DBWI: Hitlerist Germany?

Good evening!

So, for those of you who don't know, there were actually two brands of German fascism: the Mussolini-esque traditional fascism that rose to power in Germany IOTL and almost kicked off another Great War and Adolf Hitler's batshit insane, ultra-racist and extremely anti-semetic far-right, fascist faction of the National Socialist German Worker's party. As most of you guys already know, fascism is an utterly insane ideology, but these nutcases took this to the next level, sometimes calling for the extermination of everyone who didn't fit into their narrow definition of the ideal humans, called Aryans or sometimes Übermenschen.

Thing is, despite being nutcases, these guys did have a rather large following, so what would happen if they had risen to power (as in, more specific than just "bad things")?

Edit: OOC: This is not an Iron Eagle DBWI, and any and all references to Adolf Hitler being POTUS in this timeline are not canon. The guy who brought that up was trolling and making a shameless plug-in to the Iron Eagle, a rather prominent TL on this site where Adolf Hitler, did, in fact, become president of the United States of America. I am getting tired of repeating this. From now on, anyone who makes a reference to Hitler being president on this thread will be reported. You have been warned.
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Looking at their writings about Jewish people, I can only imagine what they would have done to them if they had seized power :(. I wonder if Jewish migration to Palestine would be higher because of the mass amount of refugees escaping Hitlerist Germany’s wrath. This could have allowed for the creation of a independent Jewish State in Palestine, which almost happened with the backing of Zionists IOTL.
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Good evening!

So, for those of you who don't know, there were actually two brands of German fascism: the Mussolini-esque traditional fascism that rose to power in Germany IOTL and almost kicked off another Great War and Adolf Hitler's batshit insane, ultra-racist and extremely anti-semetic far-right, fascist faction of the National Socialist German Worker's party. As most of you guys already know, fascism is an utterly insane ideology, but these nutcases took this to the next level, sometimes calling for the extermination of everyone who didn't fit into their narrow definition of the ideal humans, called Aryans or sometimes Übermenschen.

Thing is, despite being nutcases, these guys did have a rather large following, so what would happen if they had risen to power (as in, more specific than just "bad things")?

So, the Volkstat idea actually gets implimented over the Einheitstat? I'm honestly not sure how you can pull that off with any kind of surviving Reichstag with OTL's eastern border. The Poles would have an absolute fit and rally around the Catholic Center to prevent the National Socialists from gaining power. You'd have to disenfranchise them somehow... maybe a later or less total collapse of the Ruskies results in a harder peace treaty getting imposed on the Vier-Kaiserrbund as a result of total victory for the Entente,rather than a negotiated peace? Even if the Germans and their allies get to keep their eastern gains, the terms might be hard enough to trigger leftist unrest in the Reich and bring on a proper Junker coup in the 20's, who could provide a vechile for Prussian Supremacy if they also dissolve the composite kingdoms.

I mean, the "Defeat from the jaws of victory" conclusion the Statest Right drew from the success of the Sacred Union ideal that permiated society through the great war is a hard pattern to disrupt in setting the 2nd tier stable powers (Neo-Roman Italy, Caliphatal Osmangulia, Golden Bull Hungary, ect.) down the path of Civic hypernationalism rather than ethnic chauvanism. You'd need a state where only one identity group has any real presence in the halls of power, and a purge of the wartime elite, to really get on that radical route.
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Hitler belived in something called “living space” and he wanted to extend Germany into the Soviet Union. If that happened, I’m not sure about the result to be totally honest.
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Looking at their writings about Jewish people, I can only imagine what they would have done to them if they had seized power :(. I wonder if Jewish migration to Palestine would be higher because of the mass amount of refugees escaping Hitlerist Germany’s wrath. This could have allowed for the creation of a independent Jewish State in Palestine, which almost happened with the backing of Zionists IOTL.
Maybe Hitler wouldn't have gotten rid of the Strasser brothers, hmmm.

What worse could he have possibly done? At least to those not so integrated into German society that you functionally couldn't distinguish them from any other citizen. The non-assimiated Hebrews, as the ultimate personification of the killers of national cultures, the biggest obstacle to total Civic unity, the ultimate example of a "in group" putting private interests over the good of the nation, and the drivers of the financial monkey business behyond "real" industrial production and employment/consumption potential that caused that brought on the Securities Bubble of 34' made them the scapegoat of everyone outside a thin band on the mid-extreme Left.
I've heard theories that this was a joke party that went too far. Like this Hitler guy was some artist who moved in from Austria, began giving over-the-top speeches for fun, which were then taken seriously by an ever growing audience of real racist thugs. He then continued 'leading' the party because he was afraid for his life. When he ended up in prison because of this, he needed some protection, so he continued with the schtick. He needed money too, so he began to work on a book, but purposely made it such that it would deter most people from voting for him. He must've had some success since the party got overshadowed by more serious far-right currents soon after that.
I've heard theories that this was a joke party that went too far. Like this Hitler guy was some artist who moved in from Austria, began giving over-the-top speeches for fun, which were then taken seriously by an ever growing audience of real racist thugs. He then continued 'leading' the party because he was afraid for his life. When he ended up in prison because of this, he needed some protection, so he continued with the schtick. He needed money too, so he began to work on a book, but purposely made it such that it would deter most people from voting for him. He must've had some success since the party got overshadowed by more serious far-right currents soon after that.

I've read he was actually with the Weimar police, his whole character was a charade to make hyperultranationalist types to come out of the wood work so they could be sidelined.

Deleted member 114175

Well, if such a crazy ideology took over in Germany, there's no way appeasement would have still happened.
Well it would butterfly Adolph Hitler's presidency and change the face of American politics forever. Perhaps Franklin Delano Roosevelt would have been President?

(cough cough Iron Eagle cough cough shameless promotion)
So he must have been pretty stupid.
If you think manipulating people to support you, and then having to flee because others in the party fear you then yea. He was more of a manipulating a hole more than anything else. He was evil, but not stupid. No one who is dumb can manipulated people in government to give into some of your beliefs. I hate Stalin for all his human rights violations, but he wasn’t stupid.


If you think manipulating people to support you, and then having to flee because others in the party fear you then yea. He was more of a manipulating a hole more than anything else. He was evil, but not stupid. No one who is dumb can manipulated people in government to give into some of your beliefs. I hate Stalin for all his human rights violations, but he wasn’t stupid.

No, I mean that he thought he could make his living as a painter.