
  1. The Red Boot: the history of Italy in the Cold War (TLIAW)
    Threadmarks: THE IRON SICILIAN

    MARIO SCELBA The Iron Sicilian There are many factors that determined the outbreak of the Second Italian Civil War in 1948. First, Italy had suffered greatly during the Second World War. Much of its cities and infrastructure had been reduced to ruins, and entire families had been torn apart...
  2. WI: Single fourth generation US fighter

    What if the US defence department seeing the benefits in procurement, maintenance, training etc of the Phantom being used by all branches mandated that the USN & USAF have to share its replacement airframe. What would end up being used; what affect would this have on the procurement of other...
  3. If the USSR had successfully reformed in 1991 and made peace with the USA, what events could spark a second cold war in 2005?

    In "Project: Vigilant", my alt-history project, the planners of the August Coup all conveniently died in a plane crash and Gorbachev's "New Union Treaty" was successfully signed on August 20th, 1991 between the supportive SSRs. Likewise, in P.V, the name "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics"...
  4. What if Cod Wars never end.How that event could change entire European Union during Cold War?

    What if Cod Wars never end.How that event could change entire European Union during Cold War? Will Iceland joined Soviet Sphere of Influnce or not
  5. A richer Italy post-1947

    Could Italy have risen to the same level of development as the Rhine region? Northern Italy is doing excellent in terms of economic development, but the Italian average is drawn back by southern Italy and Sicily. Could the south be in a better economic state post-WW2? Could the years of Lead and...
  6. A British Mirage III - what would it take?

    "If it were not for the clumsy way in which you tackle things in Britain, you could have made the Mirage yourself" Marcel Dassault It is fairly well documented that the Mirage III was one of the more successful cold war era fighters An excellent aircraft that has stood the test of time quite...
  7. 1944 The Deaths of Gandhi & Sukarno

    So, I was interested in Death in Tehran by @Thanosaekk and I thought to do something similar somewhat but considering I know crap about India and Indonesia I want to have a discussion, maybe have a collective work put together. I had planned to visit both India (Goa and Amritsar) and Indonesia...
  8. What If Egypt and (North) Sudan Had Unified?

    What if Egypt and the northern part of Sudan(the current borders of Sudan, minus South Sudan) had been unified into one country, either during the days of King Farouk after World War Two or after Nasser took power? I know the country was officially a “co-dominion“ between Egypt and Britain, and...
  9. Imperial Advocate

    In the Victor's Vain - a TL on "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy"

    I have not become the King's First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. – Winston Churchill, 1942. It is the year 1962 and the Cold War rages on across the world between the dual superpowers, the United States of America and the British Empire. The allied...
  10. Tuyuko

    Trotsky's Legacy - An alternate history where the Soviet Union wins the cold war

    I made a timeline in which the Soviet Union wins the cold war. The PoD happens in August 1918. In our timeline, Vladimir Lenin was shot after giving a public speech. However, in this timeline he manages to dodge the bullet. Because Lenin never gets shot, he lives long enough to kick Stalin out...
  11. Imperial Advocate

    Spector and Spirit - A TL on if Alexander II was never assassinated

    It was a normal cold day in St. Petersburg, Russia on the March of 13, 1881. The "Emancipator" Czar Alexander II was in his royal carriage. He stared out the window and thought about his new constitution reform he was wanting to create. He knew that before his reign, Russia was a great power...
  12. Imperial Advocate

    The Bade of 1776: A TL based off "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy"
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    "I have not become the King's First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire." – Winston Churchill, 1942. Hello all! This is my first TL and it will be on the world of "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy". First, a little background, the book has it's origins in the...
  13. DBWI: No New Afrika

    Sup guys as most people no my country celebrating Black Panther day soon and this got me thinking about what if the New Afrika was never formed or at lest turned out like Liberia and South Africa and just collapsed into civil war. My best would be the economic alliance with China fails after the...
  14. What if Francisco Franco was killed during the Cold War?

    What do you think would have happened if Franco was killed during the Cold War rather than dying peacefully in his bed in 1975? I know it depends on the period in which he dies, but could this cause an early end to the dictatorship in Spain?
  15. The Bear Dominant

    This is my new Alternate history scenario set during the cold war, the point of divergence is in 1902 when George Marshall is killed during his service in the Philippines, this leads to no Marshall plan being put into effect and Communism Pushing Farther into Europe. The second point of...
  16. Poland Defeats Germany (Its a timeline)

    This is a alternate history where essentially Poland after the the failed Soviet Invasion in the 20s realizes it needs to get into shape and rapidly Modernizes adapting a Military Junta and forcing the Polish Nation into a growing Industrial Power Yes and by the 1939 it was a modernized nation...
  17. KuboCaskett

    WI: Mr. Mao Goes to Washington? I know there's already a thread about this but not about the effects of it in the long run; basically the premise is that Mao and his buddies get to visit Washington (or rather a representative of his group) to gain PR points from the USA and the West...