a Valkyrie Rises Over Europe, a Alternate Story of the Cold War

1984 but as a takedown of Nazism instead of Stalinism perhaps?
I was always under the impression that Nineteen Eighty Four was aimed towards totalitarianism in general as opposed to one particular brand of totalitarianism? It always seemed as though Oceania and Eastasia* were Fascist, while Eurasia was Stalinist.

*Especially Eastasia, which was clearly supposed to be an Imperial Japan analogue. Oceania, on the other hand, seems to be influenced by Nazism; namely its use of racism in party propaganda and the name of the party.
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I was always under the impression that Nineteen Eighty Four was aimed towards totalitarianism in general as opposed to one particular brand of totalitarianism? It always seemed as though Oceania and Eastasia* were Fascist, while Eurasia was Stalinist.

*Especially Eastasia, which was clearly supposed to be an Imperial Japan analogue. Oceania, on the other hand, seems to be influenced by Nazism; namely its use of racism in party propaganda and the name of the party.

That may be your interpretation, but it's pretty commonly accepted that 1984 is a critique of left-totalitarianism, Stalinism in particular. Goldstein's book did say that all three powers and their respective ideologies are more or less the exact same in all but name, and the terminologies Orwell developed in the book were taken from those in Soviet society under Stalin (e.g. Newspeak, unpersons, Big Brother).
Re: Why So Terrified Mate?

I am both intrigued and terrified of finding out just what you mean :D

Why is everyone terrified about all of my ideas, I mean... it's not like I am writing any sort of grimdark or veering on dystopic TL here; am I right? (;):cool:)

Re: A Game of...... Valkyries?

Oh Gods, Kaiser K, more reading this TL make me think of you as G.R.R.M :D

That's it, hopeless dystopia where everything is predestined to came really crashing down without even a hint of stability but many false hopes...

Should definitely have a "Story - Only Thread" because reading within such many comments aren't easy...

I'm not sure how I honestly feel about being compared to G.R.R.M of all people, I mean, I am definitely nowhere near his level of talent; but I will take it as a compliment to my work nonetheless. :)

As for the idea of a "Story - Only Thread", I've considered it; might eventually make it one of these days.

Re: Kennedy vs the Nazis

Interesting update:) Would have licked Kennedy vs NAZIS. By the way your mentioning Germanys end I'm thinking nuclear civil war!:eek: I pray (well if I was religious I would) this isn't the case.

Aww come on, don't like "Gorgeous George" Smathers?, he's a Southern Democrat ya know; let him woo you with his conservative but moderate nature. ;)

Kidding aside :p, Kennedy as President would have been interested, but a bit too anachronistic, still, considering that Smathers and JFK are very very good friends (how good you ask? Smathers was the only person not a member of the Kennedy or Bouvier families that was invited to "Jack" and Jackie's wedding); I can see JFK having some sort of spot in Smathers cabinet waiting for him come 1961. So don't worry, JFK will be around. :D

As for your idea of how Germany might end.... we'll see; shan't we?

Re: Fighting George

Go get 'em, George! :cool:

*Accent mode*George is gonna be "Smathering" dem evil Nazis and Chinese Imperialists, Smathers is the boy for the job son; he gunna get things done. Garandteeit! *Accent mode*


Re: Albert Speer's Life Span

Or shorted due to the stress of running one of the major countries on Earth.

Albert Speer will in all likelihood probably pass away long before the OTL date in 1981, as the stress of running one of the world's two superpowers is most assuredly not good for one's health; neither is the possibility of you pissing the wrong someone off and getting yourself overthrown and murdered too (and the stress that may come from that looming threat)

Re: Nineteen Eighty Four

What happen to George Orwell, and Ben J. Wattenberg?

Orwell probably wrote most of his books (including 1984) on schedule, and since the tuberculosis case he caught in OTL that ultimately killed him was probably avoidable and probably butterflied away; he may in fact still be alive and still writing books all the way to the current modern day of 1960.

