The Prince of the Roses - A Tudor TL

Long live Princess Margaret! Long live Queen Isabella!
Wishing them both a long and prosperous life!
Great chapter, Blue!
Thank you so much!
LOVE it as always! You're amazing!

Wish Isabella the Best of luck in the love countries and Christian in maintaining the unión. Hope they have a strong boy
I really hope things will go somewhat better for them in this scenario and that Christian doesn't fuck everything up as he did in Sweden. I'm not a great fan of him as king of Sweden, but we shall see how he fares in the Low Countries.
Awesome chapter!
Thank you!
I really hope things will go somewhat better for them in this scenario and that Christian doesn't fuck everything up as he did in Sweden. I'm not a great fan of him as king of Sweden, but we shall see how he fares in the Low Countries.
I quite liked him heh :angel: That being said, he likely would do better in The Netherlands than in Scandinavia. He tried to speedrush turn Scandinavia into The Netherlands after all
Yeah. They deserve a better deal!
True that they did.
I quite liked him heh :angel: That being said, he likely would do better in The Netherlands than in Scandinavia. He tried to speedrush turn Scandinavia into The Netherlands after all
He was a better king of Denmark then Sweden, but he might be more leaned towards the Netherlands. One thing that is definitely gonna be taken into account that if Christian tries to use danish resources to the netherlands then hes gonna run into troubles with his uncle even faster, as Frederick is gonna use it as propaganda. Plus the Hansa and the dutch traders are gonna come to blows at some point or another.
True. He needs to trade this line carefully. For the sake of his realms, wife and Future heirs
And with the Habsburgs being reduced to Isabella, Ferdinand, Mary and Catherine, many children would be necessary to secure their inheritance. Otl only Charles, Isabella and Ferdinand had issues that would live until the 16-hundreds.
And with the Habsburgs being reduced to Isabella, Ferdinand, Mary and Catherine, many children would be necessary to secure their inheritance. Otl only Charles, Isabella and Ferdinand had issues that would live until the 16-hundreds.
Yep. Hope all the Habsburg siblings have much look and plenty of Babies.

And btw still think that the rulers of bavaria (descendants of Frederick III by his daughter) should take the Imperial crown.
Yep. Hope all the Habsburg siblings have much look and plenty of Babies.
Christian and Isabella arent done having children, let me tell you that.
And btw still think that the rulers of bavaria (descendants of Frederick III by his daughter) should take the Imperial crown.
They certainly have a chance, but I have another emperor planned for the election that will come soon. But on a related note, who's the heir to the austrian lands if Ferdinand doesnt claim them?
Christian and Isabella arent done having children, let me tell you that.

They certainly have a chance, but I have another emperor planned for the election that will come soon. But on a related note, who's the heir to the austrian lands if Ferdinand doesnt claim them?
Happy For them.

And i imagine that Frederick III bavaria grandchildren Will claim them since they are the closest in proximity. Specifically William IV
I would like to explore a scenario where they actually does. Or some distant branch takes it over. Plus I want to completely seperate the Low Countries, Austria and Spain from each other.
True, that way Ferdinand and his descendants will focus solely on spain and the colonial endeavors