Best TV Episodes Never Made

Yeah, a bit based on this:

Here, instead of talking about TV shows that didn't happen, instead we're talking aboutnever-made episodes of television shows we have. This includes for seasons that have not been made. Here are some examples of what I did:


Teen Titans S6E1+E2 (Episodes 66-67)- "Unburied Truths"
This two-parter season 6 premiere for Teen Titans would follow up on the events of "Things Change." Mainly by deconstructing its premise. That while it looks like Terra was able to run away from its past and it should be buried, the two-parter refutes that with people after Terra who don't think she should get away with it and manage to find her. The Terra lookalike ends up stalked by a mysterious individual, which leads her to get Beast Boy to help her. He manages to protect her, only for said individual to fight Beast Boy and knock him and Terra out (said individual calls himself a Bad Samaritan, confirming he is the DC character). While the rest of the team goes to save BB, Terra's past unfolds. We also learn that she repressed her memories and her powers after her return. She only uses her powers when an unconscious Beast Boy was nearly blasted, shoving the baddies away with stone. She and Beast Boy have a touching exchange before she depats.

The two-parter was a surprise and addressed the concerns of the fans along with some realistic elements about dealing with the past. Of positive note is Beast Boy's focus here as he did everything he could to handle the situation responsibly and maturely, showing strong growth. One instance was he was going to ask her for her to return to them, only to stop midway since he realized it may make her uncomfortable (with him making the offer since the team would welcome her back, thus it being a practical solution on top of an emotional one). Writers have acknowledged that Terra appreciated both the offer and BB's consideration along with the fact even they didn't know if Terra would accept, only noting that "Terra would be scared that she would say yes", indicating a remaining long for them despite herself. While Terra ends up on the run, she and BB have proper an amicable closure (Terra giving BB a parting kiss). It has been confirmed the episodes take place before the events of "Trouble in Tokyo", with the rest of Season 6 taking place after.

Teen Titans S6E5 (Episode 70)- "Vega Omega"
This episode is known for introducing the DC cosmic superhero team, the Omega Men, over to the general audience and on the rough situation of the Vega System where Tamaran is. After the prior episode set up the team to go in space due to a distress call from Tamaran, it shows the team going deep into space from the conflict and ending up helping out the Omega Men in a major victory. The Omega Men team line-up consisted mainly of its founding members in Kalista, Tigorr, Broot, Nimbus, and Harpis on the main front with Doc and Shlagen as support. Primus and and Felicity would be confirmed casualities as shown in flashbacks (also explaining Kalista and Tigorr butting heads because of grief of losing their spouses) with Demonia, Harpis' sister, turning traitor and responsible for it. For fans, this would be considered the true start of the season-long arc focusing on Starfire. Character introduction and world-building sets up alot of fun here over in this episode.

Teen Titans S6E12 (Episode 77)- "Blacklight"
The season penultimate episode, it serves as the climax for the Starfire focused season arc, with the emphasis being on Starfire and her sister Blackfire as the Titans and Omega Men along with the growing rebellion launch their grand assualt on the Citadel's headquarters to stop the creation of a doomsday weapon (in a shoutout to Star Wars). However, the episode would defy the mold and expectations, with Starfire redeeming her sister in a touching moment between the two. Given how previous episodes fleshed out Blackfire's past along with seeing her reach her point of desperation, it kept up the tension on Blackfire changing. Starfire, wrestling with on her approach to handle things, reaffirms her stance on wanting to help and thus finally talks to her sister, showing Blackfire apologizing for everything and her risking her life to save Starfire, though the two are rescued by reinforcements (other cosmic heroes met in prior episodes, such as Captain Comet and Ultra the Multi-Alien). Blackfire decides to join the Omega Men to atone for her misdeeds. The Titans begin heading home with the Omega Men helping to rebuild the system alongside the various coalition. It also confirms Starfire's commitment to staying on Earth, with both her and Blackfire noting neither really have a desire to rule.

Hope everyone enjoys!
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Oh, I am going to LOVE this!

House of Mouse
Season 4, Episode 3: "Pooh's Sweet Note"
In honor of National Honey Bee Day, Winnie the Pooh writes a poem about the bees in the 100 Acre Wood. But being a bear of very little brain, he forgets the note and just spouts random nonsense.

Season 4, Episode 10: "Children's Day"
Melody (The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea), Kiara (The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride), Scamp (Lady and the Tramp), and Lucky (101 Dalmatians) decide to have some fun in the Prop Room, leaving their parents to join Pluto in finding them.

