A Breeze of English Rose - Tudor TL

Chapter 1. An heir is born.
  • Chapter One.
    An heir is born.
    On January 1, 1511, bells rang out throughout England, especially in London, announcing the good news. Because on that day, about thirty minutes after one in the morning, Henry VIII's wife, Catherine of Aragon, gave birth to a son!

    Catherine, of Spanish origin, daughter of Isabella and Ferdinand, had been pregnant once before, but that pregnancy ended unhappily - a stillborn girl was born. Therefore, this time, when Catherine went into labor, more care was taken during childbirth. The newborn prince was wrapped in swaddling clothes, first shown to his mother, and then placed in the cradle. Four days after his birth, the little prince, named Henry, was ceremonially baptized in the Chapel of the Watchers on the grounds of Greenwich Palace, wrapped tightly. One of his godfathers was the French King Louis XII, who sent him expensive gift like a golden cup decorated with jewels. Catherine did not participate in the baptism, she rested in her chamber. In mid-February, Catherine and Henry left Greenwich Palace for Westminster, while their son and his assigned household remained in Greenwich.

    A great tournament was held in Westminster. The celebration began on February 13 with the passage of a large parade cart. A picturesque "forest of rocks, hills and valleys, with a variety of trees, flowers, ferns and grasses" was created. There were also forest rangers wearing green velvet coats and hoods. In the center was a golden palace, and a man was making a garland of roses at its gates. A cart measuring eight by five meters, pulled by a silver antelope and a golden lion, stopped in front of Catherine. The forester blew his horns, and the cart opened on all sides, and then four armed knights with lances, in helmets decorated with plumes, rode out. They were led by the monarch himself. The other knights were Henry's close friends - Charles Brandon, Nicholas Carew and Thomas Knyvet, known for their youth and energy. Words embroidered on gold his horse's robe and cape, were an official declaration of love. Henry became the "loyal heart" of his wife. Each of Henry's companions also had their own nickname, and the entire tournament was won by "Brave Desire". It was Sir Thomas Knyvet, who was honored by Queen Catherine herself.

    However, this was not the end of the celebration. The tournament continued after the evening service the banquet began. People spent their time singing in the White Hall of the Palace of Westminster and dancing. At some point Henry slipped away, and soon, with the sound of fifteen trumpets, the guests saw the young ruler again and his friends in purple,saty clothes. There were also musicians and six ladies, who started dancing with lords from noble families.

    This is how the celebration of the birth of Henry, Prince of Cornwall, ended.
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    Chapter 2. The Holy League War 1511 - 1512
  • Chapter Two.
    The Holy League War
    1511 - 1512
    It was October 1511 when Pope Julius II launched the Holy League against France. It included the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, the Papal States, the Confederation of Switzerland and England. The war had been going on since 1508, and this was the next phase of it, and only now did England join it. The new King of England, Henry VIII, was decidedly different from his father, Henry VI. The young king considered himself the chosen one of fate. As soon as he came to power, he made it clear that he wanted to attack France. He also publicly insulted Louis XII's messengers, and when one of the council members wrote a conciliatory letter to the French monarch, Henry became furious. This creation of the Holy League was a great opportunity for him to expand his territories in France.

    Even before England joined the alliance, Henry had already helped his future allies. Earlier, in the spring of 1511, he sent an army of about 1,500 people to the Netherlands and a fleet of ships to Spain to fight the Moors there. Ferdinand II of Aragon, Henry's father-in-law, did not take the offensive in Africa, so the English fleet returned home, which angered Henry a bit, but it did not prevent him from concluding an alliance with Spain and signing the Treaty of Westminster on November 17, 1511, to the queen's great joy. Catherine, ever since she was crowned, had always ensured that there were friendly relations between her homeland and England, and the birth of her son further strengthened her position as "the dearest and much beloved wife of His Grace the King of England."

    The War of 1512 began in February of that year, when French troops under the young but capable commander Gaston de Foix left Milan to suppress a rebellion in Brescia. involving approximately 12,000 men. The French attack took place in heavy rain. The defenders inflicted heavy losses on the French, but were ultimately defeated. Gaston's infantry and Lansknechts then proceeded to completely sack the city, massacring thousands of civilians over the next five days. The city of Bergamo then paid about 60,000 ducats to the French to avoid a similar fate.

