AH Title and Description Game

When the Love Falls I and II

And that’s when your heartaches begin.

Title (When the Love Falls) of the alternate Star Trek:The Next Generation episode depicting the first encouter between USS Enterprise-D and the Borg cube. After receiving a distress call from the Romulan outpost, Jean Luc Picard decided to cross The Neutral Zone and assist Romulan Imperial Forces in a fight against unknown enemy who previously destroyed thousands of civillian lifes on both sides of the Zone. During long battle against common enemy Borg drones broke through Enterprise shields and captured Doctor Commander Beverly Crusher. Despite best efforts of the crew, she was assimilated and taken onboard Borg cube.

And that’s when your heartaches begin - phrase said the Captain Jean-Luc Picard after confessing his love to the Doctor Crusher.

The second part of the episode depicted rescue mission taken personally by Jean-Luc Picard over William T. Riker objections. During heroic stand off between Borg drones, Starfleet officers and Worf with his bath'leth Doctor was rescued by the Captain and all were transported to the USS Enterprise. The episode ended with costly victory against the Borg and improving Romulan-Federation relationships. During last scene, Jean-Luc Picard confessed his love to the Doctor Crusher.

Undiscovered Country.

The Final Frontier.

These are the Voyages.

Man in Deepest Cave.

Carter, Ba'al and Asgard.

Odyssey of Betazed.

Tal Shiar and 2368.

Man in the Winter Palace.
Man in the Winter Palace
A TL where the Central Powers won WWI and helped the Whites to win the Russian Civil War. In the weak Russian Republic the cervellotic Roman von Ungern-Sternberg found a party, the Imperial Pan-Slavic Union, which ideology sustained the inferiority of the Germanic race, which managed to win the war only to the treachery of communists and Jews. Von Ungern-Sternberg managed to become ruler of Russia and proclaimed himself Vozd of the Second Russian Empire, and he became to rebuild the army. In the meantime the USA had a big economic crisis in 1924, thanks to the ultraliberism of president Coolidge and the impossibility for Great Britain and the Commune of France to repay their debts. Coolidge, reelected some week before the crack, couldn't manage to solve the situation and American crisis reached levels unseen. And in the desperation of the American people, three people feed. William Z. Foster made the CPUSA grow to important party level, meanwhile John Pershing becomes to build a right wing militia to oppose the Reds, the Sons of Liberty. Last but not least, a strange man, called Howard Scott, that predicated for something called "technocracy". He sustained that the current US system gave power to who was richer, and not to who was more able. So he proposed a form of government where only engineers, scientists, economists. ecc. could govern, to reenstablish wealth to the people, and not only to the rich industrials. Scott won on a landslide over the CPUSA and the Democratic Party, and enstablished the so called "North American Technate". But the Techate was deviated by right wing members of the Technocratic Party, which teamed up with militars like MacArthur and Patton and more "idealistic" industrials like Henry Ford to take the power after the "natural" death of Scott in 1936 for an "undiscovered heart problem". The NAT and Russia allied themselves in 1937. With the inclusion in the NAT of Central American and caribbean states and the "election" of PanSlavic governments in Slavic Europe that called for "anneksya" took the world ready for war. Germany was attacked from two sides at surprise: Russia made a pact with the devil with Communist France to dismantle the powerful German Empire. At the end of 1940 Germany was fallen, taken by the Russian attack from the south after the steamrolling of Austria. The NAT took control of the German megacolony of MittelAfrika. In 1941 the greatest operation of all times happened: the invasion of Great Britain. After a two days long battle the Technate army took control of Ireland and then invaded mainland Britain. Russian amd French troops tried an invasion from the south, but they were repealed. Howewer, this was a useful diversive to permit to American troops to land safely. France was excited by the gains, but it briefly discovered that a pact with the devil has an high price to pay. Russia invaded France in a surprise attack and made it fall in three months. NAT and Russia continued the war in Asia and Oceania, to submit China, Allied Japan and British Australasia. For 1947, Tokyo and Canberra were fallen. The Technate and Russia partitioned the world. The NAT enstablished the Britannic Technate and the four South American Technates. MittelAfrika becomed the Africa Mining Zone of the North American Technate, with its enormous resources used by the industries of North America. Russia annexed the whole Eastern Europe, and enstablished the "Grand Ducates": Scandinavian Grand Ducate, Wendish Grand Ducate, Moravian Grand Ducate, Vostockij Grand Ducate and Rhenish Grand Ducate, which are going to be settled by Russian people and that are going to enslave, genocide or reeducate Germanic people. Italy and France became ultraconservative puppets of Russia, like Spain and the new Byzantine Empire, the strongest and most loyal Russian puppet. Russia built a system of puppets in China, Indochina, Oceania and Korea, meawhile occupying Japan and annexing middle east and western India. Tibet is a great local power loyal to Russia. It's 1963. The Cold War is a thing since 1948. Russian-backed PanAfricanists fight the Americans in MittelAfrika. The Technate putted men on the Moon and is going for Mars. The German people is being genocided. And in this horrible and dark world, there's only one thing that remained white, pure. The White Palace, once house of the Zars, now home of the nost powerful man in the world: the Vozd, Roman von Ungern-Sternberg.

