Alt. World History (POD 1940)

On July 29th, 1940, Japan and the U.S. signed an agreement not to attack each other or each others allies if the U.S. recognized Japans claims in China, S.E. Asia, and Indonesia. However, when Nazi U-Boats sank 3 U.S. ships headed to Britain and the U.S. declared war on Nazi Germany, Japan then declared war on Nazi Germany also. The Chinese, infuriated that the U.S. would ally itself with their rivals, they declared themselfs an Axis faction. With backing from the U.S. Marine Corps, Japan swiftly swept through China, and on December 23, 1943, 4 days after the Battle of Beijing, the Chinese formally surrendered. They gave Japan the entire eastern coast, some of central China, recognized all of Japans claims, and gave the Japanese 19 million yen, and the U.S. Korea and 6 million dollars. However, Japan and America werent the only ones who gained from the treaty. Russia had swarmed through the mostly un-populated north, and they recieved Mongolia and the lands they had captured. The Treaty of Saigon also forced China to recognize Tibet as an independant nation. This eastern victory was a major blow to the Axis, and on Febuary 6th, 1944, Allied generals led by Gen. Eisenhower began the final stage of Operation: Hydra. This was a massive offensive, with Allied troops surging from ocupied Italy through the Alps, across the English Channel, and west from Russia. Also, when Norway defected on the 11th, and Sweden joined the Allies on the 15th, this would allow Allied forces to sweep across the Baltic and into Poland and Lithuania. All of these forces would then push toward Berlin. This huge offensive brought forth the surrender of Germany on July 17th, 1944. The terms were set in the Treaty of Athens, forcing Nazi Germany to relinqish all of the lands they had taken, and pay each ally 5 million dollars. Also, all military corps could have no more than 9,000 members at any time. The terms were much less harsh on Italy, who had to give France its African colony in Tunis, and give each ally 2 million dollars.

The Treaty of Athens also stated that the Balkan people would be unified into the Balkan Republic. However, because of the proximity of Communist Russia, the new Balkan Republic split, and the new factions were called the Balkan People's Socialist Union and the smaller Eastern Balkan Republic.

While this was going on, Sweden, Norway, Finnland, and Denmark met in Copenhagen, and after a series of discussions, formed the Scandinavian Union, which united these nations and claimed Iceland and Greenland. These claims were recognized in Septembeer 1949 by all but Nazi Germany. However, while peace, however fragile it was, reigned in Europe, Asia was still swamped with war.

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Its an interesting story but its total ASB. For instance,the U.S would never declare war over the sinking of 3 ships. In OTL,it was in a shooting war with German U-boats and it still took an event like Pearl harbour to bring the U.S into the war declaration mode. The U.S would never ally itself with Japan following the news of japanese atrocities in China in the late 30s,the damage to U.S economic interests in Asia caused by japanese expansion etc. Russia commits itself to an offensive against China? Seems like an ideal opportunity for a Nazi offensive into Russia. Sweden,a virtual ally or axis sympathetic state in OTL declares war on Germany for no reason,Norway occupied by German forces defects to the allies...Mega ASB event etc etc...
Uh, why are the borders pretty ASB? Why are Africa and South America blank? And giving up 2,000,000 dollars isn't all that much...

Basically, nice try, but keep working...
Well, the U.S. entered WWI in OTL when Germany sank 1 ship. w/e, you've got a point, but i'm keeping the timeline. i'll put in new stuff. just gimme a minute....
Well, the U.S. entered WWI in OTL when Germany sank 1 ship. w/e, you've got a point, but i'm keeping the timeline. i'll put in new stuff. just gimme a minute....

And for about ten other reasons, including public opinion, the Zimmermann Telegram, and because they'd already been shipping material to the Allies since 1914...

So, yeah, some revisions, sensical borders, etc. would help...
Germany was still pressured by Russia, after all, North China is mostly flat desert, it can't be very populated. U.S. gained Korea from the war, and Sweden declared war on Germany because Norway defected. After all, Germany was gettin' its ass handed to it on a silver platter in TTL. Heres a (hopefully) better map. This is only my 2nd thread attemp, so bear with me.....