    Gaston, knowing that England would most likely soon attack France and some of his forces would be sent to that front, decided to set out to siege Ravenna. Ramón de Cardona, the Spanish viceroy of Naples, camped his army in the marshy area outside Ravenna. Gaston had approximately 23,000 soldiers and 54 pieces of artillery. Cardona had approximately 16,000 soldiers and 30 artillery pieces; Ravenna's garrison may have numbered about 5,000 men. Gaston sent a formal invitation to battle to Cardona, who readily accepted. The decisive battle of Ravenna took place on April 11, 1512. The Spanish had their back to the Ronco River and maintained a relatively secure front thanks to strong trenches and obstacles prepared by the famous engineer Pedro Navarro. Gaston directed his forces against Cardona. The French army crossed the stream between Ravenna and the Spanish camp unimpeded, formed a semicircle around the enemy fortifications, and began firing from the flanks towards the Spanish position. The heavy bombardment did not worry the well-protected Spanish infantry, but the cavalry could hold out no longer and attacked the French without orders. These charges were easily repelled and the French counterattacked. A bloody, hour-long fight took place in the trenches between the Landsknechts and the Spaniards. At this point, two cannons that Gaston had sent behind the Spanish lines opened fire and wreaked havoc in the enemy's rear. The Spanish retreated and suffered huge losses. During the pursuit, Gaston led a cavalry charge against a retreating Spanish infantry unit. His horse tripped, fell and was shot. French losses reached 9,000, while the Spanish lost almost their entire army. Although the French victory at Ravenna allowed them to take that city and other important towns in the area, the death of Gaston and over a third of his army fatally weakened French power in northern Italy. In May, the French army was forced to leave Milan.

    Returning to England, it was there that Henry VIII declared war on France in April 1512 and even earlier called a parliament to raise funds for the war. Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham appealed for peace, but his pleas were ignored and Parliament granted King Henry VIII a tax of two-tenths and two-fifteenths to finance his war with France. Eighteen ships under the command of Lord Admiral Edward Howard were sent to guard the English Channel. 6,000 soldiers were sent to Spain because Henry's father-in-law, Ferdinand II of Aragon, promised to help him regain his ancestral lands, Gascony, lost in 1453. An English army led by the Marquess of Dorset landed at San Sebastian in Spain on June 7, 1512, where they were to join forces with the Spanish army and attack Aquitaine. However, Ferdinand ordered his army to occupy Navarre, leaving the English army without Ferdinand's promised transport, tents, and beer. For years, Navarre had been greedy for the ambitions of Ferdinand, whose father John II of Aragon was once king consort of Navarre. Now Ferdinand, invoking the rights of his wife Germaine de Foix and obtaining a bull from the pope declaring the rulers of Navarre, Catherine de Foix and Jean d'Albert schimasmatics, sent his army and within a few months, all of Lower Navarre came under his rule. The rightful rulers of Navarre fled to the Viscounty of Béarn.

    The situation of the English in Spain was difficult, and dysentery broke out in the camp. The army was stuck there, and Ferdinand sent letters to Henry, complaining about the "disobedience of the soldiers of his kingdom." Henry realized that his father-in-law had deceived him, but full of youthful faith he did not abandon the war.

    The fleet under Edward Howard performed well in the English Channel, sinking one French ship in July. The English fleet now consisted of 25 ships, including the Sovereign, commanded by Charles Brandon, and the Regent, commanded by Thomas Knyvet. On August 12, 1512, The English attacked a French fleet of 22 ships off the coast of Brest. The French fleet withdrew beyond the Cordeliere, which was engaged with the Regent. The Cordeliere magazine then exploded, destroying both ships and killing approximately 600 Englishmen, including Knyvet and 1,000 French sailors.

    Meanwhile, France and Scotland renewed their Auld alliance. This year was kind to Scotland, because on April 10, 1512, Queen Margaret Tudor gave birth to a healthy boy with a tuft of red hair, named James after his father and created Duke of Rothesay. While his brothers James and Arthur were weak and died as toddlers, he seemed to be the picture of health, and by the end of the year it was announced that Queen Margaret was expecting a child again, with the baby expected to be born just before Easter 1513.

    In the fall of 1512, plans for an invasion of France began to be prepared in England, and in December 1512 the unfortunate soldiers finally returned from Spain, and their commander, Thomas Gray, was put on trial and ultimately acquitted.

    The year ended with a surprise. On December 25, 1512, Anne of Brittany, who so far gave birth to only healthy two daughters, gave birth to a healthy son, named Louis after his father. The entire court was celebrating the birth of the baby Dauphin, but three people were visibly sad. It was the ambitious Dowager Countess of Angoulême, Louise of Savoy, who had once heard a prophecy that her son Francis would become king and from then on she believed in it. Louis's birth clearly went against her plans, so Louise, Francis, and Margaret, Duchess of Alencon, were disappointed with the turn of events.
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    Chapter 3. Another year of war.
  • Chapter Three.
    Another year of War.