The Axis of Democracy
The Axis of Democracy
Some sort of Mirroruniverse in which totalitarian dictatorships are common. Every single nation on earth is a totalitarian dictaorship. Democracy is considered being a dangerous social experiment which is always doomed to fail, because no real democracy was ever established. But then sudden revolutions in Italy, Germany and Japan swept their dictator away and turned those nations into real democracies. The dictators in Washington, London, Paris and Moscow hoped that the people in those nations will see reason and restore the ancient order, but after a couple of years Germany, Italy and are still stable and successfull democracies. So the world's leading powers plan to intervene "for the good of the people". Thus the great war began.

Choose one of these titles and write a description with atleast four sentences:
The Nude Society
Men Fight, Women Preach
The Twin Empress of Germany
Vae Victis Iterum - Vercingetorix in Rome
Men Fight, Women Preach
From the perspective of an America which underwent a socialist change in the mid-1920's, this TL is an historical document exploring the role women played in the American opposition to World War I. It explores how women formed the backbone of the movement, due to many men being drafted. This was helped by organization and mobilization from socialist and feminist groups. Women would protest against the war, and would come to be seen as major players in this opposition, hence the title. Ultimately, after the war, this experience of mobilization (especially in the face of the 19th Amendment) would help the Socialists in winning the 1924 election.

Barry at the Apollo


The Assassination of Jimmy Carter by the Coward John Hinkley, Jr.
Barry at the Apollo

Affairs, divorces and risk of the nuclear war devastated American political landscape. When John F. Kennedy affair with a secretary was revealed, many conservative elements within society was outraged and demanded a change in the leadership for more moral leaders. Divorce and remarriage of the Nelson Rockefeller put a great shame of Republican moderate forces in the eyes of millions Americans. The Soviet Union placing mid-range missiles on the island of Cuba in 1963 discredited already devastated presidency of the John F. Kennedy and the Democratic Party. There was an only one politician that could fix The United States of America - Barry Goldwater of Arizona.

Presidency of the Barry Goldwater contributed to rise of the modern American conservatism. Centered on a personal freedom of citizens it enabled smooth but slow transition into modern democracy, enaction of the civil rights bills on 1966, 1967 and 1968 and the rise of libertarian feminism. Hardline stance of the expansion of communism resulted in the direct intervention of the United States Air Forces in the Vietnam War, supporting right-wing democratic or authoritarian regimes all across the world and centralization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization military forces under Council composed from its Ministers of Defence led by elected Chairman.

One of the most praised Goldwater's achievements was the Apollo Program. During his tenure as the President of the United States, ten manned landings on the Moon were performed, the first American space station was launched and preparations for the manned Mars mission were made. Launch of the Apollo 11 on January 21, 1969 was watched by the millions of people in both Eastern and Western Bloc. Launch of the Mars 1 manned mission was watched by billions of people as the marvel of the American technology twenty years later. On 2017 the United States of America began research of the modern impulse drive in the name of the Great Innovator - Barry Goldwater.

Nixonite Republicans.

Undiscovered Country.

The Final Frontier.

These are the Voyages.

Man in Deepest Cave.

Carter, Ba'al and Asgard.

Odyssey of Betazed.

Tal Shiar and 2368.
These are the Voyages.

A Soviet American extended space race timeline.

By 2000, both the Soviet Union and the US has build space stations on moon, to serve as their respective forward bases. Some trapped private Mars colonists sent a message, asking for rescue.

Both moon bases sent rescue missions, thus began an unprecedented polar journey.

Palestinian Superpower

Kingdom of Levant

Navy of a Korean Empire
Kingdom of Levant

With the events that led to the Second Crusade never happening the crusader states in the Levante managed to survive. Over the course of the next three centuries the County of Tripolis manages to aquire all other crusader states, beginning with the Principality of Antiocheia in 1206 and concluding with the Kingdom of Jerusalem itself in 1453, the year the Kingdom of Levante was founded officially. Thus all of the Levante from Edessa in the north to Petra in the south were under Christian control dividing the Muslim Caliphate into two parts. One in the east which was ravaged by the Mongols and eventually conquered by the Tengrist Ottoman Turks. And one in the west which rapidly fractures into many constantyl feuding successor states.

