george hw bush

  1. Višeslav

    HW Bush second term foreign policy?

    So, let's say George HW Bush gets a second term in 1992. A lot of interesting foreign policy decisions had to be made by the US in Clinton's first term, how might Bush Sr. a much more experienced foreign policy leader handle them? How would this effect the world? The big issues...
  2. Keep Hope Alive: A Jesse Jackson 1988 TL

    Chapter 1: The Beginning of Something Greater After eight years of Reagan, the Democratic Party was ready. Not just for the end of Reagan's presidency, but for a chance for a truly transformative Presidency. The last Democrat to have a somewhat successful administration was LBJ, but for most...
  3. WI: Dukakis wins in 1988?

    How does he handle the changes that come with the fall of the Soviet Union? Does Saddam Hussein Still invade Kuwait? If so how does Dukakis respond? How does Dukakis respond to the 1990-91 recession? Does he win re election in 1992?
  4. Taunay

    PODs for a different HW Bush presidency

    There are many threads on Bush winning reelection in 1992, but I've seen few where there are discussions on how the Bush presidency could be different. The purpose of this thread is to list and discuss PODs for how a HW Bush presidency could be different from OTL, PODs that either benefit or...
  5. Vidal

    What It Took: A TLIAW by Enigma and Vidal

    the air around us vibrates, starting slowly, eventually getting fast and faster a crack in the meta verse opens up and bright blinding light flashes in its place THUNDER! those watching are too stunned to speak as laughter emits from the crack, louder and louder [for reference, it is akin to...
  6. How does southern politics evolve with a successful democratic 80s?

    Obviously a successful democratic 1980s is a scenario that is interesting to me and a lot of people on the site. Realistically for it to happen the POD is a Republican whether it’s Ford or Reagan wins in 1976 and their term is a disaster where the economy is in the tank by election time ( for...
  7. The Lingering Curse of Tippecanoe: An Alternate 1980s

    Rawhide Down: On March 30th, 1981, less than 100 days into his Presidency, Ronald Wilson Reagan was struck down by an assassin’s bullet after addressing a labor meeting at the Washington Hilton Hotel. The assassin, John Hinckly Jr, shot the President in the chest, with the bullet striking his...
  8. The_Persian_Cat

    How could Iran-Contra have gone different?

    Hey all, So, the Iran-Contra scandal could have gone different in a lot of ways, a lot of which we'll probably never know. What scenarios about the Iran-Contra Affair would you think are most interesting? One obvious one would be if Reagan was directly implicated. Under what circumstances...
  9. The Reform Party: 20 Years of History
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    I have started a number of timelines on this site that either grew too expansive or too narrow in focus and I felt I had to abandon eventually. My longest run was about 18 chapters, so I decided to make this timeline nice and simple. There will be 20 chapters, one for every year from the...
  10. New World Empire: The Second Term of George H.W. Bush
    Threadmarks: 1. Introduction

    "A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world...
  11. WI: Jerry Brown runs as Independent in 1992

    What if this in election scenario you have Democratic presidential nominee Jerry Brown who came in second place after Bill Clinton run as Independent? This might be a bit of unrealistic scenario but let's have this election the same with Bush, Clinton and Perot running but now with Jerry Brown...
  12. Chapman

    WI Bill Bradley runs in 1988?

    In the run up to the 1988 US Presidential Election, New Jersey Senator and former New York Knicks player Bill Bradley was widely considered a serious contender for POTUS. However, he ultimately declined to run stating that he "would know when he was ready." Bradley then served in the US Senate...
  13. If Cuomo Had Run in 1992, Who Would've Been His Running Mate?

    In 1991, New York Governor Mario Cuomo famously dithered over whether or not to run for President in the upcoming Democratic primaries. Ultimately he decided not to run, claiming that New York's budget problems were too much of a distraction, and Bill Clinton was nominated instead. Had Cuomo...
  14. mlee117379

    DBWI: Clinton stays out of the 1988 race

    Apparently Clinton came very close to changing his mind about running in 1988. Suppose he doesn't run for President that year after all. Who wins the Democratic nomination, and how do they do in the general?
  15. WI: The Bushes Stay in New England

    In 1948, a young George HW Bush had just graduated from Yale and he needed a way to make a living. His uncle offered him a job at a prominent Wall St firm, which would've allowed Bush's family to remain in Connecticut while he worked in NYC. But instead Bush decided to relocate Texas and try his...
  16. If Clinton Doesn't Run in 1992, then Who Wins the Election?

    Suppose that like most other Democrats, Bill Clinton assumed 1992 was to be a Republican year and he sat out the race. Without Clinton, who wins the Democratic nomination and who wins the general election?
  17. What Would America Be Like Without Bill Clinton?

    Suppose that Michael Dukakis, as originally expected, had defeated George H.W. Bush in 1988. This likely butterflies away a Bill Clinton administration. What would America be like without Bill Clinton's presidency?
  18. What Caused the Early 1990's Recession?

    From 1990-1991, the US experienced a recession. The poor economy caused George H.W. Bush to lose his 1992 re-election bid and gave rise to the term "jobless recovery." Compared to 1982 or 2008 the early 1990s recession was mild, but it was nonetheless politically and historically important. What...
  19. If Clinton Loses in 1992, Who Do the Democrats Nominate in 1996?

    If Bill Clinton had lost the 1992 election to George H.W. Bush, who would the Democrats have nominated in 1996? And would they have gone on to win the general election?
  20. DBWI: How Could Bush Have Won in 1988?

    The 1988 election was the closest Presidential contest since 1960. New York Governor Mario Cuomo defeated Vice-President George Bush by a margin of 280 to 258 in the electoral college, and only 49.6% to 49.4% in the popular vote. What could Bush have done differently to beat Cuomo in 1988?