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I love (plausible) Swiss wanks so, bring it on. :D

Ask and ye shall recieve, brother.

Here's the latest update:

I'm more interested in the fact that the Lower Valais and Upper Valais are apparently split (Halbkantone surely?)

Gruyère does at least cement the PoD as being in the early 16th Century, so presumably the reformation was delayed slightly and the territories of the 1530s were retained?


I'm more interested in the fact that the Lower Valais and Upper Valais are apparently split (Halbkantone surely?)

To answer your question, yes Upper and Lower Valais will be "cantons with half the cantonal vote" (using the official terminology)

Also, as to the general world, it is in the same universe as my previous map (which is an Ill Bethisad-style hodgepodge)
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Decided to give a go at reworking something that's been sitting in my files for a while.

Got a lil' bit of history for this written out, I might do the rest of the world soon.
Pfah! There can't be any Swiss-wank without Mulhouse being part of the party.

(And better plan for Savoy if you want to pull a Swiss-bukkake)
been working on a map kinda-sorta based on Code Geass, though it's not for Code Geass in and of itself--it's actually an attempt to map one of the split TLs for my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen-based project, specifically one of the TLs in "Earth-Prime" (the main setting that i'm considering for the project, where physical geography is fundamentally identical to OTL except for some minor additions in terms of islands and lakes and stuff). the specific POD resulting in this particular world is three-fold: first, Elizabeth I has a son who succeeds her; second, the American Revolution fails (while in Code Geass it's because Benjamin Franklin is bought off, i've decided that he's actually being controlled by an Apple of Eden in the possession of Duke of Britannia for this one with bribery being the cover story); finally, Napoleon wins his wars against the United Kingdom, ultimately causing the British upper class to evacuate to North America and found the Holy Britannian Empire

what i've mainly been trying to do is determine where each of the Britannian Areas is located for the purposes of determining geography and which one other alternate characters would belong to, as well as when these would take place. since specifics in Code Geass itself are sparse at best, i decided to base it on history--namely, the expansion of the United States--and decided that the Britannian Homeland mentioned several times is comprised mainly of OTL's US, Canada, and Mexico down to the Tropic of Cancer (and the rest of British America as well, therefore including British Honduras and Guyana) as the "realistic" limits of an Ameriwank while all the rest of their territory is divided into Areas, trying my best to cover what would probably realistically be incorporated into Britannia prior to 2010 a.t.b. (1955 AD), with the map here supposed to be set immediately after the conquest of Japan. what i've got now (in no particular order--i'll be assigning Area numbers based on chronology when it gets to that) are the Arctic, the Golden Circle (from a proposed US acquisition IOTL, here being mainly the non-British Caribbean and northernmost South America), Hawaii, Mexico (including Central America, though i may make this one part of the "Golden Circle" Area instead), New Zealand, Papua New Guinea (which may become part of the generalized South Pacific Area), the Philippines, and the South Pacific. why the convergent borders for parts of this? there's actually a reason besides laziness this time: it's how the map basically was in the source material, conforming to OTL borders because the creators honestly just didn't care enough to make completely plausible alternate borders ;)

now, keep in mind, this is a WIP, and i'm just a little conflicted about South America in particular: i don't want to make just the whole continent into one Area, so i'm willing to alter previously-decided areas so that they're more wide-ranging in favor of more South American ones. my eventual goal is of course to add in the EU and Chinese Federation as well as making successive maps for the other main years (2017 and 2018 a.t.b.--1962 and 1963--the latter probably having multiple maps for major events from the series) but if anyone has any ideas as to how some Areas could be designated or subdivisions to each one (particularly for the Homeland) i'd be happy to hear them

LOEG - ascension throne britannia.png

Here's a completely alternate version of Earth. In this one, every single country is fictional. No countries from this world remain in this history. It's essentially another Earth. Sorry for the poor quality, I have yet to upgrade this crappy MS Paint software.
while in Code Geass it's because Benjamin Franklin is bought off, i've decided that he's actually being controlled by an Apple of Eden in the possession of Duke of Britannia for this one with bribery being the cover story.

I'm pretty sure whoever wrote Code Geass' backstory was a member of the alien space bat society. Interesting WIP regardless, a Lusophone Area might be a good idea, grouping people by language seems intuitive enough.
Here's a completely alternate version of Earth. In this one, every single country is fictional. No countries from this world remain in this history. It's essentially another Earth. Sorry for the poor quality, I have yet to upgrade this crappy MS Paint software.


A better map that you can draw your countries on, preferably using single-pixel borders and the colors show in the maps above ours. Also, you should probably get GIMP or Paint.Net- better than MS Paint and also able to get rid of those longitude lines.

1: Your southern ice cap is not centered- is it meant to be so? 2: Your northern ice cap apparently contracts to a point surrounded by water at the North Pole.
I'm pretty sure whoever wrote Code Geass' backstory was a member of the alien space bat society. Interesting WIP regardless, a Lusophone Area might be a good idea, grouping people by language seems intuitive enough.

yeah, i actually went and made some new South American divisions while i was waiting for responses (any other input is much appreciated, though ;)) and basically divided it into a quasi-Incan northwestern region (that's how it would be characterized, at least, though it goes up to Venezuela), an Amazon region (i was gonna put Bolivia with the "Inca" Area, but it occurred to me that the Amazon makes more sense since the western side of Bolivia is "blocked" by the Andes), and the Southern Cone (basically Argentina)

at the moment, i'm working on the rest of the vanilla Code Geass world and plan to build on it afterwards to include other fictional countries, namely ones in Europe, Africa, and Asia

i've also got a basic idea for justifying sakuradite in the larger setting: one of the collective butterfly effects of the PODs is that the "main" industrial revolution in the latter half of the 19th century AD is the discovery of a means to harness the formerly useless substance as a petroleum substitute, resulting in the world more or less completely running on green energy by the mid-20th century (early 21st century a.t.b.). in other TLs, sakuradite is just a worthless pink rock.
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