Season 5, Episode 1: "Afternoon, Gentlemen"
Zummi Gummi, Launchpad McQuack, Goliath, Gadget Hackwrench, Kit Cloudkicker, and Darkwing Duck pay a visit to the House of Mouse on the anniversary of Disney Afternoon Avenue's founding, which in this show's universe, is a street in Toontown.
House of Mouse
Season 4, Episode 3: "Pooh's Sweet Note"
In honor of National Honey Bee Day, Winnie the Pooh writes a poem about the bees in the 100 Acre Wood. But being a bear of very little brain, he forgets the note and just spouts random nonsense.
This has reminded me a bit of The Tao of Pooh, a book i highly recommend reading! Daoism explained well with Pooh and friends.

Season 4, Episode 10: "Children's Day"
Melody (The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea), Kiara (The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride), Scamp (Lady and the Tramp), and Lucky (101 Dalmatians) decide to have some fun in the Prop Room, leaving their parents to join Pluto in finding them.
I imagine Max Goof would also feature prominently in this episode? What about Zephyr (Phoebus & Esmeralda's kid)?

Season 5, Episode 1: "Afternoon, Gentlemen"
Zummi Gummi, Launchpad McQuack, Goliath, Gadget Hackwrench, Kit Cloudkicker, and Darkwing Duck pay a visit to the House of Mouse on the anniversary of Disney Afternoon Avenue's founding, which in this show's universe, is a street in Toontown.
I imagine we'd get another Pepper Ann cameo in this one? And this definitely sounds like it'd be fun. Heck, maybe bring back a Wuzzle too while we're at it.
This has reminded me a bit of The Tao of Pooh, a book i highly recommend reading! Daoism explained well with Pooh and friends.
I mean, I just wanted a Pooh-focused episode of House of Mouse, given the appearances they've made in the show.
I imagine Max Goof would also feature prominently in this episode? What about Zephyr (Phoebus & Esmeralda's kid)?
Hypothetically, yes. And I did consider Zephyr and Lilo as focal characters for that episode, but I thought Lilo and Stitch having their own show by that point would mean an embargo would be in place, and Melody & Kiara just took more precedence as sequel children than Zephyr did.
I imagine we'd get another Pepper Ann cameo in this one? And this definitely sounds like it'd be fun. Heck, maybe bring back a Wuzzle too while we're at it.
I mean, if she can appear in the pilot episode, why restrict the television appearances to just her, Max Goof, and Roxanne to a lesser extent? And sure, having a Wuzzle make a cameo would fit in well.

I'm glad you like my pitches for additional HoM episodes.
@CountDVB Here's an interesting idea Can you have a Family Ties /Cosby Show Crossover and have the Keaton's be creeped out by Dr. Huxtable? Or a Law-and-Order SVU /NCIS Crossover?
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This is awesome!

Might eventually come up with something if I can find the time later, since I'm on a extended President's Day weekend.


Cosby show -friend of Theo's thinks he can make it as professional boxer. Responds to Dr.Huxtable's snide nagging by giving him a practical demonstration!
Starsky and Hutch meet Charlie's Angels.
Some more Alt-Hist Titan episodes!


Teen Titans S6E6 (Episode 71)- "Misfit Titans"
An episode focusing back on Earth, though the surprise would be the antagonist being Control Freak. Having escaped being flash-frozen thanks to a teleportation device as a failsafe (and a a confirmed reference to Star Trek), he would try and exploit the power vacuum to become a major villain. However, he would end up clashing with the heroes tasked by the Titans to watch over Jump City for them while they were in space: Herald, Argent, Jericho, Pantha and Hotspot. While the five stuggle initially with working one another, they do come to bond and respect one another. Moments include Pantha managing to earn Hotspot's respect by her commanding presence and Herald proving that he is quite capable in fighting. The plot has Control Freak have his plans ruined, but decides to steal Herald's horn to try and bring fictional characters to the real world, forcing the team to deal with them. Said fictional characters are all based on the public domain or previously seen in other seasons. Control Freak notes the misfit nature of the team and leans on the 4th wall with jokes for the audience to get. This includes how Herald would make a good couple with Bumblebee due to both being level-headed and rational individuals. The episode also addresses on whether if Jericho is Slade's son when Control Freak uses the "info" button on his empowered remote. He begins to voice it before Jericho cuts him with an intimidating glare. Control Freak clams up and even apologizes for being insensitive there, heavily implying he is Slade's son. Contol Freak is defeated and the characters he unleashed sent back to the TV. The episode is consideed a fave for fleshing out more on the characters.

