
  1. No Foot To Boot - An Alternate Timeline of Late 20th Century British Politics

    BBC News 9th October 1963 Hello, this is BBC News, I am Richard Baker and these are the headlines for this evening. Ugandan Prime Minister Milton Obote has declared the nation a republic on the first anniversary of its declaration of independence from the United Kingdom. The...
  2. Could the British Tories Have Possibly Won in 1945?

    The British Election of 1945 is one of the most famous upsets in political history: despite Winston Churchill's popularity the Tories lost in a landslide. Was there any way the Tories could've won in 1945?
  3. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Europe? A British Political Timeline

    Britain's long and stored history with Europe is certainly a troubled one. Indeed, ever since Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet fathered the concept of a political union between European nations, based on a desire to keep peace in the continent, British scholars and commoners alike have been at...
  4. WI: 'Cleggmania' materialises

    IOTL, the 2010 GE campaign was, to a large degree, dominated by 'Cleggmania', a surge in support for the Lib Dems triggered by a strong performance by Nick Clegg in the first televised debate. Indeed, in several polls the party overtook the Conservatives to hold a slim lead around the mid-30s...
  5. AHC: Conservative victory in 2001

    A fairly simple challenge: With a POD of May the 2nd 1997, have the Conservatives win the 2001 general election (or 2002, if Blair decides to wait until Parliament runs its course).
  6. AHC: More Churchills and Lloyd Georges in Downing Street

    In our timeline, both Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George had children who followed their fathers into Parliament - Lloyd George had two children (Gwilym and Megan) who entered Parliament (with neither remaining in the Liberal Party by the end of their careers, funnily enough), while...
  7. DBWI: British Rail privatised

    WI British Rail had been privatised by the Conservatives in the 90s? What would the British railway network look like today?
  8. ElectricSheepNo54

    A Fairer World - An Alternate 2000s and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Titlecard

    You're starting another timeline? This isn't an interview. Are you actually going to do more than a handful of updates this time? I'm not making any promises. What's this one all about? Alternate recent history concerning Labour doing a bit better in the 2010 election. This better not...
  9. WI: Fourth Thatcher Government

    Let's say that Margaret Thatcher continues on as Prime Minister after 1990, and that some of the problems which bogged her during her third term are butterflied away (for example, no Black Wednesday and perhaps somehow there is a better reception to the community charge, or it is never...
  10. Unfinished Business: A British Politics TL

    Oh dear, you're back. Yes, I'm back with another timeline. Well, it better not be as ASB as the last one. Hopefully it won't. So what's the premise for this one? Thank you for asking! For a while, this thread was floating around the top page of the forum, on what would have happened if...
  11. WI John Major Resigns After Black Wednesday

    What if British Prime Minister John Major had resigned after Black Wednesday in 1992? IOTL, Major in fact wrote a letter of resignation and nearly tendered it to the Queen, however he decided in the end not to. TTL he resigns. This likely also brings an early end to Norman Lamont's time as...
  12. WI 2005 UK election ends in a hung parliament

    What if the outcome of the 2005 UK election had been a hung parliament? The election was relatively close in the popular vote with Labour winning with just 35% and by a margin of under 3%, however the Tories were unable to effectively seize on Blair and Labour's unpopularity and Tony Blair...
  13. WI Neil Kinnock wins 1992 UK election

    What if Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party won the 1992 UK election? I made some alternate results, using Electoral Calculus, producing only a small, but ultimately critical, swing from the Conservatives to labour and the LibDems. 1992 UK election Neil Kinnock-Labour: 302+73 36.4% John...
  14. WI Barry Goldwater Lost the California primary

    What if, as expected, Barry Goldwater lost the 1964 California primary to Nelson Rockefeller? Rockefeller had mounted a strong advertising campaign in the state and Goldwater's extremist positions seemed to put him behind. The primary was a big delegate haul and was seen both at the time and...
  15. WI Liberal-NDP coalition formed in 2008

    What if after the 2008 Canadian election, a coalition government was successfully formed between the Liberals and the NDP, with the support of the Bloc Quebecois, as was attempted, and the Harper government was overthrown? A PoD for this could be that Governor-General Michaelle Jean does not let...
  16. What if Edward Heath had accepted Thatcher's offer?

    First post on here, just a little scenario I came up with earlier on, and thought I'd post it here - obviously not polished historically, or very realistic, but certainly an interesting diversion. I've always been interested by Edward Heath, and I thought I'd see what could've happened had...
  17. What if Neil Kinnock won the 1992 UK election?

    What if Neil Kinnock had won the 1992 UK election and defeated John Major and the Conservatives? Let's say that the result is this(I got this using Electoral Calculus) 1992 UK election results Neil Kinnock-Labour: 337+108 39.2% John Major-Conservative: 264-112 37.6% Paddy Ashdown-LibDem: 24+2...
  18. CanadianTory

    WI: Stephen Harper resigned before the 2015 election

    Me and a friend were discussing this issue recently. I proposed that had Stephen Harper resigned sometime before the 2015 federal election, as was rumoured, than perhaps the party would have had a better shot at winning re-election. My friend, an avid supporter of the NDP, didn't think so...
  19. New Labour Wank

    I remember a post I made in the wank labour as much as possible thread. The basic idea is the Conservatives split in the late 1990s and so Blair gets even bigger majorities and a weaker Tory Party is unable to even get into a competitive position by the end of the decade. I'd like to do a TL...
  20. The Day The Sky Turned Orange: A Collaborative TL by Sanderford and Pericles

    The NDP could wait no longer. Canada could wait no longer. A life-time in third-place was ending. Tom Mulcair, Leader of the Opposition, was going to win first-place for the NDP this time. It wasn't just hope. The polls were swinging to the NDP, they had the lead now. Stephen Harper and the...