Wattenberg is probably still a young Air Force Officer however.
I had a few questions regarding the Roman Catholic Church. Since the Vatican is deep within Axis territory, do you think that the Pope will be forced by the Germans to not say anything deemed pro-Western or anti-Nazi? Will there be a 2nd Vatican Council as OTL?
How has the Axis victory affected the holocaust? Are all of the victims dead? :eek:

From what Kaiser K has said to people asking about that odd are by the time Germany falls you could expect anywhere from a few thousand to less then a hundred Jews left in Europe by the time it ends.
From what Kaiser K has said to people asking about that odd are by the time Germany falls you could expect anywhere from a few thousand to less then a hundred Jews left in Europe by the time it ends.
Don't forget the Poles. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be more Poles abroad than in Poland by the end of this TL. :(
Re: Tricky Dick Shall Ride Again!

Content you and the denizens of the Valkyrie-verse themselves shall have to be, hell, I am sure the big four networks will be covering Nixon's adventures in professional golfing and memoir writing heavily, the man's a center of attention always; ain't I right? :)p)

Both LBJ and Humphrey - in spite of having not embarked on any presidential ambitions in 1960, are still mulking around in the Senate as they did before, and doing as they did before, with great efficiency as well; through Smathers has been considering possibly asking Senator Johnson to join his cabinet as the Secretary of HEW (HEW being the acronym for the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare).

Always glad to see an LBJ mention! :D As for Nixon, well, he's Nixon, damn it! I have to admit, I like the man despite myself. :p
Re: His Holiness's Conundrum

I had a few questions regarding the Roman Catholic Church. Since the Vatican is deep within Axis territory, do you think that the Pope will be forced by the Germans to not say anything deemed pro-Western or anti-Nazi? Will there be a 2nd Vatican Council as OTL?

The problem with controlling the Vatican for both Germany and Italy is that they really can't do anything too harsh - even if the Vatican did quote on quote "step out of line", due to their significant and devoutly Catholic populations that would most certainly be furious if they did so, so the dynamic of Vatican-Axis diplomatic relations is somewhat interest, as it's a sort of quasi-puppet kind of thing due to the Vatican being so deep within Axis Europe, but the Vatican also in some cases gets to do and say pretty much whatever it wants as long as it doesn't actively oppose Axis interests or hinder them; so it's extensively complicated to say the least.

Re: The Thing We Do Not Like to Talk About....

How has the Axis victory affected the holocaust? Are all of the victims dead? :eek:

From what Kaiser K has said to people asking about that odd are by the time Germany falls you could expect anywhere from a few thousand to less then a hundred Jews left in Europe by the time it ends.

Pretty much what Admiral said, I don't really like to get too specific about what's going on in regards to that front too often (the thought gives me chills), but those are my rough guesstimates according to my own research.

Re: After Batista comes Batista

How is Cuba iin this TimeLine?

More or less alright, Batista's out; but it's still a bit of a dictatorship and a ally to the US as well.

Re: Poland Is Not Yet Lost.......

Don't forget the Poles. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be more Poles abroad than in Poland by the end of this TL. :(

Very true, sadly enough. :(

Re: "You Can't Lick Our Dick!"

Always glad to see an LBJ mention! :D As for Nixon, well, he's Nixon, damn it! I have to admit, I like the man despite myself. :p

I had to insert LBJ in there somewhere, it would be an injustice not too.

As for Nixon... well I am a firm believer in the idea that we all have a little bit of like for Nixon inside of us. :D:p

Anyway, sorry things have been so quiet, I have been a bit busy with things, including doing research for future updates, binge-watching House of Cards (which is not research fyi, George Smathers ain't going to go all Frank Underwood on us or is he? :cool:) and other shit; haven't had the time to sit down and write the last few days.

I do plan on getting back to work soon, and hope to have a new update ready to go by March 20th at the latest, until the time comes however; I may have something smaller in store for you guys. Who knows?
There will be more than few hundred Jews left in Europe, more than that survived in Berlin OTL. Having said that it won't be a lot, it will be those that have managed to establish a new "aryan" identity. Those in the east are screwed with severe local antisemitism, and the fact that even if they "blend in" its no big improvement. German/Austrian Jews, those in wartime allies (Hungary, Romania, Italy) have a shot at hiding in plain sight. Those in the west are better off than those in the east, but still hard. For obvious reasons Jewish women can hide easier than Jewish men. Having said all that, the numbers will be small, they will be hunted. Furthermore once the vast majority of Jews are gone there will be serious combing of the records for those with the Jewish taint (one great-grandparent was all it took) and they'll either be exterminated or sterilized. Some, even some full Jews, who are considered very valuable might become honorary aryans, happened OTL but very very few.

