"Images of 1984" - Stories from Oceania

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Western Europe gets lumped in with "Eurasia" in the Party's bizarro world view, as per the book; remember that it was said to include everything from the English Channel to the tip of Siberia. It's possible that TTL France never left NATO's military structure, and the Western European countries still have to worry about the Soviet Union in addition to the ever-more-wacko regime across the Channel.

So, from your latest update it seems the Chilterns regime is on the brink... I wonder how they pull back from it?
It's been a long time for updates!
One or two things I would like to hear about would be about the Commonwealth countries and their reaction to the decline of Britain and the rising Chilterns/English Socialism regime. Would Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa declare a unilateral declaration of independence from the crown and align themselves with the US? What about Rhodesia and other territories?
It will come back - I'm kind of having a break from it as I hit "writers block", I suppose, and am concentrating on the "Isle of Man ISOT to 1065" thread on the ASB forum.

It will come back though, as I'd like to finish it at some point.
Excellent Tl! I wondered why the InfoNet had links in Britain, then I realised something: The Chilterns government will want a link to the InfoNet for itself, and an internal network for universities and so on. As a result they're mostly two separate networks, but have computers connected in a few places. Some enterprising hacker, possibly from outside, goes to work!
Excellent Tl! I wondered why the InfoNet had links in Britain, then I realised something: The Chilterns government will want a link to the InfoNet for itself, and an internal network for universities and so on. As a result they're mostly two separate networks, but have computers connected in a few places. Some enterprising hacker, possibly from outside, goes to work!

I guess it's a bit like a fair few tolatitarian regimes around that world that are linked to the internet - but only allow very restricted access to it their citizen, or in some cases either allow no access at all or just access to the closed-system intranet.
Ref upsub re timeline retire. Suggestion timeline retired virges on thoughtcrime. Tallest Skil unbellyfeels nature of thread. Doubleplusungood attitude to continuance of same. Fails to bellyfeel connection between Ingsoc worldview and continuance of thread. Thinkpol have report.
Hope to see some updates after a long while. Can't wait to see the continuing story of the Ingsoc regime in Britain in the Sixties and Seventies.
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