Anarchist Germany (1933-1945)

In this alternate history, Hitler never comes into contact with the Nazi party, and is instead sent to spy on the German Anarchist party, where he becomes the Generalkommissar of the party. The party's ideology includes taking over the war, killing everyone but Germans, removing human made technology, and returning humanity to a primitive stone age but it has the German race as the dominant/only race. WWII goes relatively the same, but the Tripartite Pact isn't signed due to conflicting ideals between Germany and Italy (Axis) and the Japanese (who make their own faction called the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere), and Operation Barbarossa goes a lot better, Stalingrad falls, and Leningrad gets a lot closer to capitulation but not quite, this leads to the Allies taking Berlin first and the Russian never getting a German satellite state and Yugoslavia is democratic as the Allies invade Yugoslavia and make them democratic. This also changes the Nazi eugenics theory as now they believe there is no one superior than German, but they actually have no exceptions, no Muslims, no Hungarians, no Romanian, but instead Germany invades all these countries and spends a lot of troops on garrison. This leads to a higher kill count of the Holocaust.
An anarchist Hitler is almost guaranteed to enjoy little success - if he’s lucky he’ll be a footnote in the international workers movement as an effective orator and organizer or something. The success of the NSDAP wasn’t guaranteed by the magical spell of Hitler as an individual - he contributed greatly to its success but that doesn’t transfer easily at all. Especially to an ideology that necessarily stresses a horizontal theory of organization.

Those beliefs are also practically ASB for 1930s Germany. Not only are they incoherent in an anarchist framework, but they largely rely on distinctly modern anarcho-primitivist ideas which, IIRC, were not really developed until the early 1970s. A political organization whose platform is literally killing everyone who isn’t German and returning to the Stone Age is not going to succeed in this time and place.

Even ignoring the problems of seizing power, I don’t see how a state with this ideology is supposed to do better at warfare than OTL. The programme is just unpopular and impossible to implement unless they just throw the whole thing out. They’ll flop. Anti-industrialist anarchists won’t work well with the German officer corps and big financial interests which enabled Nazism to come into its own OTL and use these forces for its own interests.

Basically, the scenario needs some ironing out. A wacky esoteric Hitler founding an agrarian commune somewhere in rural Germany is a fun and interesting timeline that I would read, but assuming that history would go pretty much the same with this massive shift is butterfly abuse.


In this alternate history, Hitler never comes into contact with the Nazi party, and is instead sent to spy on the German Anarchist party, where he becomes the Generalkommissar of the party. The party's ideology includes taking over the war, killing everyone but Germans, removing human made technology, and returning humanity to a primitive stone age but it has the German race as the dominant/only race. WWII goes relatively the same, but the Tripartite Pact isn't signed due to conflicting ideals between Germany and Italy (Axis) and the Japanese (who make their own faction called the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere), and Operation Barbarossa goes a lot better, Stalingrad falls, and Leningrad gets a lot closer to capitulation but not quite, this leads to the Allies taking Berlin first and the Russian never getting a German satellite state and Yugoslavia is democratic as the Allies invade Yugoslavia and make them democratic. This also changes the Nazi eugenics theory as now they believe there is no one superior than German, but they actually have no exceptions, no Muslims, no Hungarians, no Romanian, but instead Germany invades all these countries and spends a lot of troops on garrison. This leads to a higher kill count of the Holocaust.
How exactly can WWII 'go better' when a bunch of anarchists are somehow running things? Indeed how are you even going to get anything resembling WWII when the military and the industrialists are never going to support a group committed to anarchy? Did a quick google search for an anarchist party in 1930s Germany and this was what popped up. Their goals seems to bear no relation to anything you are suggesting:
I am not sure a non ASB Anarchist Germany would be possible but you probably don‘t want Hitler but someone like this guy and his syndicalist movement

Johann Rudolf Rocker (March 25, 1873 – September 19, 1958) was a German anarchist writer and activist. His father died when he was a child, and his mother when he was in his teens, so he spent some time in an orphanage. As a youth he worked as a cabin boy on river boats and was then apprenticed as a typographer. He became involved in trade unionism and joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) before coming under the influence of anarchists such as Mikhail Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin. With other libertarian youth, he was expelled from the SPD, and his anarchist activism led to him fleeing Germany for Paris, where he came into contact with syndicalist and Jewish anarchist ideas and practices.