Needless to say, any surviving Jews, or Mischlings (part Jews) will do their very best to try and get over any border to a country that won't send them back to Germany.


So am I right to assume that all bets are off on the Germans support for the Arab Republic once more doctrinaire nazis take over?
Testing out a more story heavy minor update to see if anyone would be interested in me doing more of these in between the normal recaping events through a history book/essay type updates I have been doing, this also advances the story somewhat; so I hope everyone likes it.

Berlin, Germany - Headquarters of the Hitler Youth
February 22nd, 1960

The scene pans into a dimly lit office in an old building in downtown Berlin, the building houses the national headquarters of the Hitlerjugend (English: Hitler Youth) - the national youth wing of the ruling National Socialist Party, the office itself belongs to one Reichsjugendführer Artur Axmann; the de facto head of the entire organization.

Axmann is sitting at his desk, combing over paper work and other important documents as he prepares to leave the office for the day, before he can however, he hears a knock on his door, he slowly gets up, dimming the cigarette in his mouth in the ashtray; before going over to the door and opening it.

Upon opening it, he discovers his good "friend", SS-Oberführer Kurt Waldheim; standing on the other side.

"Ahh, Herr Waldheim, I wasn't expecting you"

"Herr Axmann, we have much to discuss" retorted the SS-Oberführer; who was visibly angry.

"And what would that be?"

"Klaus Braun, I know you are molesting him, and I need you to stop"

"What, that's preposterous Kurt, why would you accuse of me of something so heinous and despicable?; I'm not homosexual for gods sake!

"Stop with the bullcrap you son of a bitch, Herr Braun told me everything, he also told Frau Beck, one of his unit mates, now I convinced him to not tell the Berlin police or the SS for the time being, but I am going to make myself very clear to you Herr Axmann, you touch Herr Braun again in the manner that you did before, I assure you that I will bring the full might of the government down on your ass, and ensure that you suffer the same fate as the Russians; do I make myself clear Artur?"

"You got this all wrong Herr Waldheim, you can't believe that idiotic brats lies"

"Don't make me come here again Artur, or I may just bypass the SS and kill you myself"

The angry Kurt Waldheim then proceeded to burst out of the room, leaving a despaired and angry Axmann alone to ponder his thoughts.
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Now the question is, which one is lying? Is Axxman trying to protect himself, does Klaus know who his father is and is testing what powers he may have, or is someone who knows something trying to frame Axxman?* Color me intrigued by this little story update Kaiser.
Edit: *Probably Axxman, but still intrigued.
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Seeing that the German public doesn't find out until the 1980's, on the surface of the story, things may not bode well for Herr Waldheim and Herr Braun in the near future.
Now the question is, which one is lying? Is Axxman trying to protect himself, does Klaus know who his father is and is testing what powers he may have, or is someone who knows something trying to frame Axxman?* Color me intrigued by this little story update Kaiser.
Edit: *Probably Axxman, but still intrigued.

It'd certainly be a very interesting plot twist if Klaus was being outright nefarious in his intentions with this whole thing and framing Axmann for something that he didn't do, in order to test what influence and power he may possess as Hitler's son, but my instincts would probably lean towards the probability that the Reichsjugendführer is actually guilty of the crime - and thus is merely lying to try to save his own skin (seeing as his actions would not go over well with the SS or the Führer), or that he is being framed by a political enemy who wants to take him down with a scandal; both possibilities have their own interesting possible effects and repercussions.

Seeing that the German public doesn't find out until the 1980's, on the surface of the story, things may not bode well for Herr Waldheim and Herr Braun in the near future.

Perhaps, through Herr Braun can always seek... refuge somewhere.... if Axmann really is guilty of what Waldheim is accusing him of; and if things ultimately do not bode well for him in the long term (through.. it depends on what exactly the German public finds out in the 1980's, now doesn't it?). Through I can kind of guarantee that choosing to cover the crime up (true or untrue) will probably bite the SS-Oberführer in the ass eventually.