Map Thread VI

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A quick FH map.


This is a map made by archaeologists from Mars, the descendents of mainly Slavic and Turkic-language speaking colonists, drawn up in the 3400s. In brief, the spacefaring power of the 2200s was a Central Asian nation, and they had a few colonies on Mars when a string of highly-radioactive asteroids going by the catchy name of KMKO-125 smashed into the Earth in the 24th century. After a thousand or so years of famine, strife and other assorted types of progress on Mars, they're starting to survey the highly radioactive remains of the Earth.

The yellow areas refer to the territorial extent of the last surviving homo sapiens cultures on Earth that were recognizably 'us', in that they buried their dead, built dwellings and so forth. The letters A, B and C stand for Linear A, Linear B and Linear C - linear in that an ethnographer can trace their descent from earlier Earth cultures; nothing to do with the writing system. Linear A died out around 2400; the Linear B cultures lasted until around 2800 and traces of the Linear C culture survive to this day.
I've been working on this for the past few days, and I'd thought I'd put it up. Its only part of a bigger map, but its the only part thats really done, so...... Yeah.

The POD is (sorry to whip the dead horse) Hastings, but afterwards, Edward keeps going at it, and manages to grab some land in the south and spreads around some French culture. The Norwegians have grabbed hold of N. Scotland, the Hebrides, W. Scotland, and Mann. They hold cultural sway over half of Ireland, some more of Scotland, and Northumbria. Meanwhile, Harold III, King of Angland, is busy with Celtic rebels in Wales and Cornwall, the Normans in the South, and d-bag jarls who are struggling for power. The Celts of Ireland and Scotland, meanwhile, are busy trying to hold back the cultural typhoon that has accompanied the Norse, while also trying to unite the several kingdoms and simultaneously trying to aide their cultural brethren in Cornwall and Wales.

As it is my first map here, feel free to comment and criticize. Thanks.

Dark Ages TL (British Isles).png
what do the purple lines mean?
Ah! I'm so sorry, I forgot to add the latest version. Here it is:

Why is technology so held back?

Looks like Old World Asteroided or something on that level...

Quite, although I've never actually defined what happened to the old world. It was never my interest really. I've just been trying to imagine how the new World Cultures would develop with no outside interference.

And here is the map.

Awesome! However, you refer to the Jewish state as Kush in the text, but Axum in the map. Also, what's the story behind the Slavonic South America?
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Most of Continental Europe of 1895, shortly before the Balkan Revolutions and Wars. Hungary, only via liberal use of military strength, has held Croatia-Slavonia and portions of the Banat.

The United Kingdoms of Zapaslavia are a pseudo-economic power in the region, acting as a major trade partner with Prussia, Russia and Romania, and has recently signed onto the the Triple Alliance (Zapaslavia, Prussia and Russia). The Entente Powers of Italy and France are currently courting Romania, Yugoslavia and Britain to act as a balance against the Allies.

Within just 10 years, millions of men would die in the Great War. But for now, there is peace.
From the same project my last few maps have been from; Interwar Europe.

Areas of Interest:

-The Irish War of Independence has come to a stand-still as Britain, while not recognizing it, has more or less stopped fighting and is in the
process of figuring out what to do.

-The Serbian Republic and State of Croats, Slovenes & Serbs is currently in the middle of merging to form the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
after debate over whether the new state would be a Republic or Monarchy lead to a few years of arguing.

-The Republic of Ukraine, Galician Soviet Republic, Russian SFR and the Democratic Republics of Armenia and Georgia are currently negotiating
the creation of a Union of Socialist Republics.

-Poland is seen by some as a 'Future Power', do to its large industrial and population base and the humanitarian and military aide (currently
receiving 4 Light Cruisers and 2 Battlecruisers and various military training) it's receiving from the United States.

-The Ottomans are currently negotiating a deal with the Italians where-in Libya would become a de jure Kingdom under Italian and Ottoman influence.

-Germany, after losing the war and seeing a Revolution leading to the proclamation of a Federal Republic (the so-called 'Dresden Republic'),
is currently suffering through economic hardship as inflation continues to rise (though not Hyperinflation..yet) and France refuses to give
any leniency in indemnities payments.

Interwar Europe.png
Awesome! However, you refer to the Jewish state as Kush in the text, but Axum in the map.