    Last year, in autumn, the members of the League met in Mantua to discuss the situation in Italy and the division of the territory taken from the French. They quickly came to an agreement regarding Florence. At the request of the Pope, Ramon de Cardona entered Tuscany, crushed Florentine resistance, overthrew the Florentine Republic, and installed Giuliano de’Medici as ruler of the city Julius and the Venetians insisted that Maximilian Sforza could retain the Duchy of Milan, while Emperor Maximilian and Ferdinand maneuvered to have one of their relatives appointed prince. The Pope asked for Ferrara to be incorporated into the Papal States. Ferdinand opposed this solution and wanted the existence of an independent Ferrara to counter the growing power of the Pope. The Emperor refused to cede the imperial territory, which in his eyes included most of Veneto, and signed an agreement with the Pope to completely exclude Venice from the final partition. When it opposed this, Julius threatened to reform the League of Cambrai against them. In response, Venice turned to Louis. On March 23, 1513, a treaty was signed in Blois between France and the Republic, which divided all of northern Italy.

    Meanwhile, Pope Julius II died in February 1513, and Cardinal Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent and elder brother of the new ruler of Florence, was elected Pope Leo X

    In England, from the beginning of winter, intensive preparations were underway for the planned invasion of France in the spring of the same year – the navy was enlarged several times. Henry suggested an agreement to James IV, but the King of Scotland rejected it, citing the older Auld alliance with France. Not everyone in England supported the war with France, the dean of St. Paul, John Colet, delivered an anti-war sermon during the Holy Mass, which was attended by Henry VIII himself.

    April 1513 was a month full of treaties. Ferdinand II of Aragon made a peace treaty with France for one year, but this did not prevent him from concluding an alliance with his son-in-law, Henry VIII, who established the conditions that the Castilian-Aragonese troops would invade Guienne in exchange for 100,000 crowns. The treaties culminated in the Treaty of Mechlin, signed by all members of the Holy League, which committed them to attack France within a month. In the same month,Lord Admiral Edward Howard launched a mission against the French fleet at Brest. However, the French had anticipated such a move and had a main fleet waiting for the English to fight on land. Instead, the English failed and blocked the port. Lord Howard decided to attack the French fleet at Brest a second time. He had to move his ship with the French ship Pregent de Bidoux and in transit to the French ship. Unfortunately, the French ship got away, leaving the Howard aground. The French threw him overboard and he drowned under the weight of his armor. The death of the Admiral and the news that Ferdinand had concluded a treaty with France, hidden from the allies, made Henry nervous. The duplicity of his Aragonese father-in-law, however, did not diminish Henry's love for Catherine, and the couple remained deeply in love with each other.

    On June 15, 1513, the court left Greenwich Palace and went to Dover, from where an army of 11,000 people led by King Henry was to sail to Calais. Henry appointed Catherine "regent and governor of England, Wales and Ireland during our absence for the purpose of defending the Catholic religion and restoring our rights and also for the purpose of issuing authorizations signed by her in her own hand. She may also withdraw from the treasury such sums as she may require." The Queen was given permission to raise armies, appoint sheriffs, accept most church appointments, and dispose of money as she saw fit. Henry announced that he was leaving the English in the care of a woman in whose "honor,prudence, prudence and faithfulness" could not be doubted. She ordered her subjects to obey her orders. The regent was also supposed to be supported by several advisers - William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Ruthall and Richard Foxe. Before Henry left, Catherine told him a secret - she was expecting another child, which filled the king's heart with "honey of delight”

    Most of the army was ready to cross the canal. On June 30, Henry reached Calais and his fleet dominated the waters of the English Channel. After spending three weeks in Calais, Henry entered France at the head of an English army numbering approximately 25,000. On August 4, Henry VIII reached the siege of Therouanne. The prefabricated buildings were erected to make a permanent camp outside the town. The Officers were housed in large colored tents while the men slept in small plain tents. Soon, Emperor Maximilian arrived at Aire-sur-la-Lys with full forces. Henry donned light armor and took his feast of gold robes and arrived in Aire on August 11, where Maximilian's supporters were still dressed in black in mourning for his wife Bianca Maria Sforza. Henry hosted Maximilian in the gold cloth gallery tent in his camp. According to the Chronicle, the weather on the day of the meeting was "the worst on record.” Louis XII, King of France, decided to break the siege. In July, a force of 800 Albanians led by Captain Fonterailles broke through the besieger's lines and successfully delivered gunpowder and supplies, including bacon, to the city gates, leaving 80 men as reinforcements. Fonterailles was helped by a cover of artillery fire from the city.