Teen Titans S6E10 (Episode 75)- "Terrabound"
Another episode focusing back on Earth, it is focused on Terra along with some of the other Titans. Prior to leaving, Beast Boy asked Kid Flash to help Terra if he ever ran into her. Indeed we learn this when Kid Flash and Jinx, who has been traveling with him, has heard of news of this. The episode is focused on Terra traveling over in Europe and trying to find her purpose while also running from further agents of the Bad Samaritan before being aided by Kid Flash and Jinx. It shows Terra coming more out of her shell, especially thanks to Jinx, who is able to relate to her regarding being both bad guys. Jinx is better able to relate to Terra as a result though Terra keeps on moving. When she is captured though and being transported, she is rescued by some other heroes, Red Star along with Kole and Gnarrk. Red Star also helps Terra in relating to the struggle of powers. We learn that he has been helping Kole with her crystal powers while Gnarrk has been exploring further tunnels in Siberia. Ultimately, Terra manages to find a bit of inner peace and decides to travel with Red Star, Kole and Gnarrk. The episode s beloved for helping to resolve Terra's arc along with even hinting at potential ships with her (such as with Red Star).

Teen Titans S6E13 (Episode 78)- "Titans Forever"
The series finale of the Teen Titans animated series, it shows the team confronting they are getting older and wondering what more to do with their lives. From Robin thinking of higher education and his relationship with Starfire, to Cyborg's musings on the development of tech and BB and Raven both unaware of what they want along with their own growing feelings and relationship. The team realizes that if they want to keep growing stronger and the like, that they may need to go their seperate ways for the time being. However, as they foil one more plot by Slade, they realize that even if they need to part ways for a while, they are and always will be Titans, leading to a group hug between them (initiated by Raven of all people.) The episode also referrs to the other global Titans (including Terra, where it's revealed she has decided to remain in Europe, but is on positive terms with the team.) The episode concludes with a reunion of the older Titans, now fully adults (which included a taller and redesigned Nightwing) overlooking Jump City. The episode would become known for this as well as some of the background trouble regarding time and development. There were origial plans to try and include some nextgen characters, but the details were not resolved in time. That said, the designs and notes on them would end up on the Internet for people to enjoy and speculate. The following proposed nextgen Titans included, but not limited to:
  • Nightstar- Starfire and Nightwing's daughter. Has bluish energy blasts and while super strong, relies more on dexterity like her father. Costume a mix.
  • Menagerie- Beast Boy and Raven's son. Palish green with dark hair. Sardonic humor but optimist. Shapeshifts into magical beasts like unicorns.
  • Speedy IV- The "badass normal" of the team, fights using swords and achery. Liam Harper, daughter of Speedy and Chesire. Notes say she is optimistic and forgivng. Mom issues due to her mother having been absent in her life. Writers confirm that this was more due to Chesire in jail, but legit loves Liam and Roy
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Does "Bitchelina" count? It was a South Park episode written by Bridget Phetasy. Trey and Matt turned it down so it exists in OTL but was never canon.
I've got another episode pitch, but for a different show this time...

ThunderCats (2011):
Season 2, Episode 20: Land, Sea, and Air
The ThunderCats team up with the Silverhawks and Tigersharks to try and stop Mumm-Ra.

NOTE: In this crossover, the Tigersharks and Silverhawks are from neighboring planets of Thundera, building on Episode 7 of Season 1, "Legacy". Also, the Silverhawks are actual birds in this universe, rather than humans and humanoids with the grace of birds. Artistic license, I know.
I've got another episode pitch, but for a different show this time...

ThunderCats (2011):
Season 2, Episode 20: Land, Sea, and Air
The ThunderCats team up with the Silverhawks and Tigersharks to try and stop Mumm-Ra.

NOTE: In this crossover, the Tigersharks and Silverhawks are from neighboring planets of Thundera, building on Episode 7 of Season 1, "Legacy". Also, the Silverhawks are actual birds in this universe, rather than humans and humanoids with the grace of birds. Artistic license, I know.
Ah, 2011 Thundercats. Ahead of its time if with some admittingly weird ideas in the future.