Map Thread XX

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quick and dirty size comparison for my WIP fantasy world


can anyone tell me how many square miles this is?
quick and dirty size comparison for my WIP fantasy world


can anyone tell me how many square miles this is?
Assuming a spherical planet with an equatorial diameter matching Earth, the area of your map is almost 12 million square miles, with the average pixel covering about 1.26 square miles. The map has water and land in roughly a 2:1 ratio, but I don't know how well that holds up given the distortion between the plane and the sphere.
Very excited to see this project of yours @Entrerriano! Might we see write-ups in the future?
Maybe. I didn't do one for this map because I had this sitting in my maps folder unfinished and I wanted to get it out, and I knew that if I had to do an actual write-up, I would never finish it lol. I might write my mental notes down and add them when I post this map to my personal thread, so I recommend keeping an eye on it.
From Wikipedia:
"Finlandization is the process by which one powerful country makes a smaller neighboring country abide by the former's foreign policy rules, while allowing it to keep its nominal independence and its own political system. The term means "to become like Finland" referring to the influence of the Soviet Union on Finland's policies during the Cold War."
Emperee European 2X.png

"Nihil Sine Andegavia"

A (yet again) rework of my Angevine TL. More of a spin-off, but this one moves the Germany-based TL from 2043 and so on, to 1943 and etc. Basically, the Angevines get "ISOT'd" to 1926 Bavarian Franconia, from which they start their expansion. They meet with, and proceed to kill, Hitler, Himmler, and really, any Nazi (that could challenge their power). After they seize some tasty lands, they start reaching out to the former royalty of the German Empire, offering them their thrones back. That's how a few Duchies came back to life. The other land got subsumed into a few new states.

The Confederation of the Rhine, the "successor" to the Napoleonic-Era state, is a sort of Empire-within-an-Empire, same for Elysium/Elysee. Basically, the monarch of Andegavia is also Protector of the Confederation and Emperor/Empress of Europa/Carolingia. Elysium on the other hand is this TL's equivalent to OS-Burgund from TNO. But French.

Brandenburg is Prussia on a diet, Netherlands got reduced to (I presume, please no kill) Friesland, Belgium is gone 🦀 and Burgundy and Lorraine are (hopefully) in their correct spots. Bohemia-Moravia is a fancy Czech state. They lost the Sudetenland, but instead, in theory they "share" the throne of Silesia, making Silesia, in theory, a part of the ruling dynasty's (Romanov's) lands. Poland got eaten in the 1930s, and turned into the "Polish Territory". This territory is composed of a few provinces. It has some independence and autonomy, but is in general on the backburner.

Oh yeah Free Cities are back. :p
Crossposting my MOTF submission

Alright, this map took on a life of its own. This world diverged from ours back in the Middle Ages when the French (quite temporarily) took over Egypt only to in turn fall to the Mongols. Needless to say, much has changed since then. And yet, "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose". Now, the world stands on the brink of its second major war in a generation and a province in Northern China with oddly convergent- if not identical- borders is on the verge of being sold to an old European empire that stretches out to the Pacific and beyond.

MOTF (2).png
The laptop I use to make maps, wikiboxes, etc, finally crapped out on me, so I made this trying out a browser-based image editor called Pixlr. The depiction of Saturn's moon of Titan in the game Destiny 2 is what this based off of, but it also draws heavy inspiration from @dakkafex 's amazingly written Deep Night (which everyone should go read), so in that way it's also a Deep Night appreciation post .

I used a basemap of Titan that was sitting on my desktop and modified it for this; I've lost track of who the original creator of the basemap was. If anyone happens to know or remember, please tell me so I can properly credit them.

Presented without further comment.

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