    The Battle of Spurs took place on August 14, 1513. News of the French attack reached the English stationed at Guinnesgate, south of Therouanne. As the 15,000-strong French force approached, Henry ordered an attack and the two armies met near the village of Borny. English artillery broke the French lines, and with the French in disarray, English cavalry attacked. Seeing the English cavalry approaching, the French turned and fled with such speed that the battle was called the Day of the Spurs. Many French nobles were captured and held for ransom.

    A short time later, Thérouanne fell, and King Henry and the Emperor entered the city in triumph. Within the next month, Tournai also fell. The Anglo imperial victory was celebrated in Lille, where Henry met the regent of the Low Countries, Margaret of Austria, and Prince Charles Habsburg, considered heir to the empire and the combined Spanish crowns. Charles was reportedly impressed by the English king's courage and admired him as a knight. The Treaty of Lille was signed because as winter approached, further hostilities in France were abandoned. This treaty was signed by Henry, Maximilian and Ferdinand. It committed them to a joint invasion of France before June 1514. The treaty was to be sealed by the marriage of Ferdinand's and Maximilian’s grandson, Charles, to Henry's younger sister, Mary.

    However, Henry had another worry. In August, the King of Scotland declared war on England. James IV's wife, Margaret Tudor, begged her husband not to go to fight against her country. She felt that this expedition would bring James' death, and she and her two children: James and the several-month-old Margaret, born just after Easter, would have a difficult fate. James, enchanted by the money Louis had sent, attacked England. Catherine of Aragon, however, proved to be a capable regent and took the English army and sent it north. Although she was heavily pregnant, she gave a wonderful speech to the English soldiers, encouraging them to fight. The troops moved into battle, and Catherine withdrew to Buckingham to await news from the troops.

    Initially, the Scottish army occupied Norham, Wark, Etal and Ford castles. James chose Ford as his base. The owner of the castle, Sir William Heron, was sent to Scotland as a prisoner. However, an English army soon arrived under the command of the Earl of Surrey. He challenged James to a duel, but the Scot refused. The Earl of Surrey began his march to Berwick to retake the town from the Scots. On September 9, 1513, the Scots set up camp in Berwick and moved to intercept the English. When the English were spotted, the Scottish army reached the top of Branxton Hill. James ordered his men to charge down the hill and surprise the English. However, large numbers of Scots were killed by English gunfire and gunfire. As they ran down the hill, the Scots broke formation and were defeated by the English. King James also fought in the battle, and was almost killed, but instead of dying in battle, he was captured along with a group of his personal guards and became a prisoner of the English, and was sent to York, where he was treated with great respect as an 'honored guest'.

    On October 16, 1513, at Woburn Abbey, Catherine gave birth slightly prematurely to her second son, who, in accordance with Henry’s wishes, was named Edward, after his great-grandfather, King Edward IV. Soon, King Henry VIII returned safely to England, proud of his victories and the fact that he had a second son. Now he had to solve the problem with Scotland and take advantage of the fact that their king was his hostage.

    It is also worth mentioning the events in Italy. France briefly took control of Milan, but was soon defeated by the Swiss army at Novara, and Prince Maximilian Sforza returned to the throne. To strengthen his position, he sent messengers to Naples to ask the Dowager Duchess of Milan, Isabella, for the hand in marriage of her daughter, Bona. Bona was her only living child, and was the heir to all her property, and had her own rights to Milan. Isabella, ambitious, would love to see her daughter as the Duchess of Milan, so she also agreed to such a match.

    At the end of the year, preparations began in England for the wedding of Princess Mary and Prince Charles, which was scheduled for May 1514 in Calais. Charles' maternal grandfather and Henry's father-in-law, Ferdinand, considered Mary, who was four years older than Charles, to be an old maid, and began to plot to prevent the marriage from taking place. His idea was for Charles to marry Louis XII's younger daughter, Renee, to seal a Spanish-French
    peace treaty.
    Chapter 4. Peace.
  • Chapter 4
    In the winter of 1514, news reached England that King Ferdinand II of Aragon was sending letters to his grandson Charles, in which he threatened that if he married Mary Tudor, he would do everything to have him disinherited from at least the crown of Aragon, and replaced by his brother, Infante Ferdinand , born and raised in Spain. Henry did not hide his anger at his father-in-law, who had disappointed him again. For the first time, his marriage with Catherine became quite strained as she tried to calm down the conflict between them. Thomas Wolsey, the former canon of Windsor, who had recently bought into the king’s favor, also whispered into the king’s ear. He had heard reports that King Louis’s wife, Anne of Britanny, was in poor health and would most likely die soon. Although Anne gave birth to a son, little Louis was only a year old and could die at any moment. He began to discreetly persuade Henry to delay Mary’s wedding and wait for events to unfold.

