The Death of Russia - TL

If 9/11 still occurs and US government decides to after Dagestani islamic regime, Chechnya probably is more than willingful help Americans.
I can definitely see that happening and if Dudayev is still in power then he’ll be seen as a key ally against the rogue state of the Islamic Republic of Dagestan or whatever this hypothetical Islamist Dagestan would be called.
I agree and this is the sad thing about this TL, that it is somewhat plausible.

Here we are looking at the worst political extremes on the far right and far left unleashed and able to implement their mad policies. The current war in Ukraine shows that the veneer between civilisation and barbarism is often a very thin one. Once this veneer is gone, the door to all kind of horrors is blown wide open.

The TL seems to be in its middle phase right now and it appears that the civil war will end by 1996 or 1997 latest. There won't be enough weapons to go around for things to continue forever. In Western Russia Industrial and economic capacity to replace and produce things is close to non-existent for things other than small arms and some artillery.
It looks like the endgame for Russia will be as follows more or less from East to West:
1. Far Eastern Kingdom
2. Siberia
3. Idel-Ural-Volga Confederation - Interestingly this may comprise Russian majority territories and define itself in non-ethnic terms.
4. Free Caucasus
5. Something in Western Russia

Western Russia can't remain an anarchy ridden wasteland forever but it is unlikely that the west will intervene to put an end to the horrors there. The worst case scenario is that either the communists or the fascists consolidate Western Russia and it becomes a giant North Korea. The best case scenario is Lebel sweeping in from Siberia, or the Gaidar government establishing a foothold and retaking the place with western support thanks to having the Baltic fleet.

Whatever happens it will take a century or more for Russia to rebuild itself to anything approaching its pre civil war population and strength. Belarus and Ukraine are likely to follow Poland OTL fate and become economically prosperous countries. Them selectively absorbing Russian refugees means that they have a chance to keep some industrial capacity going and may have somewhat higher population than OTL. Human contacts between Eastern and Western Europe will be far greater TTL than OTL. Both stemming from Russian refugees moving West (the EU has to absorb some like it did with Syrians, as I explained in another post there are fewer barriers than for Syrians). But also from Belarussians/Ukrainians moving West once/when both countries join the EU.

I have many Russian friends who would have been children at the time of this war taking place, be it in Moscow, Siberia and even Vladivostok. I don't want to imagine what their alternate selves would have gone through ...

Now if anyone wants to feel any better. Just imagine that this TL could become tomorrow's reality in Russia. A Pandora's Box could be opened when/if Putin falls from power ...
Of course and i guess western europe will be host to a big communities of russian refugees, assimilating over time and becoming smth akin to sweden's bosnian community and the swiss-albanians. However, the question would be which nation would be more open to take them in or which would be more reticent in that regard?
Of course and i guess western europe will be host to a big communities of russian refugees, assimilating over time and becoming smth akin to sweden's bosnian community and the swiss-albanians. However, the question would be which nation would be more open to take them in or which would be more reticent in that regard?
It is difficult to say but I will adventure a guess and say that France could eventually host a rather large Russian refugee community. Some latent feelings of russophilia on the part of France could help. As will a keenness to absorb as many technical specialists as possible to help national champions in aerospace, nuclear energy and some industrial sectors (this driver will apply in other countries). Numbers wise, I don't think its too far fetched to say that France could become home to half a million or even a million Russian refugees. This will come at the expense of other migrant communities of course.
Other nations I could see as being quite welcoming are Spain, Italy, Portugal and possibly Greece. Anyone with some German ancestry will also try to move to Germany.

