Andrew Jackson goes to Texas...

Ok, so Andrew Jackson is rather well known - at least on a technicallity - of bringing/securing both Florida and Louisiana into the Union. But is it possible for him to bring in Texas in the same way?

During the Monroe Administration Jackson was criticized rather heavily for his role in pursuing and subjugating the Indians in Florida that even the Spanish protested at the time, and then the Monroe Administration had to buy Florida off of them. Now if Jackson reacts worse to the criticism from the Administration, he decides to go to Texas instead and becomes an emprasario. Given that Mexico is still rather ripe with revolution at the time could he possibly take over Texas, or if he lives in Texas for a while, could he at least start the Texas revolution a decade earlier???
I think your ATL is quite plausible, given that Sam Houston- whose role in the found-
ing of the Texas Republic needs no intro-
duction- was IOTL a good friend of Jackson's. I could just see the two of them
teaming up & heading out across the Rio Grande together...
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