    Henry also had other problems. James IV was still in captivity and was transferred to the Carthusian monastery Sheen Priory. In Scotland itself, there was chaos, some of the nobility died at Flodden, and Margaret Tudor tried to rule the country as regent , but some people did not trust her due to her English origins. In February 1514, Henry met his „honored guest” for the first time, and both kings attended a hunting party. Soon the Scots arrived in London to negotiate a peace treaty. Henry set tough conditions, and Scotland, humiliated by the king’s capture, had to agree to them. On March 1, 1514, the Treaty of London was signed, assuming the abandonment of the Auld alliance and the payment of a high fine in exchange for James’ release. He was to be released when the first installment was paid, and to be replaced by his son and Henry’s nephew, the Duke of Rothesay. The boy was to be raised at Eltham Palace with his English cousins until the entire ransom was paid.

    At that time, in the Low Countries, attempts were made to solve the problem of the marriage of Mary and Charles Habsburg. The King of Aragon’s threats aroused concern, and an English delegation arrived at Mechelen, impatiently waiting for Charles’ response. The ambassador, Thomas Boleyn, praised Mary’s virtues, claiming that she was one of the most beautiful princesses and would certainly be a good, honest wife, perfect for the future Emperor. Indeed, a portrait of Mary soon arrived and Charles was delighted. Charles’s paternal grandfather, Emperor Maximilian, after Charles showed no interest in the Hungarian match with Anne Jagiellon, agreed that the Englishwoman would be a better match than the young child Renee. His aunt Margaret of Austria also had a great influence on the young Habsburg, who convinced him that insulting the English allies was worthless and the fact that he and Mary were already married by proxy. Eventually, Charles gave a positive response to the English delegation, and they were allowed to return back to England.
    Mary seemed excited about marriage, carried a miniature of Charles with her and stared at it often. Although she was infatuated with Charles Brandon, her brother’s closest friend, she knew that the princess must obey her brother’s will. Soon, preparations for the wedding began – trunks were packed, new dresses were ordered to fit the Dutch court, and servants were selected. She was to be accompanied to her husband’s country by several English maids (including Boleyn’s ambassador’s daughters, Mary and Anne) under the supervision of her governess Lady or „Mother” Guildford, who served as her principal lady-in-waiting.

    Catherine and Henry and Mary left London at the end of April and reached Dorset, from where the princess was to sail. Saying goodbye to her brother and sister-in-law, after a few days of cruising through the English Channel, she finally reached Calais. The wedding of Charles and Mary took place on May 15 in the Cathedral of Our Lady, and the wedding celebrations lasted almost a week. Later, the young couple took a tour of the estate. Although they had no permanent headquarters, their favorite cities were Brussels, Ghent and Mechelen. Maria, musically gifted and playing the lute and clavichord, quickly found herself at the cultural court, where many artists and humanists lived. Over the next few years, she was to become an icon of European fashion.

    After Mary and Charles married, Ferdinand II of Aragon began a series of actions to persuade the corteses of Aragon and Castile to exclude Charles in favor of his younger brother, Ferdinand. According to the old king, a prince raised in the Low Countries, married to an English ‘old maid’, will not care about the interests of Spain and will lead to its destruction. Of course, such a thing aroused protests from the Emperor and Charles, but as the imperial ambassador explained that his master would be willing to cooperate if he were given a generous amount of money. Ferdinand, duplicitous as ever, promised money but waited to send it until Charles renounced his claims to Castile and Aragon.

    In France, 1514 was not a good year. At the beginning of June, Queen Anne of Britanny died, exhausted by numerous pregnancies and the loss of most of her children. She left behind three children, but although her only son developed well, the children were fragile and the Dauphin could have died of a childhood disease, just as his half-brother, Charles Orlando, had done years before. Although Anne wanted Brittany to be independent from France, after her death, Louis caused their son to become the new prince. To further consolidate her annexation to France, in October, Anne and Louis’s elder daughter, Claude, married the Count of Angoulême, Francis. They made a mismatched pair – Claude was short, hunchbacked, with a quiet nature, and Francis was tall and women liked him, and he was very interested in art. During the wedding, Claude cried bitterly, most likely still missing her deceased mother. This marriage delighted the bride’s mother, Louise of Savoy, an ambitious woman who detested Anne of Brittany. If only the little Dauphin Louis had died, her beloved son would have become both King of France and Duke of Brittany at the same time. For now, however, these were only dreams, because King Louis, although suffering from gout, soon after marrying Claude to Francis , announced that he intended to marry again in order to secure his line. Soon, a frantic search for the new Queen of France began.