In 1895, he moved to London. Apart from brief spells in Liverpool and elsewhere, he remained in East London for most of the next two decades, acting a key figure in the Yiddish-language anarchist scene there, including editing the Arbeter Fraynd periodical, publishing the key thinkers of anarchism, and organising strikes in the garment industry. In London, he formed a life partnership with Milly Witkop, a Ukraine-born anarchist from a Yiddish background. During World War I, he was interned as an enemy alien and at the end the war he was deported to the Netherlands.

In the 1920s, he was mainly based in Germany, where he was one of the architects of the syndicalist Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD) and its organ Der Syndikalist and a founder of the International Workers Association (IWA). He became increasingly concerned with the rise of nationalism and fascism (he began work on his magnum opus Nationalism and Culture in this period) and left Germany in 1933 for the United States. In the US, he was active with the Yiddish Freie Arbeiter Stimme group, and was particularly involved in libertarian education and in solidarity with the Spanish Revolution and its fascist and Stalinist enemies. His classics Nationalism and Culture and Anarcho-Syndicalism were published in the 1930s. Having opposed both sides in First World War, as an anti-fascist he supported the Allies in the Second World War…“ (wikipedia)

He was a seriously interesting man and the potential for puns with his name would be endless (Rocker Youth etc.).
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Personally I am just amused by the idea that Hitler would immediately convert to the ideology of any movement he is sent to spy.

SPD Hitler in a world where the Ebert-Groener Pact is less durable and so he is sent to spy on the SPD? Finally, a way to save Weimar democracy.


Personally I am just amused by the idea that Hitler would immediately convert to the ideology of any movement he is sent to spy.

SPD Hitler in a world where the Ebert-Groener Pact is less durable and so he is sent to spy on the SPD? Finally, a way to save Weimar democracy.
Yeah Hitler fell in with the Nazis because they already fitted into his worldview, I doubt he would have been as sympathetic to some other group.
Maybe an even more extreme application of the Führerprinzip where there's no laws, just what Hitler says? Sounds like something that starts in the beer halls, but is doomed to remain in the beer halls.


Maybe an even more extreme application of the Führerprinzip where there's no laws, just what Hitler says? Sounds like something that starts in the beer halls, but is doomed to remain in the beer halls.
Not to mention being rather against the entire philosophy of anarchy.
In this alternate history, Hitler never comes into contact with the Nazi party, and is instead sent to spy on the German Anarchist party, where he becomes the Generalkommissar of the party. The party's ideology includes taking over the war, killing everyone but Germans, removing human made technology, and returning humanity to a primitive stone age but it has the German race as the dominant/only race. WWII goes relatively the same, but the Tripartite Pact isn't signed due to conflicting ideals between Germany and Italy (Axis) and the Japanese (who make their own faction called the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere), and Operation Barbarossa goes a lot better, Stalingrad falls, and Leningrad gets a lot closer to capitulation but not quite, this leads to the Allies taking Berlin first and the Russian never getting a German satellite state and Yugoslavia is democratic as the Allies invade Yugoslavia and make them democratic. This also changes the Nazi eugenics theory as now they believe there is no one superior than German, but they actually have no exceptions, no Muslims, no Hungarians, no Romanian, but instead Germany invades all these countries and spends a lot of troops on garrison. This leads to a higher kill count of the Holocaust.
What the hell??? Anarchism isn't primitivism nor killpeopleism regardless of your opinion of the ideology or most variations of.