
  1. The Red Boot: the history of Italy in the Cold War (TLIAW)
    Threadmarks: THE IRON SICILIAN

    MARIO SCELBA The Iron Sicilian There are many factors that determined the outbreak of the Second Italian Civil War in 1948. First, Italy had suffered greatly during the Second World War. Much of its cities and infrastructure had been reduced to ruins, and entire families had been torn apart...
  2. Bomster

    WI: May 1946 French Constitutional Referendum succeeds?

    In May of 1946, a Constitutional Referendum was presented to the French electorate, featuring reforms such as greatly expanding the power of the Assembly, abolishing the Senate, and more. The Yes side was backed by the Communists and SFIO, who failed to run a unified campaign. The No side was...
  3. Would the USSR have survived longer if gorbachev didn't try reforming it?

    Would the USSR have survived longer if gorbachev didn't try liberalizing and reforming it? What would change in our history? When would it have eventually collapsed?
  4. Weakened Allied Powers and Soviet Domination

    I know this may sound very unrealistic, but I've had this idea in my head for a long time now. What if the Americans were weakened by a specific reason, it wouldn't be the Great Depression since they even had the ability to enter the war. My reason for the Americans weak is because of an...
  5. ideology symbols Thread I

    Welcome to their own ideological sign posted here
  6. Emperor Max

    AHC: Buff British minor parties

    I’d have David Cameron screw up even further and have UKIP win several more seats. Maybe Respect manage to win in some London Muslim areas in 2005
  7. Western Reaction to a Communist Germany and Britain

    Let's say that the great war drags on another year and Germany successfully turns communist while this happens in the UK, how do the US and France respond? Would France have a revolution themselves, or would the conservative government successfully suppress it and drift towards fascism. If...

    Communist Egypt?

    Assume here that the Egyptian revolution in 1952 was carried out by the Communists in Egypt And they managed to control it What will the Middle East look like if this happens?Especially with full Soviet support for communist Egypt The success of Egypt's nuclear program with the support of the...
  9. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Islamic Revolution in Afghanistan in 1980 instead of OTL Communist Revolution?

    All events external to Afghanistan remain same as OTL thus ATL will be Zia’s Islamic Pakistan (1977), Iranian Islamic Revolution (1979), but then an Afghan Islamic Revolution (1980). OTL Pakistan (1977) Sensing an Islamic renaissance that would sweep the majority of Islamic nations, Zia ul-Haq...
  10. PakistaniGuyUK

    How would a Romania as part of ‘Free Europe’ have influenced post 1945 European culture?

    I’m interested in Romania specifically due to its unique Latin culture and the fact its inherently more Western or “Mediterranean” (using the term liberally) than Eastern European or “Russian.” Facially, culturally, linguistically Romanians share far more with Spaniards or Italians than...
  11. WI: UK and Germany went Communist

    What if Germany went Communist in 1919 (I have no idea what ideas to bring to the how so lets please focus on the aftermath if they got lucky) and Britain revolts in 1926? Could Communism spread anywhere else in the near term? What becomes of the UK's colonies? How does France respond to having...
  12. DBWI :WI The Soviet Union Had Not Liberated Everything Up To Brussels , The Czechoslovakian Coup Had Not Failed & There Was No Fertile Crescent Plan?

    Would Italy have lost her territories gained during the war(like Savoy, Corsica, Cattaro, Dalmatia and Lubiana)? Would have Yugoslavia not being divided into East and West ? What else would have happened? Would have Kingdom of Syria exist today? What are your thoughts about it?
  13. Vitalis

    Colonies under Western European countries turning Communist

    So, say that some of Western European countries like France, Spain, Portugal and Britain turn Communist in early 20th century. They don't need to all turn communist, just some of them. How would they deal with their colonies? Would it be more likely that the colonies would've gained their...
  14. Politicians that could have lived longer

    Which politicians that died in the 20th and 21st century could have lived longer? How would their survival affect Historical events? I want to limit the discussion to politicians whose death was caused by Murder, accident or disease. Authority figures in dictatorships should be counted as...
  15. kasumigenx

    Draft of the timeline I wanted to do: Born in the USSA

    Draft of a Timeline I wanted to do -The Spanish would lose Northern Luzon half to a pagan tribe that started to recover in the 1700s and then the Spanish would cede the Southern Half of Luzon to the Pagan tribe after they lost their American colonies. -The Spanish gain Borneo and integrates it...
  16. The Italian Social Movement and the Italian Communist party governments : how would they look like?

    Good day lads, Some of you may know that I'm working on now alternative story timeline with many points of divergence , the first one being a creation of Israel 10 years prior our timeline, occupation of Romania because a prime Minister wasn't assassinated, and a fictional stealthish bombing...
  17. sokkawaterrebel5

    Hippie Khmer Rouge-esque regime arise in america in the 1970s

    what if communist Hippies inspired by the Khmer Rouge overthrows the government of america in the 1970s
  18. Post WWII resettlement of the Sorbs from Democratic Republic of Germany to Czechoslovakia/Poland Sorbs are West Slavic nation living in Saxony. Lower Sorbian language is quite similar to Polish, while Upper Sorbian is more similar to Czech language. In 1945 there were 145 000 Sorbs. Nowadays there is only 7 thousands of Lower Sobians and 13 thusand of...
  19. WI - Communist Indian Subcontinent

    Can a Communist Subcontinent Exist with a POD , Essentially a United British Raj that is Communist in Nature , This is inspired by my previous post called DBWI - No Communist India, and even though that was made for fun, it got me thinking how a Communist India would be in nature and how it...
  20. Whiteshore

    What countries could have been divided during the Cold War?

    With a POD after June 6, 1944 (date of the D-Day Landings), what countries could realistically be divided between rival governments during the Cold War like Germany, Korea, and Vietnam were IOTL and why? What PODs could create a Cold War situation with the most countries divided between two...