    Returning to England, although at the beginning of the year there were disagreements between Catherine and Henry, they soon reconciled and this resulted in the queen’s third pregnancy. Although a treaty with Scotland was concluded, their King James still remained in English captivity and was transferred to Sudeley Castle, where he lacked nothing. In Scotland, the king’s cousin, John Stewart, Duke of Albany, who had been staying in France, unexpectedly returned. A group of nobles who did not trust Margaret gathered around him. Margaret herself had to spend several months away from politics, at the end of April she gave birth to a stillborn son and her recovery took much longer than before. There was also a crisis in Scotland, and there was poverty, which made it impossible to raise money for the first installment of the ransom. On Christmas Day, December 25, 1514, another boy was born, and Henry, overjoyed, allowed Catherine to choose his name. She chose the name John, in honor of her deceased brother and their common ancestor – John of Ghent. The birth of a child added even more splendor to the Christmas celebration.
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    Chapter 5
  • Chapter 5
    After war.

    1515 — 1517

    In France, King Louis XII found his dream bride in the form of a seventeen-year-old princess, Eleanor of Austria. Although the Dutch-Austrian Habsburg Empire was linked by alliance with England and Spain, Emperor Maximilian treated it as a way to consolidate peace and further increase the glory of the family. Although little Dauphin Louis was still alive, he may have died in childhood. If this happened, and if Eleanor and Louis had a son, her son would become king and she would become regent. Having a child king and regent descended from the Habsburgs was a truly tempting prospect. Eleanor was terrified by the idea of marrying a much older king, but with dignity, she was ready to sacrifice herself for the good of the family. She was the only one of the three sisters who lived in Mechelen who had not yet been promised to anyone - Isabella was married by proxy to the Kingdoms of the Kalmar Union, and Mary was promised to Louis of Hungary and of Bohemia. Her aunt, Margaret of Austria, had hated the French since Charles VIII had rejected her many years earlier and had many reservations. But Maximilian was determined to bring about the marriage, and in February 1515 the Treaty of Blois was signed, which set the archduchess's dowry at 200,000 ducats, and one of the installments was to be jewels. King Louis was to pay the emperor 30,000 ducats a year, and the two countries were to maintain a truce for a year. To pay the first installment of the dowry, Maximilian obtained a loan from the Fugger banking family.

    In mid-April 1515, Eleanor and her retinue arrived in Reims, where she met King Louis for the first time. Although Eleanor was not considered a great beauty, dressed in "a purple and gold checked dress with a skirt of silver-gray satin and a French hood, studded with pearls" made a great impression on the old king. The marriage was blessed in the cathedral and consummated that same night. After the wedding, Louis seemed to be greatly infatuated with the Austrian woman, he gave her gifts, and Eleanor politely thanked her for them. A short time later, the couple were allowed entry into Paris, and a few weeks later, the new queen was crowned in Saint-Denis. Although King Louis was in poor health and had been suffering from regular attacks of gout for several years, she became pregnant. In March 1516, a princess named Jeanne was born. However, Louis wanted a son, and he began to visit his wife's bedroom again. This time it was completely exhausting, and his condition worsened again, and in July he suffered a severe attack of illness, from which he did not emerge alive, as he died on the last day of July in his favorite castle, Château de Blois. His death meant that the new king of France was his four-year-old son, Louis, and the regent was the Count of Angoulême and his older sister's husband, Francis. In fact, however, the power was held by Louise of Savoy, who maintained correspondence with the former regent, Anne de Beaujeu.

    Eleanor put on white mourning, typical of French queens, and went to the Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, where she stayed for 40 days. After this time, the royal physicians announced that the queen dowager's womb was empty, so she could leave the seclusion. Eleanor was only eighteen, and had only given birth to a daughter. Her brother, Charles, demanded that she be sent back to the Low Countries, but problems arose. Francis did not want to release her and ordered her to be kept under guard because he wanted to use her in his own politics. In November 1516, an agreement was reached - Eleanor could keep her jewels, both those she brought to the marriage and those gifts from King Louis. The lands belonging to the widow's estate were transferred to her daughter, and Charles gave up applying for a refund of the paid part of the dowry, 50,000 ducats. She saw her daughter for the last time in her life, and then went on a journey to the Low Countries, arriving there before Christmas.

