AHC: California remains a red state

How would you keep the state that elected Reagan as governor still majority Republican even to the modern day, and what would change as a result of it?
The Reagan before 1976 was a personal libertarian who signed laws for no-fault divorce, sex between consenting adults, and liberal abortion.
Orange County, the heart of California Conservatism was also the wife swapping capital.
Add this together with the number of graduates from the UC, and CSU systems and the explosion of High Tech jobs, the hard rightward turn by the California GOP has turned off many California voters from voting for Republicans on a statewide basis.
The last Republican to win a statewide race was Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006, who was also a personal libertarian.
Today the GOP is restricted to deeply Republican districts, and in the 2024 US Senate election in California with the Top-Two primary election the only hope for the GOP to make the general election is for the Democrats to spilt the vote enough for the Republican candidate to slip in.
So to answer the question, the California GOP needs to keep their low tax, pro business agenda while breaking with the national GOP and not support the hard right Cultural Wars.
A couple of easy ways are to prevent Reagan's immigration amnesty, which keeps millions of former illegal immigrants off the electoral rolls, and break up the San Francisco machine. Probably by having Harvey Milk's paedophilia discovered early.
The Reagan before 1976 was a personal libertarian who signed laws for no-fault divorce, sex between consenting adults, and liberal abortion.
Orange County, the heart of California Conservatism was also the wife swapping capital.
Add this together with the number of graduates from the UC, and CSU systems and the explosion of High Tech jobs, the hard rightward turn by the California GOP has turned off many California voters from voting for Republicans on a statewide basis.
The last Republican to win a statewide race was Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006, who was also a personal libertarian.
Today the GOP is restricted to deeply Republican districts, and in the 2024 US Senate election in California with the Top-Two primary election the only hope for the GOP to make the general election is for the Democrats to spilt the vote enough for the Republican candidate to slip in.
So to answer the question, the California GOP needs to keep their low tax, pro business agenda while breaking with the national GOP and not support the hard right Cultural Wars.
For example current politics has shown that the CA GOP gets closest to a comeback when it focuses on cost of living and water. the fact that their solutions wont work might be hurting them and when they align with the national party. Current CA GOP s policy is to portay the state leaders as out of touch and insulated from policy decisions regarding cost of living and red tape.
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In order to keep California competitive you need to avoid a gutting of the aerospace and defense industry there post-Cold War. Even if you did nothing else, it would keep California a swing state well into the 2000s.
Any source for this? Sounds like quite a major new discovery. If true that would be an important if rather unpleasent potential POD.

Edit: (But If there is no evidence it would be quite an accusation)
There are no credible accusations I have found. Mostly current day right-wingers conflating LGBTQ people with pedos
One major mistake for the California Republican Party was Prop 187 in 1994, which would deny health, educational and other services to undocumented people in California, and was widely perceived to be xenophobic and racist. It was the epitome of a pyhrric victory, as it galvanized Californias growing Latino community and ensuring they would never vote for the Republicans again.

So whenever a Republican in California brings up immigration issues and is trying to gain Latino votrs, all Democrats have to do is remind them of Prop 187 and right then and there, you've ensured 5 million of Californias voters won't vote for the GOP.
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Grey Wolf

California goes Communist?
This would be really interesting, it would imply that the migrants and the liberal elite all vote for the rogue Communist candidate
It would probably impact McCarthyism as they would be able to show that California might be Communist but is not anything to do with Russia
California goes Communist?
This would be really interesting, it would imply that the migrants and the liberal elite all vote for the rogue Communist candidate
It would probably impact McCarthyism as they would be able to show that California might be Communist but is not anything to do with Russia
Interesting you mention this. During McCarthyism, the CPUSA district least affected was Southern California.


Monthly Donor
A couple of easy ways are to prevent Reagan's immigration amnesty, which keeps millions of former illegal immigrants off the electoral rolls, and break up the San Francisco machine. Probably by having Harvey Milk's paedophilia discovered early.
Wanna run that one past me again? With some actual facts?

I quite insist.

You have four hours after your next log-in to replay.
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How would you keep the state that elected Reagan as governor still majority Republican even to the modern day, and what would change as a result of it?
if Nixon wins 1960, civil rights probably happens under him. He probably then wins in 1964. One may very well see Dems remain the Dixie party and as a result have bad optics with minorities. Fast forward to modern California, that means immigrants will identify as Republican.
No amnesty for illegals in the 1980s, and have Proposition 187 from 1994 be implemented without judicial interference on to block it. Though without the amnesty for illegals it might not even have been needed.

Reggarding Harvey Milk, quick research seems to show he gets a overly rosy protrayal in media quick to lionize the man for his "first" status despite having not done much other than come out, force another gay out of the closet in public without his consent, get elected and then shot. I don't think Milk's legacy has anything to do with California being solid blue, it sounds like post facto rationalization. If it wasn't him someone else would get that fame.

I also found that the source of the claims about him and pedophilia come from 1: he had a 16yo boyfriend when he was 30, which is sus and wasn't allowed by CA consent age law back then 2: NAMbLA claims he was which is pretty bad looks.
if Nixon wins 1960, civil rights probably happens under him. He probably then wins in 1964. One may very well see Dems remain the Dixie party and as a result have bad optics with minorities. Fast forward to modern California, that means immigrants will identify as Republican.
Black voters already went 2-1 for Democrats by that time. Nixon signing an alt-Civil Rights Act would certainly help, at least in the short term, but winning a majority of Black voters would be a tough task, particularly if the GOP still tries to court White Southerners.
I didn't say they were, but it explains why the rumour exists.

I also found a different, similarly named gay activist from the same timeframe from California who DID publically help NAMbLa called Harry Hay. It seems likely people might have confused the two.
Black voters already went 2-1 for Democrats by that time. Nixon signing an alt-Civil Rights Act would certainly help, at least in the short term, but winning a majority of Black voters would be a tough task, particularly if the GOP still tries to court White Southerners.
It's not about winning a majority of blacks, it is about changing optics. Swing the black and hispanic vote by 15 percent and California is red today. They had a Red governor even in the 2000s.


Monthly Donor
A couple of easy ways are to prevent Reagan's immigration amnesty, which keeps millions of former illegal immigrants off the electoral rolls, and break up the San Francisco machine. Probably by having Harvey Milk's paedophilia discovered early.
Well, never let it be said that I did not afford you an opportunity to dig yourself out of the deep, dark hellmouth you tossed yourself into.

I gave you, not four hours after your last login, but three DAYS. You chose not to avail yourself of the opportunity. That leaves me nothing to go by except you utterly homophobic post.

The Gay = pedophile canard, like other similar flat out lies regarding other groups, has been so thoroughly debunked that is almost seen as parody. Almost. It is, however, a tactic still employed against Civil Rights leaders by some who desire to (re)create a sense of loathing and/or hatred towards minority communities. That is unacceptable here.

To Coventry with you.