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Like it or not, heres the 2nd part

On October 2nd, 1954, Russian troops moved into Afganistan and Pakistan. British troops stationed on the Indian border soon began skirmishing with the Russian troops, and the Prime Minister soon demanded that the Russians cease attacks and move out of Pakistan. When they refused, Britain declared war on October 17th, 1954. Soon, the U.S. and Japan joined in, each eager to grad more land in Asia, and China, seeking to regain both honor and land, joined with Russia. Almost immediatly, the war split into 3 fronts. The West, between Britain and Russia, was mostly guerilla warfare, a first for both sides. The Central, between China and Japan, was mostly one-sided, due to Japans industrial and militeristic might. Finnaly, there was the East, arguably the most gental, was fought between Russia and the U.S.. It was gental due to the major planning and extremely good leadership from Gen.'s Douglas MacArthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower. MacArthur swept up the Eastern Russia coast to meet up with Eisenhower, who had crossed the Bering Strait with his army. They then moved west into Siberia. This proved to be one of the quickest war in history, mostly because Russia was split between fighting the British in the South, supporting the Chinese, and holding back the Americans. Russia and China both surrendered a little more than a month after the conflict started, and sighned the Beijing Pact. This made most of what was left of China a province of Japan, gave Pakistan to Britain, and the east coast of Russia to America.

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i got this map from the Blank Map Thread, ill check out the other one. Thnx. Hopefully i'm not to much of a noob. :)
i got this map from the Blank Map Thread, ill check out the other one. Thnx. Hopefully i'm not to much of a noob. :)

Nothing personal, but just a tad...

My guess is that you're new to the general concept of alternate history, and I give you credit for having the balls to make your first few posts a TL...

But please, use a map that had country boundaries. Because all this really is now is an arts-and-crafts project on the computer.

Also, read some of the other TLs on here for ideas on what you should be doing. I suggest Decades of Darkness for going above and beyond, but there are plenty of others...
Alright, but i made a map with boudaries and someone yelled at me...
anyway, i've read Napoleanic Victory by Zach, and a few other stuff, so im just putting some ideas down. i'll get somemore ideas down, and i'll see if a map with pre-bounaries will be any good.
Thanks. I still like the old map, but i'll keep the new one. And now, ACT 3!!!

Even with "The victory for Democracy" in Asia, this still could not stop the spread of Communism. On May 9th, 1957, Greece became the Peoples Socialist Republic of Greece, and on November 11th, 1959, the Central American Socialist Republic was formed. Several engagements in the Yucitan Peninsula led to the Pan-American War between Mexico and Soviet-backed CASR. This would prove to be the first war that was entirely made of guerilla fighting, and the CASR suprised everyone, even themselfs, when they began inflicting major casualtys in their raids on bases, airports, and convoys. In fact, they were so succesful that the Mexicans eventually were forced into asking for a peace treaty. On September 4th, 1960, the CASR agreed, and suprised everyone again by asking only for the Yucitan peninsula and 1 million pesos. By 1962, they had obtained Cuba, and by Cristmas of that year, the only island not under their control was Jamaica. However, far from being the hostile Communist's everyone was used to those days, they were actually very open to trade with America, Jamaica, and even rival's Mexico and Brazil.

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A few questions: why did Coastal British Columbia sink into the sea? How did the US get control of Vancouver? How are the Turks controlling the Middle East if the POD is 1940?


Monthly Donor
Nigeria is more likely to be British than French. The historical maps would give you a realistic starting point for the borders and interests of the world to make changes from.

Alternative History buffs like plausible reasons for changes from Our Time Line (real history). A communist revolution needs foreign backers or a grass roots movement with a cadre of agitators and revolutionaries to destabilise the existing government or win over the populous in a national election.

Wars have to have the same elements as a crime: Motive, Method and Opportunity. The tide of battle rarely runs smoothly and the battlefront is drawn by the level of success at each point along a front. Ease of success is modified by terrain, transport, supplies, speed of movement, national borders and war aims. Forces rarely radiate out across land as you have drawn.

Is this all in the AHwiki?
Sorry, my map messed up. They shouldn't, i'll fix it. And thats the Ottomans, there gonna split up in the next section. And these communist risings or whatever you called them are supported be the USSR, but the CASR was more of a revolt, sorry, again im new at this....
The reason that they sweep through is a mix of speed of movement, terrain, force, and lack of population. I highly doubt there are tons of citys in Siberia or northern China.