Also, what's the story behind the Slavonic South America?

Well, as OTL, small number Slavonic conquistadors overthrows an Inca empire grown brittle with age, the population even more native American numerically than the Mexico-equivalent, Slavic elite fearful of consequences of a revolt remained loyal to the Emperor. With the building of multiple rail lines to the Pacific over the last half-century, the Slav empire now can send troops and supplies more easily than before across the Pacific, helping to secure their hold, although the lower classes are increasingly restless.

Just something I made based on an idea I had awhile back.

The remise being that the Bantustans become fully independent of South Africa to the point that after the fall of the Apartheid regime they outright refuse to be reincorporated.

Bantuized South Africa.png
Communist India under the direction of Leon Trotsky? Communist Argentina? Communist Hungary?
European Commonwealth brings peace and prosperity to 1950s Europe?
China and Japan make nice in the 1930s?
Colonial Empires reorganized and saved from independence movements?
Strom Thurmond elected POTUS in 1952?
Indochina invites France back?
Alexander Kerensky president of Russia from 1926-1968?

All in the future of Eastern Wind-The Second Great War and Beyond, 1935

Here is a map of the world in 1955.

War 1935 upgraded 1955.png
An alternative outcome of WW2:

It starts with the end of WW1, the russian empire is defeated, and the the
communists with their leader Lenin take over Russia and establish the soviet union. Russia loses Finland, the baltic nations, Poland, the caucasian nations and parts of central asia, which get under british influence. Germany loses the war and France annexes all territories up to the Rhine. Austria-Hungary falls apart and several new nations are born, the czech republic, and the state of slovenes croats and serbs is established. Romania annexes Transsylvania and the Slovaks remain a part of Hungary.
As time passes, the Nazis come to power in Germany and plan to take over all of Europe. Germany starts the war on March, 12 1938, by annexing Austria and attacking the czech republic. After the incorporation of the two central european countries, Germany attacks poland and the baltic states. After the invasion of Norway and the Benelux countries, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, the ottoman empire and Japan sign the axis treaty. Serbia, the SCS State and Greece are invited to join
them, but after they refuse to do so they are attacked and occupied by the axis powers. The war continues and germany, together with italy attack France and secure the the "atlantic wall". in 1942 the 3rd Reich and it's eastern allies attack the USSR and millions of slavonic and jewish people are slaughtered in the death camps of eastern europe. Japan attacks the USSR from the east and captures much of the russian pacific coast. Due to social unrests caused by the communist misgovernment
and the war sufferings, a civil war breaks out on the free territories of the soviet empire. the communists are defeated by 1944 and the only remaining slavic royal family, the Obrenovic dynasty of Serbia is set on the russian throne by the victorius monarchists. In 1946 The Russian empire defeated Japan in the east and is pushig the Germans back to the west. There are huge national uprisings in Hungary and Serbia. Both nations can liberate themselves from the occupators. Russia unslaves
Poland, Finland the baltic states, Bohemia and finally, by April 1947 they
conquer Berlin. Hitler fled to Aachen and started peace negotiations with the Russians. The Germans are successfull and sign a peace treaty with the Russians and their allies. Germany loses it's eastern territories but manages it to hold up the western frontline. by july 1948 the Germans surprisingly win the war in western Europe. The USA isolate themselve again, so there is no cold war. The UK's Influence in Europe and central asia (which is controlled by Russia again) is pushed back, Frace loses all its colonies to Germany and the ottoman empire.
Germany And Russia are the only nuclear powers, they tested their weapons almost simultaneously. The Russians on the test range on Novaja Zemlja in april 1948, the germans 3 days later in the Sahara desert.
The nuclear weapons were never used and the use of them was banned in a treaty signed in Vienna in 1955.

Interesting points on the map:

There are 5 Baltic States (Estonija, Livonija, Kurzeme, Litva and Korolevec)
under Russian protectorate.

