<1900 free online resource collection thread

This thread is meant as a place to post sources that you use often, or just enjoy reading that you think would come in handy for others. The only stipulation is that it needs to be free and easily accessible. Any subject or period after 1900 (I am going to post a similar thread for the >1900 thread) is allowable here. I will periodically make threadmarks for the different posts to make it easy to find the sources in future.
Drachinifel is a youtube channel which releases short videos reviewing historical warships across naval history. Everything from ancient Hellenic galleys to the Iowa class battleships are covered. The channel also releases special videos which go in depth about topics such as naval infrastructure, the development of warship armor, or specific battles. Furthermore every Sunday Drach, the operator of the channel releases a QnA video that is several hours long and answers subscriber questions on a huge variety of naval topics.