Whe should Arthur marry?

  • Eleanor of Austria (b. 1498)

    Votes: 18 28.1%
  • Isabel of Austria (b. 1501)

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Isabel of Portugual (b. 1503)

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Other (please write in who and I'll add)

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Beatrice of Portugal (1504)

    Votes: 14 21.9%

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In France, Prince Henry was carving a bloody path to Aquitaine, determined to regain his ancestral lands. His nickname the Lion of York was becoming wide spread. However during the early months of 1514, the prince realized that money was running out and with it the loyalty of his army. Then King Louis offered peace, he would acknowledge Prince Henry as the Duke of Auvergne Jure uxoris.

Henry decided to agree to King Louis' terms, feeling that he had gotten what he came for. Although he wanted more, it would have to be another time. Besides if he wanted to keep Auvergne, he needed an heir. He did however insist that he also be named Earl (Count) of Tourlose, not wanting his duchy to have enemies on all sides. It took a lot of negotiating but in the end King Louis agreed in exchange for the cities and towns in Aquitaine.

Katherine was not pleased when her brother-in-law returned home, feeling he had abandoned her father and overstepped his bounds by making a peace treaty with France without her agreement. It led to a heated argument with Katherine accusing Henry of deliberately giving up the Aquitaine because they would have gone to his nephew instead of himself. Henry clapped back that Katherine had let her father fleece them as he conquered Navarre and fought in Italy.

Elizabeth of York intervened, once again acting as mediator. She noted that England had gained much from the war but its funds were depleted. She did not want her grandson to have to deal with debt once he reached his majority. She also pointed out that King Louis had made peace with Emperor Maximilian and Pope Leo.

As reluctant as she was, Princess Katherine agreed to end hostilities with France. Instead she decided to focus on King James of Scots. The Scottish monarch was their hostage and had been for several months now. The regents of King Arthur discussed what was to be done with him. The ransom they had demanded was too much for Scotland to afford so Katherine suggested that they exchange King James for his son, Prince Arthur. He could be raised in England, nurturing a brotherly bound between the two Arthurs.

Queen Margaret was fresh from her confinement after birthing her fourth son, Prince Alexander in March. When she heard of England's demands, she collapsed. She then sent a letter to Princess Katherine, swearing to never forgive her if she took her son. "And how would you feel, Madam, had my father ripped your son from your bosun?" She wrote to her sister the now Queen Mary of Denmark that she wished that the boat carrying that Spanish wretch had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

King James did not like the idea anymore than his wife, but he felt he had to think of the welfare of Scotland before his family. He could not subject Scotland to a long regency when it would bring nothing but unrest and turmoil. Upon signing the Treaty of Whitehall in July, he said "God forgive me for I never shall." The Treaty of Whitehall stipulated that Treaty of Perpetual Peace was to be renewed every five years, King James would send amble compensation for breaking it, and that Prince Arthur would remain in England until his father's ransom could be paid and would get a bride of his cousin's choosing.

Two months after signing, the Scottish monarch was escorted to Northumberland where his wife and their son were waiting for him. Prince Arthur of Scotland was a boy of six and he clung to his mother, not wanting to go. King James kneeled down and told him to be brave and never forget, he was a Stewert, brave and bold. Margaret kissed her son's cheeks and told him that she would visit often, bringing little James and Alexander with her. Holding back tears, she told Arthur to go to his grandmother. Elizabeth of York gently took the boy into her arms, telling him she would never let any harm come to him.

Elizabeth of York insisted that until Prince Arthur was settled in he would remain with her at her manor. Princess Katherine and Prince Henry both argued that he should be sent to Eltham with King Arthur at once. Elizabeth merely repeated herself in a tone, as one courtier put it, that could chill a man to the bones and then promptly left to tuck her grandson in bed. She later remarked to Elizabeth Boleyn, "I could not protect my brothers so I shall do everything I can for my grandsons."

The two Arthurs met at Christmastide at Greenwich. King Arthur, proving he was his father's son, was quick to put his younger cousin at ease, asking him about what he liked to do, what were his favorite foods, did he think London should be renamed Camelot. This drew the prince out of his shell a bit and he even accepted the nickname Roth that the young king came up with.
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@Violet Rose Lily ! Great work! Henry gained the most he could! The lion of york roars!