Choose one of these titles and write a description with atleast four sentences:
The Nude Society
Imperium Romanum Aeternum
The Twin Empress of Germany
Vae Victis Iterum - Vercingetorix in Rome
The Twin Empress of Germany

The Central Powers are able to hold back the Entente for longer and are able to argue for a more favorable peace where, most important to the TL, Germany is allowed to keep its monarchy. In between 1920 (this Great War's end) and 1930, King Wilhelm II dies and his sons are picked off by disease, communists, and mechanical incidents. Eventually, only Princess Victoria Louise remains. She preaches about German nationalism, claiming that Germany would one day rise against the forces that fought to suppress her in the Great War. She also believed that Austrian ineptitude and envy had caused them to lose the war by purposely sabotaging their military operations, forcing Germany to spread her forces too thin. Meanwhile, in Austria-Hungary, the Balkans erupt into full revolt as they weren't given their own countries, as they had been promised by the Entente, as well as communists, socialists and fascists rise up, fighting against each other and the Crown. Empress Victoria mobilizes her forces onto the border, claiming to try and stabilize Austrians in their time of need. in 1932, she declares war on Austria-Hungary and occupies Vienna. In the Treaty of Budapest, she incorporates German Austria and Bohemia under one new country of which she declares herself Empress over, while establishing duchies for the ethnic groups of the Balkans to try and appease them while also expanding the German hegemony. Victoria's empire squares off with Mussolini's Italy, citing their betrayal in the Great War as a casus belli, and the Kuomintang to establish a new German Empire, while also allying the Japanese. Now, in the Year of Our Lord 1937, the Twin Empress of the Germans with her subjects at her side prepare to crush the Russians, determined to erase the both the Soviet threat and Prussia's historical rival of Russia in one fell swoop as the West looks on, hesitantly preparing her weapons in case the Germans plunge Europe into another World War. Unfortunately for Europe, not only would their suspicions come true, but this time the Germans wouldn't settle for a treaty just short of a white peace.

(Sorry, I kind of twisted the title from Twin Empress of Germany to Empress of Twin Germany. I still like that way this came out though)

The Lion of Judah Roars Once More - A 20th Century Modern Ethiopia


The Lion of Judah Roars Once More - A 20th Century Modern Ethiopia

In the waning hours of the Second World War, one of the most overlooked developments in international politics was the birth of the modern Ethiopian state. On the afternoon of April 29, 1945, the Abyssinian Republic was forged from the leadership of indigenous tribes who collectively vowed that Africa would no longer be the playground of Europeans.

After cash grants from the United States, the new Ethiopian government would invest heavily in its infrastructure and education, and in the course of little more that a decade, would transform the nation into the economic powerhouse of Africa.

To Fight No More

Mare Futurumqui Nostrum

For Valor, For Sacrifice, For Service
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To Fight No More

"To Fight No More" was a slogan of the Vietnam War veterans who returned to the United States and took part in the anti-war March on Washington on March 9, 1969. Later, it became a title of anti-war song in the early 1970s depicting the fate of the soldiers who fought for their motherland only to be attacked by the National Guard and police for their strike against killings in Vietnam.

The song was composed in an alternate timeline where George Wallace became more prominent in the United States due to his stance "for law and order, for conservation and defence of the American spirit, for the glory of the One Nation Under God". A populist politician who established order after the Alabama riots of 1966 (after assasination of the Martin Luther King there was a serious dissent among black Americans and their white supporters which erupted into countrywide riots, demonstrations and the radicalization of the movement). Swift response from the Governor of Alabama returned peace for the state almost without casualties (espiecially when compared with the other states) which elevated Wallace to the national politics. Assasination of Richard M. Nixon on 1968, revelation of Kennedy's affairs and linking them to Robert Kennedy, discreditation of the Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey allowed Wallace to win 1968 presidential election.

His presidency led to the interesting changes in the American political landscape. Jane Fonda called Hanoi Jane was sentenced to death for a high treason and executed, thousands of consciencous objectors were jailed for a long sentences, many anti-war demonstrations were crushed by the National Guards while rights of African Americans and women reduced due to "introduction of law and order" in the United States. This resulted in a March of Washington by 200,000 people who were ruthlessly attacked by the Army sent by the President as means for protection of the Constitution and integrity of the American nation.

Red Moon.

Nixonite Republicans.

Undiscovered Country.

The Final Frontier.

Man in Deepest Cave.

Carter, Ba'al and Asgard.

Odyssey of Betazed.

