AHC/WI Gingrich stays a Rockefeller Republican

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I wasn't sure.

Now as we all know Gingrich admitted that he was a Rockefeller State Chairmen in the South during the Rocky/Goldwater fight. So, is there any way that Ol'Gingrich stays on the path of Moderate-to-Liberal Conservatism? If so, how do you think his career would play out?

Come on, think of it, a Liberal Republican possibly leading the GOP in 1994? Who knows what the ramifications would be!


I'm sure this has been asked before, but I wasn't sure.

Now as we all know Gingrich admitted that he was a Rockefeller State Chairmen in the South during the Rocky/Goldwater fight. So, is there any way that Ol'Gingrich stays on the path of Moderate-to-Liberal Conservatism? If so, how do you think his career would play out?

Come on, think of it, a Liberal Republican possibly leading the GOP in 1994? Who knows what the ramifications would be!

I don't think so. The changes were bigger than Gingrich. He knew where to go for power.
I don't think so. The changes were bigger than Gingrich. He knew where to go for power.

So there's no chance of him staying on the path of Rocky? Let's say he did, whether because he decided to or because of an alternate timeline where the conservatives don't gain as much influence, what would happen to him?