
  1. Aluma

    Possible "Step-Conquerors"

    One common thing with Alt-Hist I noticed is notion of inherent talent to certain historical people or their irreplaceability as either someone pulling off what they did is impossible or at least very unlikely, with history ending up completely different if they werent where they were Meanwhile...
  2. ImperialxWarlord

    Top ten underrated Roman Emperors

    https://www.buzzfeed.com/connorgolden1997/top-ten-underrated-roman-emperors-f66wd1n57p I made this list as part of a project for a class of mine, I need 1k views minimum.
  3. Atamolos

    Most Overrated and Underrated Roman Emperors?

    There's a general consensus on which Roman emperors were "good" or "bad", but which emperors get too much credit, and which emperors don't get enough? I'll go ahead and get us started. Most Overrated Emperor: Trajan He obviously gets a lot of credit for being at the helm when the Empire...