Tal Shiar and 2368
A ASB TL, where the Moon remained volcanic after its formation, and has a distinct Red hue to it. It primarily focuses on the alternate history of Moon studies, and how the presence of the Red Moon had subtly influenced human history. Galileo was the first to extensively study the moon, observing its heavily lava covered surface, and the geological features that resulted from the presence of this lava. Later in 1651, Jesuit scholars Giovanni Battista Riccioli and Francesco M. Grimaldi give names to the features on the moon. While still going with the sea motif as OTL, they refer less to general states of mind and more towards states of anger and/or despair, as well as names referencing the Christian hell. Two hundred years later, scientists show the first signs that, while many of the craters were caused by volcanism, there is a minority formed by impact craters. The TL largely ends with the Hades program from the US, landing a person on the moon in 1980, resulting from a 20 year program to choose a good location away from unstable land, and to ensure that heat doesn't kill the astronaut.

The Assassination of Jimmy Carter by the Coward John Hinkley, Jr.

Citizen Jobs
Citizen Jobs

Steve Jobs enters politics at the age of 30 and becomes a Senator from California. Jobs and Steve Wozniak, founder of the Apple company, financially support each other as Wozniak's company and Jobs' reputation grows, eventually leading to Jobs' presidential campaign in 2008, which leads to him winning against a weak and unpopular Rick Santorum. While Jobs becomes popular for his wide-ranging "New America" jobs and healthcare program, he still dies in 2011, succeeded by Vice President John Edwards. A biography movie is made in his honor in 2018.

The Plague's Dream

A Hyena Unbroken

There Are No Miracles

The Shotel of Revolutionary Action


The Orientals at the Congress
The Plague’s dream

The Black Plague kills all of Europe and makes it uninhabited for centuries. Those who enter subcome to the plague and die. Soon it spreads to Asia, killing almost the entire country. But some flee to Japan while Asia falls to the Black Plague. In 2018 only Japan, Mexico, and Australia are the only signs of humanity on the Earth.

I forgot to duck

Beyond the Red Sea

No More Mr. Nice Guy


Beyond the Red Sea

An alternate history of examination of biblical themes in modern media. With the rise of the idea of an allegorical bible, the complexity of our examination of biblical themes in mainstream culture greatly expanded. From the examination of the holy trinity in Star Wars, and the crossing of the Red Sea in Schindler's List, to modern reexamination of Nietzsche's death of God in Mass Effect, how has and how might our religions have shaped our views of popular culture?

Mare Futurumqui Nostrum

For Valor, for Service, for Sacrifice

Bury Not on Lone Prairie
An alternate history of examination of biblical themes in modern media. With the rise of the idea of an allegorical bible, the complexity of our examination of biblical themes in mainstream culture greatly expanded. From the examination of the holy trinity in Star Wars, and the crossing of the Red Sea in Schindler's List, to modern reexamination of Nietzsche's death of God in Mass Effect, how has and how might our religions have shaped our views of popular culture?

Bury Not on Lone Prairie
A rather implausible pop-alternate history detailing a world where the United States lost the Mexican-American War, and was reduced to an imporverished backwater jealous of its wealthy and powerful southeastern neighbor.

The Ides of March Arverted
Black Army, Red Baron
Black Army, Red Baron

A short story set in the Russian Civil War in a Central Powers victory. Manfred von Richthofen is sent to the Ukraine to give some clandestine tactical support to Nestor Makhno's Black Army, in order to derail the conflict even further. He manages to provide some air support for them during a battle in Odessa. However, he and the German command are stunned to see that he and the Reds (here an alliance of various leftist groups) broker a peace and alliance. Richthofen attempts to derail it by faking a Red attack, but is caught, exposing Germany's involvement....

The Assassination of Jimmy Carter by the Coward John Hinkley, Jr.
The Venusian Chronicles
No More Mr. Nice Guy
A TL about an alternate 1988 election where the people of the USA, tired of moderates with a nice face who will keep the nation exactly the same for their Presidential mandates, have to vote for President the Democratic nominee Jesse Jackson or the Republican nominee Pat Robertson.

De Bello Terranoviensis
The Assassination of Jimmy Carter by the Coward John Hinkley, Jr.

During his re-election campaign, Jimmy Carter was shot in the back by John Hinkley Jr. and died immediately. Now Mondale is the 40th President and must figure out how to defeat Reagan and secure the Presidency.

I forgot to duck

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Why Me?

Honky Tonk Smuggler
During his re-election campaign, Jimmy Carter was shot in the back by John Hinkley Jr. and died immediately. Now Mondale is the 40th President and must figure out how to defeat Reagan and secure the Presidency.

Why Me?
The story of President George H.W Bush, who is inaugurated after Ronald Reagan suffers a severe stroke. Thrust into the highest office in the US with no warning, he is faced with the Herculean task of saving the world from nuclear annihilation during a genocide-filled nuclear civil war in the Soviet Union.

The Devil Went Down To Georgia