And that is a perfect punishment for james, may the humilliation sting for the rest of his life.

Good to hear bess still remembers her brothers. Hope Arthur and his cousin can form a good bond
@Violet Rose Lily , Katherine is SO badass!

Little arthur is alredy so corageous!

Congrats on edmund!

And the Lion of York will ravage france! he will sink his claws and fangs into everything and plunder good and send katherine the spoils! France shall tremble at the Lion!
Yes, she is. Even without the title, Katherine is the queen. Little Arthur is trying to live up to his grandfather and his uncle.
@Violet Rose Lily ! Great work! Henry gained the most he could! The lion of york roars!

And that is a perfect punishment for james, may the humilliation sting for the rest of his life.

Good to hear bess still remembers her brothers. Hope Arthur and his cousin can form a good bond
I added a small bit at the end there for the start of the relationship between the two Arthurs. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Poor Scotland, always being screwed by the Bully-Boy-England!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they do. I'm very sorry.
Yes, she is. Even without the title, Katherine is the queen. Little Arthur is trying to live up to his grandfather and his uncle.
He will!
I added a small bit at the end there for the start of the relationship between the two Arthurs. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Always do
Yes, they do. I'm very sorry.
Dont' be sorry, love seeing the scots trashed, that's what they get for breaking treaties!
My greatest wish would be if Arthur lives up to his legendary namesake, a tall, handsome, gallant man, carrying a Bible in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, that he will be the best of Edward I, Edward III, Henry V and Edward IV. It would be super cool if he ended up becoming a living copy of his great-grandfather, although I would like him to be influenced by his mother and not turn into the promiscuous drunk that Edward IV became at the end of his life and that his uncle became in OTL
Dont' be sorry, love seeing the scots trashed, that's what they get for breaking treaties!
They were between a rock and a hard place as with two separate treaties!!
Pope Leo did not and threatened King James with excommunication if he were to break the peace treaty.

King James was said to have muttered, "Which one?" before he declared war on England.
The true "villain" and her truly blind faith and loyalty to her Father who will and would have no problem screwing her over for some short term miliary/political gain......
My greatest wish would be if Arthur lives up to his legendary namesake, a tall, handsome, gallant man, carrying a Bible in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, that he will be the best of Edward I, Edward III, Henry V and Edward IV. It would be super cool if he ended up becoming a living copy of his great-grandfather, although I would like him to be influenced by his mother and not turn into the promiscuous drunk that Edward IV became at the end of his life and that his uncle became in OTL
Well Henry was impressive there, but signing his own peace treaty? I suppose he got the best deal he could, esp as this gives time for the treasury to recover.

King James was screwed, but he did the right thing. The two Arthur's are likely to get along as only kids can do. Let's hope the friendship lasts.
Well Henry was impressive there, but signing his own peace treaty? I suppose he got the best deal he could, esp as this gives time for the treasury to recover.

King James was screwed, but he did the right thing. The two Arthur's are likely to get along as only kids can do. Let's hope the friendship lasts.
Henry does have a soft spot for Katherine which is why he accepts that he is only co-regent, but he still Henry and is not going to wait around or even ask for her permission. But he did get a fantastic deal.

King James was between a rock and a hard place. In the end he put his country before his son. Not something he is proud of but he felt it needed to be done.
Elizabeth of York insisted that until Prince Arthur was settled in he would remain with her at her manor. Princess Katherine and Prince Henry both argued that he should be sent to Eltham with King Arthur at once. Elizabeth merely repeated herself in a tone, as one courtier put it, that could chill a man to the bones and then promptly left to tuck her grandson in bed. She later remarked to Elizabeth Boleyn, "I could not protect my brothers so I shall do everything I can for my grandsons."
The White Rose is a bada*** she simply repeated herself and did it. Love it!
The White Rose is a bada*** she simply repeated herself and did it. Love it!
Elizabeth of York did not go through decades of family drama to let anyone say what she could and could not do with her grandsons. She is willing to let others take charge but she will go mama bear if the situation presents itself.
The White Rose is a bada*** she simply repeated herself and did it. Love it!
Elizabeth of York did not go through decades of family drama to let anyone say what she could and could not do with her grandsons. She is willing to let others take charge but she will go mama bear if the situation presents itself.
Its nice to see her flexing her spine for a change. I often find her incredible dull. You go girl!
I like to think Elizabeth of York has some steel behind her demure nature. She just doesn't show it very often.
There's also the fact that EOY seemed to do most of her politics stuff behind closed doors, rather than publicly. For example, she once convinced Henry to appoint a Bishop of her choosing over one of his mother's choosing, and sided with her mother-in-law to keep Margaret in England for another year longer.

