Explain the AH Quote

"The English people will never defeat the Dane unless they are united. One King, one God, one people. There will no longer be a Mercia or a Northumbria, only an England. And I, a Northumbrian, will be its King."
A line from William Shakespeare's 1609 play Magnus I, one of his lesser known works, based on the life of King Magnus Sigurdson of England, the son of King Sigurd "Snake in the Eye" of Denmark and his wife, Blaeja of Northumbria, the daughter of King Ælla, who used his claim on Northumbria to conquer a vast swathe of northern England and Mercia. The line is spoken shortly after Magnus goes to war against his uncle Halfdan Whiteshirt and his own father King Sigurd, and the irony of the statement, given Magnus being originally from Denmark, is thick throughout the scene. In real life, Magnus is widely considered to be the first King of England. While the line is ficticious, as there are few surviving records from Magnus' reign, the real Magnus did declare himself to be a Northumbrian, and his dynasty was known as the House of Northumbria.

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phrase of Emperor Aemilian after his defeat of the last imperial claimant, ending the decade of the fifty emperors

"My brothers, today, three centuries later, the humiliation of Gaugalema has been finally avenged!, today the Persian people have recovered their rightful place un the world! and the greek have been humilliated back!, TODAY WE HAVE AVENGED DARIO!
shahashan Mithridates V the great
"My brothers, today, three centuries later, the humiliation of Gaugalema has been finally avenged!, today the Persian people have recovered their rightful place un the world! and the greek have been humilliated back!, TODAY WE HAVE AVENGED DARIUS!" ~
Shahanshah Mithridates V the Great
Spoken after the end of the siege of Thessaly in 1324, when the Palmyrene Empire, A remnant of the Roman Empire, which was majority ruled by a Hellenic upper class, failed to defend Greece during the Eleventh Palmyro-Persian war (partially because the Persians made it seem like they were going for the Palyrene Capital in Syria) resulting in Athens and Troia Nova both falling. But at Thesally, A mix of Palmyrene garrisons and reinforcements and Greek Militias gathered to defend the city and Mount Olympus. Despite Palmyra long converting to Christianism, the Mountain was seen as vital to the cultural identities of Greece and the Roman Empire (both of which Palmyra claimed descent from), and there were still Pagan holdouts in places like Arcadia. According to legend, after this speech, Mithridates V ordered his trebuchets to endlessly pummel the mountainside in an attempt to disfigure it. The failure to defend Hellas spelled the end of Palmyra, as it would lose Asia Minor and Macedonia to Persia, Hellas to A Persian Client state based out of Athens and Libya to the Kingdom of Africa (itself a vassal to the rump Roman Empire in Italy, Noricum and Illyria). The Palmyrene empire would later collapse due to Egyptian, Syriac and Jewish revolts.

"At Least It isn't a zombie virus." ~ Dark humor spoken by Cordyceps patients, between coughing up spores.
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"At Least It isn't a zombie virus." ~ Dark humor spoken by Cordyceps patients, between coughing up spores
A scrapped line from The Last of US Season 3 that was taken out for both being too meta, and being in poor taste after a strain of cortecypts was discovered effecting human behavior (later declared exterminated the next year.)

"The German Reich disavows the actions taken by Mister Fleischer and I offer our support to the new President and the family of President James." - Hermann Goering, 1965

"Uh, andrew, what does Goering mean by new President?" - President Rupert James
President Rupert James in 1933 on hearing of Herman Goerings plan to depose him and replace him with a new president Andrew Goebbels was planning to be the replacement by Goering and thus the penny finally drops on how James had been duped

The influence of George Gordon on pop culture lies less on his work and more on what his long list of Starbucks lovers did in retaliation.
The influence of George Gordon on pop culture lies less on his work and more on what his long list of Starbucks lovers did in retaliation.
Spoken in regards to the fraught relationship between Lord George Byron and Darius Z. Starbucks and the fandoms of both, among some of the first of their kind in the modern era.


"I do hear sir, but it does not change the fact you are obscenely bad-tempered, that you started the whole mess because of it, and you need ther-" *SLAP* "SHUT YOUR ****ING MOUTH! NOW!"