    Francis busied himself with signing peace treaties with other countries, France was exhausted by the wars that had been raging for eight years. A treaty was signed with England, recognizing their sovereignty over Tournai and Thérouanne, and with Spain recognizing their sovereignty over Naples. The regents also recognized Maximilian Sforza as the Duke of Milan, and there was even talk of the son of Maximilian and his wife Bona - Ludovico - marrying one of Francis' daughters, Louise or Charlotte, or Louis's daughter, Jeanne de Valois.

    During these years, the problem of succession in Spain was also solved. In March 1515, Charles renounced his rights to the throne of Spain in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand. He was rewarded with a generous sum of money, just like his paternal grandfather, Emperor Maximilian. Soon Ferdinand was appointed by the Cortes - Prince of Asturias and Girona. The Spanish were delighted - although he was a Habsburg, he was born and raised in Spain, so he seemed to be an ideal king, focused solely on the Spanish Empire. Soon people began to consider, among other things: marriage for Ferdinand, to whom his second grandfather, the emperor, intended Anne of Hungary and Bohemia to marry. Now circumstances had changed, so he needed another fiancée. Renee of France was still on offer, but soon Isabella of Portugal, his first cousin, was also on the table. Castile, Aragon and Portugal had intermarried for centuries, and the Infanta would have brought a high dowry. At the age of 12, Isabella was considered quite pretty and graceful, and was considered her parents' favorite daughter. Carefully educated, in addition to her native Portuguese, she also knew Spanish, Latin and French, and the idea of having another Isabella and Ferdinand appealed to the Castilians very much. In the summer of 1515, a marriage treaty was signed - Ferdinand was to marry Isabella in 1517, when they were both 14 years old.

    This was the last significant success of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. From 1513, the old king's health deteriorated and he suffered from regular attacks of fever and shortness of breath. Some rumors claimed that his condition was caused by the use of aphrodisiacs, which enabled him to father a child with his second wife, Germaine de Foix. Ferdinand died on January 23, 1516 in Madrigalejo, after dictating his will - according to it, the regency in Castile was to be held by Cardinal Cisneros, and in Aragon by the Archbishop of Zaragoza until his grandson was 16 years old. He died that night, and his last words were: "Forgive me, Isabella, for trying to break my promise to you, but the Lord would not allow it. Forgive me." He was buried in Granada along with his first wife, Isabella of Castile, in a majestic tomb founded by the grandchildren of their namesakes. Ferdinand was proclaimed king of Castile and Aragon iure matris, commonly known as Ferdinand VI. His mother Joanna became his co-ruler, but due to "madness" she had been locked up in Tordesillas for years. In the following years, he remained under the influence of the powerful Cardinal Cisneros, who made sure that his protégé was a devout Catholic. In April 1517, his wedding to Infanta Isabella of Portugal took place in Seville, but due to her young age (she was still a few months away from her 14th birthday), the consummation of the marriage was postponed. The wedding, although lavish, was overshadowed in May by the death of Isabella's mother, Maria of Aragon. The young Portuguese developed a good relationship with Germaine de Foix, whom Ferdinand regarded as a motherly figure. Germaine later married Ferrante, Duke of Calabria in 1519, and they were both appointed viceroys of Valencia. Germaine, according to the Venetian ambassador in 1515, was described as "French, sister of Monseigneur de Fois, she is very fat and, according to Badoer, will bear no more children." Her only son is her first child, who was born in 1509, so it is a surprise when she and her second husband have two children - Isabella, born in 1520, and Mary, born in 1523. Both girls are goddaughters of the Queen and King.

    In England, the years between 1515 and 1517 were years of stabilization and reconstruction after the war.

    The royal court did not have a permanent seat and changed it frequently. Catherine and Henry's favorite palaces were Greenwich Palace, Westminster Palace and Richmond Palace, while Windsor Castle was mainly used for hunting. The couple also visited Waltham Abbey to pray at the miraculous black Cross. Queen Catherine also liked to visit Syon Abbey, a great center of religious life. Thomas Wolsey was gaining more and more influence and in December 1515 he was appointed cardinal. His promotion caused resentment from Queen Catherine of Aragon, and this began their rivalry for influence over King Henry. Although Henry and Catherine's marriage was no longer as strong as it had been a few years earlier, the first rumors of the king's infidelities with the queen's courtier, the beautiful Elizabeth (Bessie) Blount, appeared. The first mentions of their romance began to appear in the summer of 1514, when the king allegedly noticed her during the Masques. Elizabeth was known for her beauty, ability to play instruments and dance beautifully, and was even said to have composed her own songs. By nature, she was submissive, calm, and definitely did not want to be influential and outshine the queen, like some mistresses.

