Map Thread VI

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Maps of Central America in my Peshawar lancers Redux "Liberty's Crystal Skeleton".




A slightly different version of Orwell's 1984. The map shows the world in the year 1984 (big surprise!) The Oceanic Alliance is in the dark pink British Commonwealth Color, the Union of Eurasian Socialist Republics is bright Soviet red, and the East Asian Co-prosperity sphere is bright yellow. Most of the countries in all three power blocs are still officially independent, but in reality they are largely subservient to a central leadership, so their borders are shown as dotted rather than solid lines. (It takes a surprisingly long time just to turn solid black border lines into dotted lines.) A few countries, like Argentina, Chile, and Ethiopia with the Oceanic Alliance, or Thailand in the East Asian co-prosperity sphere, are a little more independent - enough to qualify as satellite states rather than integral parts of the larger alliances. These states, however, are few and far between by the later 20th century.

Grey are the "disputed areas" - frequently fought over, but with no one side able to gain the upper hand. Of course, bothy sides might be more interested in unending war than in actually getting the upper hand.

The (admittedly very improbable) POD is a successful communist revolution in Germany after WWI, which links up with the Soviets in eastern Europe, smashing Poland between them. The Baltic states are also overrun and incorporated into the Soviet Union. The alarmed Allied powers set up non-communist German states in the Rhineland and part of Hesse, but war weariness and potential unrest at home prevent them from being able to launch an all-out war against the communists. The 1920s and 1930s see a sort of earlier "Cold War" between the UK and France, backed by Fascist Italy and several anti-communist governments in eastern and southern Europe, and intermittently supported by the USA which is slightly less isolationist than OTL due to worry about the "Red Menace". Economic hard times in the 1930s increase tensions between the two power blocks, until communist Germany sends troops into Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938 to support communist uprisings there, triggering the Second World War. The Germans and Soviets prove to be more prepared and better-led, with tactics that make better use of the newer types of military technology, and by late 1940 the communist armies have overrun most of their opponents on the continent, forcing the governments of France and Italy into exile in their colonies. The USA is unwilling to do more than supply the anti-communist armies on favorable terms, despite the intense efforts of President Willkie to persuade his countrymen that they will not be safe in the event of a communist victory. When the USA does finally declare war on the communist powers by a slim margin in the summer of 1941, it is too late. German, Russian, and allied communist forces are pushing into the Middle East, with the British, Free French, and Imperial Italian forces unable to stop them. US forces have to be committed piecemeal, and suffer several defeats due to lack of experience. Meanwhile, Japan has had the good fortune of developing slightly more far-sighted political and military leadership than in OTL. When they invade China, they are less brutal and make a stronger and more successful effort to cultivate the support of Chinese military and political leaders who are alienated from both the Nationalists and the Communists. Japan attacks UK and US forces in the Pacific in the summer of 1942, sweeping aside their depleted armies in the Phillippines, Malaya, Burma, and Indonesia over the next few months, and blocking US and Australian efforts to start a counteroffensive in 1943. In the summer of 1944, unsuccessful on all fronts, the UK, the USA, and their allies are forced to negotiate for peace with both the Russian-German led communist powers and separately with the Japanese. In the peace treaties that follow, they recognize the communist powers as dominant in continental Europe, most of North Africa, and most of Southwest Asia or the Middle East. At the same time, they recognize almost all of Japan's gains in eastern Asia and the Pacific. These peace treaties create a world dominated by three power blocs - the Communist Eurasian Union of Socialist Republics, the US-UK led alliance, which is increasingly referred to as the Oceanic Alliance due to its great naval power, and the Japanese-dominated East Asian co-Prosperity sphere. Still in the future, however, are a series of political, social, and military transformations that will result in increasing centralization and totalitarian repressiveness in all three power blocks, even in nations that had hitherto been relatively democratic.

Alternate 1984 world.png


Experimentation with Inkscape

This is the division of Madagascar from a world where the Netherlands remained in colonial competition with the English for a while. The year is about 1760. The little circles represent forts.


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A sequel to the map I posted earlier. Follows the trend of uber germanies we were having.
Burgundy is the Eurasian People's Union, red is the Latin People's Union. Current year is 1925.



My prediction of the World in 2030.

That must be one of the most believable FH maps I've seen ever. Not completely sure about the feasibility of a unified Korea, or about a Northern African union including Western Sahara, though.

An Ecuador-wank map. For bonus difficulty, I'll try to have Ecuador take over all of the territory around the Equator - worldwide. As this is a wank, it's not meant to be entirely serious...

You are awesome.


I was looking at this thread

Brill map as usual and original concept.

My only criticism is that 'rajahdom' is a bit of a redundant term. In Hindi usage, raj is the domain and rajah is the leader of it (like imperium/imperator rather than kingdom/king) so I guess it would just be 'raj'.
You are awesome.

Muchas gracias. I can't imagine it holding all that long, though - especially once synthetic rubber begins to overtake natural rubber.

Question - should I try to unify a time zone, or the Prime Meridian?

LylyCSM2 said:

Looks like the capital is somewhere around OTL's Chesapeake City, Maryland. I wonder if there'd be more interest in and concern for the Chesapeake Bay in this TL? Probably not, though at least a larger fraction of Congress would be in the Chesapeake watershed than in OTL.
Looks like the Prime Meridian slices through England, Brittany, Aquitaine, Catalonia, Algeria, West Africa, and a slice of the Antarctic.

Semi-successful Hundred Years' War for England? (No claim to France, but at least they keep Gascony et al, and gain a Breton vassal). Maybe the war ends early, with the wrap-up of the Breton War of Succession.

How to get Catalonia - and to keep Britanny - is a bit of a challenge to puzzle over.
Cool map, but the name Cuyahoga makes no sense. The Cuyahoga River is no where near OTL Columbus. Other than that, interesting map.

Switch the names of Columbus and Cuyahoga, move the latter west a bit, and you'll be good in Ohio.
Ah, see I misplaced OTL Cleveland and Columbus. Woops! But I'm pretty sure Cuyahoga (Columbus on the map) is in the right place. Note that I moved the Pennsylvania border several degrees to the west.

Looks like the capital is somewhere around OTL's Chesapeake City, Maryland. I wonder if there'd be more interest in and concern for the Chesapeake Bay in this TL? Probably not, though at least a larger fraction of Congress would be in the Chesapeake watershed than in OTL.
Yeah, you're right. Really, Cincinnatus sits on land from both Maryland and Delaware, but it looks like Chesapeake City may be close enough to be included in that land. That article makes the capital's location pretty interesting. We could see canals and maybe even a decent port in the capital.
Ah, see I misplaced OTL Cleveland and Columbus. Woops! But I'm pretty sure Cuyahoga (Columbus on the map) is in the right place. Note that I moved the Pennsylvania border several degrees to the west.

Columbus probably is, but I'd still switch the names. After all, why name a city after a river thats miles to the north?
This is from a side project I started re-working on, or rather I more or less dumped everything I had and started over.

Their are three primary PoD's, the first is that their are more Boer's, the second is that the Boer's come to view the Zulu as equals (initially just the Zulu's, eventually all Blacks) and the third is that Britain does'nt care as much about South Africa, only ever treating it as a useful transit point to India, thus leading to less investment in it.

The country names are in their primary or Official Languages.

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