Philip of Valois captures Edward III and the Black Prince

Before the English crossing of the Somme and the subsequent battle of Crecy the French army almost managed to catch the English and came as close as 10 km from them; the English army was at a really low point as the French had ravaged the land east of the Somme, so it wasn't until after the crossing that they managed to resupply; and even worse in case the French army managed to catch them they would be surrounded as the Blanchetaque garrison was at the west. So, the French managed to catch them, a battle occurs and the English lose as every odd is against them, the king and the prince are captured.

I've read some posts about an early French victory in the hundred years war, and most people say that if Edward fails he will just try again and be successful, but I don't think this necessarily the case, I think at least this scenario could end the "hundred" years war, England will need to pay an impressive ramson for the king and the heir apparent and king Philip can force pretty much every condition. Like stop supporting the Montfort in Brittany, break the alliance with Flanders and most importantly Gascony, as there's no way he would let them keep it even if it allows him to style himself as the overlord of king of England, because the reason he could not react in time to the invasion of Normandy was that his army was busy in Gascony. Another reason I think this is the case is that the king will probably lose a lot of power and prestige after such a humiliation, the parliament will grow in power in order to pay for the ransom, and the nobles will become more autonomous in the meantime due to the lack of control of the king; while in France people think Philip is a great king after a seemingly impressive victory. But what do you think about this is this war just destined to be long and England to be successful because of the longbowmen?

Another thing is how France may develop, many say is that France will remain descentralised due to the lack of nobles dying and the lack of unity without a common threat, but at this time the king held a fairly good amount of power and a lot of titles and this kind of victory could allow him to get Gascony for himself, so I think it could go in many ways. So, do you think France will centralise?

Another thing is that I think that without the hundred years war France could become stupidly powerful, because things are just favourable to them, the HRE is at a relatively weak point and France is probably the strongest state in Europe; also the war didn't allow England and France to participate in the crusades of the time, or against the Ottomans, so this might halt their advance. So what effects you think this could have?
I think this is going to have a short term effect on both England and France, but not that the war is destined to be long or for France to centralize further than it is faster than OTL.

I mean, a king's ransom is a lot of money, but we don't see Richard's ransom either seeing the monarchy critically weakened or meaning everything went the way of Richard's enemies - I'm not sure Edward's is going to be that much worse.

The other half of that is that "try again" does not inevitably mean "be successful".

But I don't think this is going to meaningfully impact things with the Ottomans. I think that goes more or less as OTL, regardless of what happens between France and its immediate neighbors (stuff like adjusting the border with the defunct kingdom of Arles, not France dominant over the continent).