    Despite this, Catherine and Henryk did not separate, which resulted in two more pregnancies. The first ended with the birth of a girl named Maria in February 1516. Henry and Catherine adored their daughter, she was later called 'the pearl'. In later times, Henry often boasted "my pearl never cries". The second ended in premature birth in August 1517, when a child was born stillborn or died shortly after birth, but the sex of the child was not recorded for posterity.

    In the summer of 1516, an important ceremony took place at the court - all three sons of Catherine and Henry were appointed knights of the order of the Garter and received titles. Henry became Prince of Wales, Edward became Duke of York, and John became Duke of Somerset. The boys all had copper hair and seemed to be energetic childrenand, only John was frequently prone to fever. A few weeks later, the five-year-old Prince of Wales, Henry, or Hal as he was called, traveled to Wales, to Ludlow Castle, to begin his education there. To improve sanitary conditions, cattle were ordered to be kept in pens rather than having to walk everywhere, and the castle's corridors were regularly swept. The palace also had beautiful gardens and a tennis court for the prince and his companions to use. In May 1517, there were riots in London. Early in the reign of King Henry VIII, Londoners began to resent the presence of foreigners (called "aliens") arriving from the Continent. The people of London, encouraged by the priest's sermon, began a riot on Mayday, which was suppressed by the Duke of Norfolk and his private army. A dozen of the protesting men were executed, and the rest were pardoned, after the entreaties of Queen Catherine.

    The Scottish problem was finally resolved in March 1517, when the first installment of the ransom was received, so King James IV, after three and a half years of captivity, could finally return to Scotland, but before doing so he had to take a humiliating oath before the King of England. After this he was taken to the Scottish border, an exchange was made in Northumberland, in accordance with the Treaty of London - King James returned, and in his place came the young Duke of Rothesay. It was also the first time Henry VIII and Margaret Tudor had met in years, but the relationship between the siblings was hostile. The Duke of Rothesay was taken by the English and sent to Ludlow to be brought up. Cousins Hal and James, although heirs to opposing crowns, became friends.

    In July 1515, a convention was held in Vienna, where the emperor, the king of Hungary & Bohemia and the king of Poland met. Old arrangements were renewed, and everything was to be strengthened by two marriages - Maximilian's granddaughter, Maria, was to marry Louis, heir to the throne of Hungary and Bohemia. His older sister, Anne, was engaged to the emperor, and the age difference between them was 44 years. When the siblings' father died in March 1516, Maximilian became their guardian. In the summer, Anne arrived in Vienna, where she married Emperor Maximilian in Saint Stephen's Cathedral. Marriage was not like that of a wife and a husband, and the aging emperor was a fatherly or even grandfatherly figure to her. But it seems that the marriage was consummated, because later, in 1517, reports circulated that "Her Highness the Empress's belly is most beautifully rounded."

    In the Netherlands, Charles took over independent rule in 1515. His marriage to Mary Tudor was developing well, two daughters were born - Isabella and Margaret, so a son was expected soon. However, the first years of his rule were dominated by wars with the rebellious Duke of Guelders, Charles, and soon there was a revolt of peasants and mercenaries from Friesland, initially supported by the Duke of Guelders. They won several victories, but when he withdrew his support, the Habsburg troops defeated them and the leaders of the uprising were beheaded.

    After Eleanor's return from France, there were various offers of marriage - one of them was the widowed Polish king, Sigismund I the Old, who had recently lost his wife Barbara Zapolya and daughter in childbirth, and his only legitimate child was Jadwiga, born in 1513. Another was Anthony, Duke of Lorraine, whose first wife, Renée of Bourbon, died unfortunately a few weeks after their wedding. However, Eleanor was in no hurry to marry, as she was often seen at court parties, talking or dancing with Frederick of the Palatinate, who lived and served Charles. Malicious rumors claimed that the couple had secretly married, against all odds. It is not known what really happened, but Frederick was discreetly removed from the court and did not return to it until Eleanor left for her next husband.

    On October 31, 1517, an event took place that was to change Europe. In Wittenberg, the German monk Martin Luther published his 99 theses. This definitely marked the beginning of a new chapter for history.​

    I welcome any suggestions from this regarding the Reformation.
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