Best plausible confederate leadership (political and military)?

I am working on a general timeline, where I want the US Civil War to be longer and a bit more grusome, which means the Confederady needs to do better. They won't win, but fight longer and better.

My first point would be that due to an British capture of New Orleans 1812 (which is returned since the Peace of Ghent had already been signed), the US build a few more forts around New Orleans and creates a small naval station that is commanded by a southern sympathiser and falls into the hands of the CSA during the early days of the war, giving the Confederacy a small navy (say one steam frigate and one steam corvette). This southern commander (I woul love some suggestions on who could have been a plausible commander) also places mines in the aproaches to New Orleans. As opposed to Mobile, when Farragut goes "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" he is killed and the USA loses a steam frigate and a steam corvette.

In the aftermath, the USA haphazardly abandons Fort Zachary Taylor and the Florida Keys, but re-captures it maybe 6-12 months later with the aid of ironclads.

I need someone with influence enough to see the idiocy of the self-imposed "King Cotton" blockade and make most of the CSA export all they can to raise capital ("the sinews of war are endless money"). COudl Judah P Benjamin do that as Secretart of the Treasure for the CSA?

With a much better economic position and the US forced to go down the Mississippi from the north and New Orleans working for the CSA for most of the war, the CSA could perhaps hold out another year or two, with massive changes in how occupation and reconstruction happens.

But competent leadership is needed at many levels. Who could be president of Davies decides to be a general and goes and have himself shot at an alt-Shiloh?