
  1. Laos and Cambodia as Vietnamese SSRs?

    So if I'm not mistaken, just as 1979 wrapped up, Vietnam had military control over Laos (as a consequence of the Vietnam War) as well as Cambodia (as a consequence of the war against Pol Pot). That being said, what are your thoughts on Vietnam deciding to incorporate the new nations as annexed...
  2. AHC: Keep LBJ from Escalating Vietnam.

    Your challenge, should you accept it, is to keep LBJ from escalating the conflict in Vietnam by either just having advisors their or pulling out all together.
  3. AHC/WI: US Army adopts AK47 for the Infantry during Vietnam?

    Seen a few documentaries on the Vietnam War and the consenses among militart historians seems to be that the m16 rifle of the US army compared poorly to the AK47 assault rifles of the NVA and the Vietcong guerilla army with some of the major issues being lack of reliability in jungle climate as...
  4. AHC: Five modernised Nations in Asia by 1900

    Your challenge, if you accept it, is to have at least five completely westernised countries (excluding Japan) in Asia by year 1900. They must have modern administration, military and must be industrialised at least to Japan's level by 1900. Rules: 1) They should be fully sovereign I.e. not...
  5. WI: LBJ Runs in 1960

    Let's assume in this timeline that the Democrats are concerned that they'll need to have an equally experienced politician run for President, so they nominate LBJ/Humphrey. How do you see the election turning out?
  6. WI Walter Jenkins not arrested?

    Watched the HBO film All the Way today, and... wow, can't believe I never heard of this guy. And I'm not the only one who thinks his arrest in 1964 had potentially major consequences: So what do you guys think? What if the man LBJ (may) have thought of as a son hadn't seen his career cut short...
  7. WI:Roosevelt gets his invasion of Hainan and Indochina

    FDR was very supportive of an invasion of Hainan Island and Indochina as a way to create a secure route to supply the Chinese that didn't involve flying over Burma, despite the fact that all of the military leaders in the Pacific theater were against the plan. What if FDR gets what he wanted and...
  8. WI JFK did not add combat "advisors" in 61-62 Vnam?

    Of all the U.S. administration escalating U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Kennedy's seems the least "forced." Truman essentially stood aside going with the French flow in his first term. In his second, he just aligned Vietnam policy with shifts in Asian containment after the Korean War started...