So it seems EOY did have a spin and could put her foot down when she wanted too, but she knew that she had to play happy families publicly, then she could convince Henry behind closed doors later on. She gets her way, and she doesn't get accused of meddling like her mother.
There's also the fact that EOY seemed to do most of her politics stuff behind closed doors, rather than publicly. For example, she once convinced Henry to appoint a Bishop of her choosing over one of his mother's choosing, and sided with her mother-in-law to keep Margaret in England for another year longer.

So it seems EOY did have a spin and could put her foot down when she wanted too, but she knew that she had to play happy families publicly, then she could convince Henry behind closed doors later on. She gets her way, and she doesn't get accused of meddling like her mother.
You make a very good point. Perhaps she decided taking care of her grandson was more important this time.
Flashforward I
The Duchess of York screamed as it felt as though she was being ripped in two.

"Be brave, my lady, be brave," her maid whispered in her ear. "You are almost there. Just a little more. "

Anne screamed again as she pushed as hard as she could. She laid back on the pillow, her brow damp with sweat. Seconds latter she heard a slap and then an indigent cry. A tired smile spread across her face. "What is it?"

"A healthy girl, Your Grace," the midwife announced.

Horror fell over Anne like a wet blanket, extinguishing her joy. A girl? Henry wanted a boy. Not just because he and his nephew were the only males of the Tudor line, but also to confirm himself as the Duke of Auvergne. It was perhaps the only reason he came to her bed. Not out of love, but duty., To him, she was a plain and boring mouse, unworthy o be his wife.

The Spanish witch will be rejoicing, Anne thought bitterly, closing her eyes to keep the tears at bay. She would be so pleased to know that there would not be a second rival to her son. The Lord knew that Catherine of Aragon was an ambitious coldhearted woman. She refused to allow Henry his rightful position as Lord Protector. Henry had to fight for scraps of power and yet somehow he was oh so beholdened to the wretched woman, following after her like a puppy.

Her brooding was interrupted when the doors flew open and her husband burst in. "Where is he? Where is my son!"

The midwife had just finished cleaning the baby up, swaddling her in a blanket before she was presented to her father. Anne kept her eyes shut as she heard the midwife repeat her announcemt. She expected to hear boots stomping on the floor as the door slammed shut. Or perhaps he would rebuke her now, for failing to produce the boy he craved. Instead she heard a booming laugh.

"Ah, a lionness then," Henry declared, his tone still jovial.

Anne blinked, turning her head to look at her husband. She witneesed him pluck their daughter from the midwife's arms and stroll over to the bed. She sat up as she approuched, tears freely spilling down her cheeks. Her heart swelled when her husband smiled at her, a look of pure adoration she had only seen on his face when she told him she was pregnant. Oh to see such love in his blue eyes was a gift.

"Our daughter is perfect, Anne," Henry praised. "Let us call her Mary after my sister."

"A wonderful name," Anne agreed, relief overflowing her. She glanced down at her daughter, her Mary and suddenly shame washed over her. Her mother would never have wasted so much time thanking of her father's reaction when she birthed two girls. Instead she would have demanded her daughter be placed in her arms to love and adore. "She is lovely. Our sweet little cherb."

"The king will be most pleased to hear of his niece and I know my mother will be thrilled to finally have a granddaughter," Henry told her. "She will have another grandson later of course, but for now, our sweet Mary shall do."

Anne did not miss the meaning behind his words. Henry wanted a son. Only then would he be hers fully, forgetting his obession with the Spanish princess.