Map Thread XIII

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Map of a Republic of Occitania
Map of a Socialist Texan Republic


Would the Texan Republic have the same borders as it claimed, or different borders?
(I'm not proficient enough with image editing to actually make the map, I just think it needs clarification.)
Would the Texan Republic have the same borders as it claimed, or different borders?
(I'm not proficient enough with image editing to actually make the map, I just think it needs clarification.)

It would have different borders after a successful war against Mexico.
Ah, thanks. Changed it, and also remembered Ava didn't exist anymore at this time and changed it to Taungoo. ITTL, Lan Na successfully revolted against Burmese rule and an alternate ambitious king wrested Siam and established a fairly large kingdom centred on Chiang Mai.

Southern Ming has not been catholicized, though Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, English, and German missionaries have flooded into the country at various times and have converted a significant number of coastal and Yangtze population to Catholicism, Anglicanism, and Lutheranism. There is also a significant Calvinist population in Zhejiang.

Great Shun has also had its share of missionaries, from Catholics to protestants and even Russian Orthodox. Muslim Hui have also attained some influence in government and magistracy and Mùjīng is a melting pot of various ethnicities and religions. Though Buddhism is maintained as the state religion by the current Qīnshèng Emperor of Shun, the emperor inherited his grandfather's unorthodox wisdom and has proven friendly towards new ideas and thought.

Oh I see. So why did Shun not conquer Ming right away? Ming seemed pretty strong considering she took Taiwan from the Dutch.

Also, 硕should be碩, and 国should be國.
This is fucking awesome, what's happening?
Thanks a bunch! I'll write up a quick desc:

The year is 2160, the international order has been shattered after the collapse of the UN in a chaotic last meeting of the general assembly, ending with a mass walk out of nations in protest against the inability of the organisation to take action against the mass atrocities committed against civilian populations by the 'detached states'.

In the following weeks the world has been divided into two mutually hostile camps, the UF / United Front and the Freedom Alliance / FA, both claiming the mantle (and to being the rightful successors) of the old UN but organised as military alliances in the defense of their respective ideologies. With both power blocs disgusted by the morals of the others, war seems inevitable. Tensions were boiling over and the fall of formerly 'neutral' (politically paralysed between pro FA and pro UF forces) major powers such as the US and the EU into internal strife and disarray only exacerbated this.

While clashes across the world had been occurred for some time prior to it, the start the unification wars would generally be held to be when the (newly coalesced) FA aligned United States-Chattanooga declared an end to negotiations with any 'illegitimate claimants and occupiers of american land', followed by full mobilization against the US-Sacramento (UF recognised) and US-Concord governments.

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A sequel long in coming to one of my first maps.

This map, like the last, takes place in the universe of my timeline, Where Hearts Were Entertaining June. The basics of the timeline is that the English Armada in 1589 is significantly more successful, though still fails to free Portugal from union with Spain. Instead, England is able to get its hands on the colony of Brazil, changing history forever. From there, history takes a far different turn, including Sweden entering a union with Brandenburg, France taking a more aggressive route in its European expansion, and North America is a motley patchwork of colonies rather than dominated by the English.

Excellent! Is the TL still being updated? I haven't checked on it in a while. I'm surprised Tuscany didn't use its military success to expand a bit.


Oh I see. So why did Shun not conquer Ming right away? Ming seemed pretty strong considering she took Taiwan from the Dutch.

Also, 硕should be碩, and 国should be國.

Initially, Qing put a great deal of pressure on Shun's northern front even after Shanhai pass, and Shun had to fight several subsequent wars against Qing efforts to try it again. Throughout this period, Shun was also still working to consolidate its rule over northern China, a process that as of the map has only just wound down. While they were doing that, Ming was also consolidating southern China and stabilizing itself, and by the time Shun was in a positon to go after Ming, Ming had grown considerably stronger than it had been. Only after a series of unexpected later events a few years from the map's date will that situation change dramatically...
If anyone remembers the Collaborative Challenge: Most Confusing Map 1, we over on the map games fourm made a sequel, the results of which are as shown:

If anyone remembers the Collaborative Challenge: Most Confusing Map 1, we over on the map games fourm made a sequel, the results of which are as shown:

Just shows what a small group of committed mapmakers can do if they put their minds to it. Also shows that the map making community is crazy bug fuck insane*, but still.

Wonder what a 'dumbed down' version of that map might look like - with all the autonomous zones of a nation the same colour as the rest of it and so on.

*you need to be to get ahead in this profession

EDIT: Also, update to that WIP.

Holy Christ on a crutch with knee-braces on. I think you have succeeded in creating a map which will actually drive to distraction anyone who tries to figure it out. Just one question: what the hell is that unholy thing sticking out of SW Africa into the Atlantic?

I honestly don't remember, it was a while back, though you are free to go check the thread for a brief description. Every nation/entity has one of varying length.
Holy Christ on a crutch with knee-braces on. I think you have succeeded in creating a map which will actually drive to distraction anyone who tries to figure it out. Just one question: what the hell is that unholy thing sticking out of SW Africa into the Atlantic?

Oh, I did that! That's Grondo Industries' Factory Isolation and Human Resource Extraction Plantation, and the poisoned and radioactive water around it.
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