The Russian refugees most likely to flee westwards will be those with some resources, some connections and some qualifications. Russian engineers, scientists and technicians will find employment in the west, just like they did OTL. But even if refugees don't have any qualifications they'll eventually find employment in Europe. The economy was growing in the 1990s (though growth will be slower TTL), Russians will be desperate to secure anything to keep themselves and their families fed which will lead to a lot of illegal immigration too. On a seedier note, the Russian mail-order business will be larger TTL than OTL as so many young women will be desperate to secure a future for themselves. For some it'll end well, for others it won't. Sex trafficking of Russian refugee women and girls could also take up huge proportions too ... The scale of human suffering that the civil war is creating is difficult to imagine.
Wouldn't many Russians try go to Siberia and Far East since these are seemingly more stable places? At least they can assimilate easily to to their societies.
The Russian refugees most likely to flee westwards will be those with some resources, some connections and some qualifications. Russian engineers, scientists and technicians will find employment in the west, just like they did OTL. But even if refugees don't have any qualifications they'll eventually find employment in Europe. The economy was growing in the 1990s (though growth will be slower TTL), Russians will be desperate to secure anything to keep themselves and their families fed which will lead to a lot of illegal immigration too. On a seedier note, the Russian mail-order business will be larger TTL than OTL as so many young women will be desperate to secure a future for themselves. For some it'll end well, for others it won't. Sex trafficking of Russian refugee women and girls could also take up huge proportions too ... The scale of human suffering that the civil war is creating is difficult to imagine.
What about the United States and Canada? Aren't they prepared or ready to accept highly-skilled Russian refugees?
Wouldn't many Russians try go to Siberia and Far East since these are seemingly more stable places? At least they can assimilate easily to to their societies.
Why? They have to walk thousands of miles to get there, while avoiding militias. And these two state aren't very stable either, and if you are adult male, there is a high chance that he get recruited to the army. Getting to Eastern Europe or central Asia had much higher chance of survival.
Instability breeds depravity, and the worst kind of depravity is seen here. My god, how much the human race can fall, and how further we can go.

Your writings are always fantastic, @Sorairo. I just hope you don't suffer as well after researching meticulously and writing descriptively.
We can add Australia to this list too, provided that someone can pay their airfare and arrange their travel.
I agree, and I'd also add New Zealand and probably South Africa to the list of places that would allow Russian refugees to settle.

The question that would have to be asked here in this scenario though is how well such people will be able to contribute to their new homes with the mental health issues that will be so, so prevalent here. I agree fully that there will be refugee movements of a truly massive scale, but how easy will these people find establishing new lives in France or Germany or Canada or the United States or Australia knowing the demons that will surely torment so many of them?

And what will people make of those involved in the crimes of the Barkashov and Anpilov regimes? Even today many from Serbia still face disdain from others for the actions of Milosevic and his minions, and those bastards didn't get up to much more than a fraction of the Dirlewanger-grade depravity of these guys. Will these people be welcome in their new homes, or will there be a large number of others who think "Russians, filthy fucking animals, I want nothing to do with them"?
I agree, and I'd also add New Zealand and probably South Africa to the list of places that would allow Russian refugees to settle.

The question that would have to be asked here in this scenario though is how well such people will be able to contribute to their new homes with the mental health issues that will be so, so prevalent here. I agree fully that there will be refugee movements of a truly massive scale, but how easy will these people find establishing new lives in France or Germany or Canada or the United States or Australia knowing the demons that will surely torment so many of them?

And what will people make of those involved in the crimes of the Barkashov and Anpilov regimes? Even today many from Serbia still face disdain from others for the actions of Milosevic and his minions, and those bastards didn't get up to much more than a fraction of the Dirlewanger-grade depravity of these guys. Will these people be welcome in their new homes, or will there be a large number of others who think "Russians, filthy fucking animals, I want nothing to do with them"?

A lot of escaped Russians might try and pretend to be Belarusians or Ukrainians, at least in public, to avoid trouble - but the depravity on display in the civil war, that might escalate to mushroom cloud-shaped levels quite soon, let's just say that Russians might end up being as reviled in the West as the Japanese are among certain sectors of the Chinese and Korean population, if not even more so, for quite a while; and as for their neighbours between the Baltic and the Black Sea, the mere mention of the word "Russia" might result in hot takes being spewed that wouldn't look out of place on /pol/, except they'd be widely tolerated, even by those outside the region.
I agree, and I'd also add New Zealand and probably South Africa to the list of places that would allow Russian refugees to settle.

I can't see post-Apartheid South Africa wanting more whites at least not much. Latin America might be anyway one destination too.
Is this post-Apartheid?

Apartheid system was abolished in 1994. So with 1993 POD there is not way stop that unless white nationalist mess things and begin civil war. But that seems unlikely and I have not seen there being hints that something would had gone wrong in SA.
That chapter with the rape camps man, I wonder how will those...characters face justice or near such? I'd imagine that someone would go after the rapists and take their revenge on them, akin to I Spit On Your Grave.
I can't see post-Apartheid South Africa wanting more whites at least not much. Latin America might be anyway one destination too.
Why not? I'm anticipating South Africa's desire here would be towards skilled personnel, and I doubt that Mandela would object to Russians who bring skills for the country's development regardless of what skin color they are.