Immortal Seven, to offer her own research on Death's design.
  7. The Ocean Queen streak (2012), starting with Rose Bailey's premonition of the Ocean Queen sinking. 43 passengers get killed in the streak, with its last survivor, Alan Parsons, sacrificing himself to save a little girl, Katie, from an automobile collision. By this point, the Final Destination novels become mainstream and its first film has been released. The little girl's mother, Veronica Mirone, takes her to the Immortal Seven to find a way to survive, but she doesn't find any solution other than to watch out for premonitions. Six years later, Katie is now attending high school when a fire breaks out, leading to...
  8. The Mt. Abraham High streak (2018), starting with Katie Mirone's premonition of the building burning down. Katie and her friends Aaron Reeves, Janet Carson, Warren K. Loren, Tyler Banks, and Isabella Sarina manage to survive thanks to the help of the Final Destination franchise, passing their death chances onto each other and continuing the streak to 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic toughened things but Katie and her friends kept up with each other, offering tips from the now-Immortal Eight, whose popularity now makes them one of the most famous groups in recent American history.
Still somewhat popular and have been adapted into films of their own (who enjoy a status similar to that of OTL's Final Destination films, and bump in popularity every time a death streak occurs). There are currently 3 Final Destination films ITTL, and 8 novels.
Well, was talking about the Final Destination novels written IOTL.