".... I didn't want to do this... but I must, my quote on quote 'lord'" *charges in to fight himself*
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"I do hear sir, but it does not change the fact you are obscenely bad-tempered, that you started the whole mess because of it, and you need ther-" *SLAP* "SHUT YOUR ****ING MOUTH! NOW!"

".... I didn't want to do this... but I must, my quote on quote 'lord'" *charges in to fight himself*
An exchange from the SpongeBob SquarePants parody, SpengKnob. Running for 3 minutes, the video tells an extremely vulgar parody with grotesque gags about SpengKnob (SpongeBob) trying to catch a jellyfish with Rick (Patrick Star) until Quid Wood (Squidward) suddenly charges in and screams at the two. The video was quickly taken in a copyright claim by Viacom after 3 hours from its release. However, the video lives on as frequent reuploads by fans, who added more vulgar dialogue to keep it from being completely unrecognizable.

"Penance is a 1981 'social realist' film about Stephanie, a schoolgirl blackmailed by her classmates to obey their venal commands after her father was arrested for murder. The film was extremely controversial upon release, with the Taiwanese government banning the film for 'offences against public morals'. The film was considered to be lost until a copy of the film was found in Japan in 2002." - The Beginner's Guide to Weird, Obscure and Rare Genre Films.
"Penance is a 1981 'social realist' film about Stephanie, a schoolgirl blackmailed by her classmates to obey their venal commands after her father was arrested for murder. The film was extremely controversial upon release, with the Taiwanese government banning the film for 'offences against public morals'. The film was considered to be lost until a copy of the film was found in Japan in 2002." - The Beginner's Guide to Weird, Obscure and Rare Genre Films.
extract of volume XIII of The Beginner's Guide to Weird, Obscure and Rare Genre Films in the section of top 50 most controversial movies of the century

"How many, oh how many people must die, how high the fires must rise, how red the river must flow, oh gods tell me what must be done to erase that city from history, to make its name forgotten, to convert it in a new Illion, oh what must be done to destroy Rome?"
extract of volume XIII of The Beginner's Guide to Weird, Obscure and Rare Genre Films in the section of top 50 most controversial movies of the century

"How many, oh how many people must die, how high the fires must rise, how red the river must flow, oh gods tell me what must be done to erase that city from history, to make its name forgotten, to convert it in a new Illion, oh what must be done to destroy Rome?"
Hamilcar Barca on the eve of his invasion of Rome in 209 BCE. His lament was sadly true: the death toll after his assault was in the hundreds of thousands, but Rome was utterly destroyed and never rose again.

"May it be so. The Catholic faith is no more. From now on, all those who do not convert to the true Imperial Orthodox Church are held to be heretics unrepentant."
- Pope Innocent XVIII at the First Athenian Council, 1577
"May it be so. The Catholic faith is no more. From now on, all those who do not convert to the true Imperial Orthodox Church are held to be heretics unrepentant."
- Pope Innocent XVIII at the First Athenian Council, 1577
Excerpt from a high school textbook. Spoiler alert: Millions didn't convert. In fact, before the end of the 16th Century, the situation for Christendom would get even worse.

"Mountains're nice."
"Mountains're nice."
The Swiss Confederation adopted the Polish practice of liberum veto in 1690. From then until its dissolution in 1780, this was the only resolution the Tagsatzung was able to pass. It was indeed in English; it couldn't be an a Swiss language for obvious reasons.

"Stop right there, heretic! You should know that using fluoride toothpaste both a sin and a crime against the state."
"Stop right there, heretic! You should know that using fluoride toothpaste both a sin and a crime against the state."
Speech bubble from a newspaper cartoon in the Washington Post of 1920, in response to the Volstead Act, whose wording notably started with "For the sake of God and the good of the Nation", something that was widely mocked as it painted Wayne Wheeler, leader of the Anti-Saloon League, as a religious puritan.

