Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

As for the 1980 Republican Primaries, I think the most likely nominee is Reagan but Nixon is a very interesting option still. I reckon Reagan will win but will be this TL's first bad President and will be followed by two term RFK.

RFK's on the Supreme Court as of the mid-80s, as seen in the flashforward depicting Caroline's wedding and JFK's funeral.

Regardless of whether he wins or not, I predict Rumsfeld will at least become the GOP nominee at some point in the 80s or 90s.


I’m curious about Saddam. He’s in a stronger place than in OTL ruling Syria as well as Iraq.

Biden wasn’t as bad as Eastland but he was conservative in many ways

as for the election Iran’s the flashpoint. If Udall negotiates a peaceful end to the crisis he may get a second term (though given how bad his Parkinson’s may be he might need to resign
I hope not, that is a very tired cliche now

Is it? There's that one famous timeline on here where Rummy was written like a comic book villain to make a point about how shitty neo-conservatism could be if taken to its extreme, but I don't know of any that treat him and his presidency realistically.
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Is it? There's that one famous timeline on here where Rummy was written like a comic book villain to make a point, but I don't know of any that treat him and his presidency realistically.

Personally I think Rumsfeld as President wouldn't be as bad as Rumsfeldia in fact I think he would be a pretty mediocre President unless WW3 happens like in NDCR
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Interesting to see that Udall's popularity is beginning to wane, but I think portraying Biden as some sort of arch-conservative is modern bias especially when he shares a bench with James Eastland and John C. Stennis.

As for the 1980 Republican Primaries, I think the most likely nominee is Reagan but Nixon is a very interesting option still. I reckon Reagan will win but will be this TL's first bad President and will be followed by two term RFK.

I think a quick note/retcon might be in order here... I don't intend for Biden to be seen as an "Arch-Conservative" ITTL, he's simply a more moderate Democrat, especially when compared to President Udall. TTL's Senator Biden is simply an ambitious moderate who thinks that he might be able to grow his reputation within the party by challenging its more left-ward wing. In this regard he is likely to be joined by such contemporaries as Senator Carter of Georgia, and Senator Gary Hart of Colorado. I would not qualify either of them as "conservative", either, just more moderate than Udall. As for Senators Eastland and Stennis, I think by 1978 both men are well into their 70's and don't intend to rock the DNC boat too much. They, I would argue, are working against the President's legislation in the Senate Chamber, rather than speaking out against it as Biden and Carter have been doing. While more Conservative Democrats are still somewhat numerous, many of them have more populist economic beliefs. While the President is socially progressive, his action in office has not been, I would say, overtly offensive to them (mostly his rhetoric). So long as economics are working, they'll keep trying to undermine him on social issues. While it is quite possible that no Democrat will challenge Udall in '80 (seeing in '72 and '76 that such efforts did not go especially well on the Republican side), expect Biden, Hart, Carter, and their more neo-liberal allies to gain popularity, especially as the economy continues to improve. It's hard to keep selling New Deal-esque policy once people get back to work... Even FDR would eventually try to balance the budget, after all.

Hey @President_Lincoln! Since JFK does not get assassinated, does Clint Hill still remain in the secret service and not go through a depression?

Yes! Agent Hill remained in the Service for several more years following the attempt on President Kennedy's life. He retired in 1975, after also serving Presidents Romney and Bush.

What happened to Aristotle Onassis?

ITTL, Onassis married his longtime mistress, the famed Opera soprano Maria Callas in 1968. They would remain married until his passing in 1975, at the age of 69.
I would think if the economy did recover wouldn’t New Deal economics be seen as more popular than ever, for being seen as the policies that fixed the economy. Right?