Pomerania is independent (Part of German - Russian peace treaty)

Silesia and Lusatian Serbia are part of the Czech republic

Austria is independent again but much smaller (Germany got Vorarlberg, Tirol, Salzburg and the Innviertel, the Slovenes got a big portion of Carinthia and Styria and Hungary got the Burgenland)

Poland Got a big portion of formerly German Lands

Hungary is highly federalized, there are six official languages (Hungarian,
Slovakian, Rusyn, Romanian, Serbian and Croatian) (Ethnic composition: 40% Hungarians, 30% Slovaks, 10% Rusyns, 10% Serbs and Croats, 10% Romanians)

Romania lost acces to the sea and is a federation of Transsylvania, Walachia and Moldavia.
Bulgaria Got the whole Dobrudja and parts of the Budjak.

Serbia expands and annexes the Serbian parts of the SCS state, which is renamed in the sloveno-croatian republic. the new state remanins in a association with Serbia, receiving military and financial aid.

Greece signs a pact with Serbia and sells them the city of salonika. A small
corridor remains, which connects Thessaly and Thrace, Greece annexes the area of Smyrna, Cyprus, Lebanon and northern Epirus. Constantinople and the Area aroun Bursa are occupied by the forces of Russia, Greece and Serbia.

Germany expands westwards and annexes Norway. Burgundy, Frankia and Kleinbritannien are newly created puppet states in France

North Africa, now Vandalia is under direct german rule, the rest is the general government of German West-Africa.

Here the map:

The borders in Europe are interesting, yes, but some of the specific border adjustments don't necessarily look the most promising.

Serbian-led Yugoslavia willing breaking away Slovenia and Croatia is surprising, but on the flip side I can't see the Croatians being too happy with Slavonia and Dalmatia remaining part of the Serbian state.

I don't know why Italy wouldn't have Trento.

Poor Romania is completely cut off from the sea. :(

Likewise, I'm surprised Greece could so handily annex Smyrna and Thrace in this TL despite the larger Turkey/remnant Ottoman Empire present.

Would even Slavophile Russians really want a Serb in power of their state? Putting an Obrenovic in charge kind of flips the whole Slavophile movement on its head.

The borders still look interesting from a purely visual standpoint, even if the politics are murky.
The borders in Europe are interesting, yes, but some of the specific border adjustments don't necessarily look the most promising.

Serbian-led Yugoslavia willing breaking away Slovenia and Croatia is surprising, but on the flip side I can't see the Croatians being too happy with Slavonia and Dalmatia remaining part of the Serbian state.

I don't know why Italy wouldn't have Trento.

Poor Romania is completely cut off from the sea. :(

Likewise, I'm surprised Greece could so handily annex Smyrna and Thrace in this TL despite the larger Turkey/remnant Ottoman Empire present.

Would even Slavophile Russians really want a Serb in power of their state? Putting an Obrenovic in charge kind of flips the whole Slavophile movement on its head.

The borders still look interesting from a purely visual standpoint, even if the politics are murky.

And why would Germany take all of that territory from France (including Britanny) and give up Pomerania and Silesia?
Brittany's only a German puppet state, but yeah. German Calais (Kales?), but no German Danzig?
Well, it's a partial victory scenario. So Germany loses in the East but wins big in the West, which is a nice reversal of the typical scenario in which Germany wins in the east and loses in the West.
Just an alternate North America, without a Revolution. The darker shade of red are fully integrated Dominions in the Union of American Dominions. The orange-ish red areas are autonomous provinces. The pink areas are crown colonies.
Some background notes:

  • Hazard was a real proposed colony, made up by Samuel Hazard, a Pennsylvanian merchant. He wanted to make a Presbyterian colony, and it almost succeeded. However, Mr. Hazard died before his dream could come true. ITTL, this doesn't happen, and the colony is populated mostly by Ulster Scots.
  • The Iroquois and Cherokee are given homelands by the British as a reward for allying with them during the 7 Years War.
  • West Jersey was absorbed by Pennsylvania instead of uniting with East Jersey.
  • Delaware was taken by Maryland, after Pennsylvania bought West Jersey.
  • Charlotania is a penal colony, and many criminals who don't want to go to Australia get sent here instead. Bad choice.
  • Quebec is still majority French, however increasing amounts of Irish immigrate, and settle in OTL South Ontario. The Canadiens are worried, and are thinking of splitting them off from Quebec if the Irish population grows too much.
  • Due to the lack of UELs, New Brunswick remains part of Nova Scotia
  • The Bahamas are governed by The Florida.

union of dominions.png
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