The Cartoon depicted a man in pilgrim's attire, who bore notable resemblance to Wheeler, wearing an oversized crucifix around his neck while carrying a hatchet and standing in the frame of a broken-down bathroom door, accosting a man in pyjamas brushing his teeth at the bathroom sink. The cartoon would go on to gain national fame, and became a symbol of opposition against the Temperance Movement under the name "Puritan Volstead", in turn resulting in massive public pushback against the Prohibition, and causing the actual enforcement of the act to be remarkably more off-hand than it could have been, and merely resulting in the outlawing of the selling of alcohol to individuals under 21, and the requirement to present identification upon the purchase of alcohol, as well as harsher punishments for crimes committed while inebriated, while alcohol itself and the possession, purchase and sale thereof remained perfectly legal.

"And so, with this signature, the rifts between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are mended. Let this be the day we leave our differences behind in the past, where they belong, and celebrate the reunion of the House of God in one united Church in this blessed moment! Come now, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let us embrace one another, and thank the Lord for this opportunity!"
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"And so, with this signature, the rifts between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are mended. Let this be the day we leave our differences behind in the past, where they belong, and celebrate the reunion of the House of God in one united Church in this blessed moment! Come now, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let us embrace one another, and thank the Lord for this opportunity!"
The purported final words uttered by Patriarch Isadore I during a shared communion between the bishops of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in 1350. At that time, both faiths were facing shared challenges: the Mongol Horde, the rise of the Ottomans and most recently, the rapidly spreading Black Death. Taking place in Venice, a city with close ties to both faiths and largely seen as neutral ground, the communion was meant to be a meeting of reconciliation and unity during a time of crisis. Unfortunately, it was actually quite the opposite. Now called the Red Communion, it is known as the massacre where Pope Clement VI, his conclave, and virtually every member of the Catholic College of Cardinals were butchered to a man, as the phase "let us embrace one another" was actually Patriarch Isadore's signal to the mercenaries he had hired and dressed as priests. It was one of the darkest and bloodiest betrayals to happen during the Christian Age, and allowed Isadore I to grow and exert his authority over the entire Christian world.

"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of the Senātus Rōmānus; but I repeat myself."
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"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of the Senātus Rōmānus; but I repeat myself."
A quote from "Everything is NOT fine in Rome" Julius Patronius the Younger, Roman Philosopher, in the year 650 ad, mocking the Senate and imperator for their obliviousness to the world around them, both in and outside of the Rump Roman Empire. The two Traitor states of Gallia and Palmyra had both fallen. The Gallic Empire had been pushed out of Gaul over the pyrenees into Iberia by the Angles, Burgunds and Other Germanic tribes. The Persians had smashed the Palmyrene Empire, seizing Anatolia, Moesia Inferior, Thracia and Makedon, knocking on the door to Roman-owned Greece, and the Palmyrene Empire itself was in danger, as it had fallen into ethnic tensions and under threat from a strange new Abrahamic religion coming out of Arabia. The Compromise of Christendom, which allowed for Christian's to be exempted from State sacrifices to Sol invictus, was being blatantly ignored by Authorities in Noricum, restoking religious tensions. Slavic tribes in Pannonia were crossing the Danube a lot more than they did just decades ago. The African territories were in full revolt, and radicals had seized Carthage. The status of the distant former Roman lands of Dacia and Britannia were unknown to Rome. All in all, the Empire was in a hot mess, and was in threat of being reduced to Italia, or even complete destruction. This treatise became widely known, and due to fears of revolt occurring in the Capital city, the Imperator ordered the borders strengthened, aid be sent to the Rump Gallic Kingdom in Iberia and the Unstable Palmyrenes, before personally leading the Roman army to seize Carthage before thrashing the African revolts, famously burning Tripoli. Palmyra's emprie decentralized, but through roman help, The Palmyrene empire fought off both Persia and the Caliphate, although the province of Palestine Lost everything south of Jerusalem and Egypt it's eastern regions and the entire southern half of the land. Hispania, on the other hand, would never retake Gaul. This Alliance of Roman states ended when the Imperator's son died without an heir, spelling the end of the Alliance and eventually, the Empires, with the Palmyrene Empire dissolving due to Ethnic tensions, Hispania being divided into a Galizian, Visigothic, Basque and Langobardic state and Greece and Illyria splintering off, alongside Noricum and Northern Illyria falling to the Slavs, spelled the End Of Rome.

The State of New Rhodesia (2530-2700), or: How the last Segregationist Country in the American South was Lead by South Africans.
El estado de Nueva Rhodesia (2530-2700), o: Cómo el último país segregacionista del sur de Estados Unidos fue liderado por sudafricanos.
Title of chapter VIII of the book "the story of the bad future", a humorous book that explores a dystopian future in which, in the author's words, "everything goes wrong and everyone is a jerk"

The Atenist period is a period in the history of ancient Kemet that goes from the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III to the reign of his great-grandson Ahmose II. This period was characterized by a strong patronage of the until then minor solar god Aton at the expense of the priesthoods of other gods particularly from the cult of Amon in Waset.
History of faith in Kemet: From the god-kings to the great universal triad
The State of New Rhodesia (2530-2700), or: How the last Segregationist Country in the American South was Lead by South Africans.
The title of the 7th book from the satiric alternate history novel series, Future Subperfect. An introduction into alternate history tying into unusual future, the seventh novel focuses on the foundation of New Rhodesia. New Rhodesia is a rump state founded in the American South (consisting of Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas), formed during the "America Divided" period, which saw the United States break apart into several smaller states as part of the end of the Post-National Period.

New Rhodesia is described as a segregated and isolated state, founded by a descendent of Elon Musk and his supporters. The nation is a two-sided affair between the agrarian countryside and an urbane center. However, the white segregated state fares poorer compared to their agrarian African-American counterparts regarding day to day living and the story paints the state as the dying monument to racism and the desperate attempts to cling onto. The book is considered a hilarious read, much like its predecessor The Last Days of the Three Germanies.

"The advantage we had over the Redcoats was the natives siding with us in our Revolution- George Washington, 1st President of the United States"

"The advantage we had over the Redcoats was the natives siding with us in our Revolution- George Washington, 1st President of the United States"

An entry in the personal diary of President Washington, reflecting on his time in the Revolutionary War. In exchange for a halt on raids and a promise to self determination (Accepted due to a miscommunication causing a British raid on Iroquois camps), the Iroquois natives aided General Benedict Arnold in the capture of Lower Canada, today the state of Quebec.

"Good Morning, Gentlemen! You are Americans now. Do not attempt to resist."
"Good Morning, Gentlemen! You are Americans now. Do not attempt to resist."
Spoken by an ananymous soldier during the Battle of Montefredente during the Period of Unification (1490-1521), on the side of the Repulic of Florence. The American refers to supporters of Florencian leader Amerigo Vespucci.

"His [Paul's] revulsion for pork, sausage, and anything from made a pig in general was so staunchly severe, there were times I wondered if he had been wet-nursed by a Jew or in his formative years he was raised by a Muslim."
"His [Paul's] revulsion for pork, sausage, and anything from made a pig in general was so staunchly severe, there were times I wondered if he had been wet-nursed by a Jew or in his formative years he was raised by a Muslim."
A line from the script of The Scottish Play, a lost BBC television broadcast in 1974. Set in 17th century Scotland, the television special focuses on the attempts of Jacobite grunts to overthrow the current British king in favor of a king descended from King James. John Goodfellow notes of Paul's distaste of eating pork, not knowing Paul comes from Scotland's lower classes.

"The Castigo was a brutal campaign of strategic bombing by the Soviet Air Force during World War II. Lasting from 1942-1944, the Soviets attempted to destroy the industrial capacity of Fascist Italy by launching bombing raids from occupied Yugoslavia on major Italian cities in the North. Supporting the attacks were the Turkish Navy, who attacked ports from the South and occupied Sicily to interdict shipping in the Mediterranean."
"The Castigo was a brutal campaign of strategic bombing by the Soviet Air Force during World War II. Lasting from 1942-1944, the Soviets attempted to destroy the industrial capacity of Fascist Italy by launching bombing raids from occupied Yugoslavia on major Italian cities in the North. Supporting the attacks were the Turkish Navy, who attacked ports from the South and occupied Sicily to interdict shipping in the Mediterranean."
Take from a documentary on Russia's part in the fall of fascist Italy during the Second World War. Two days after this campaign had ended, Italy surrendered.

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.” - John Brown