
  1. What would the Nuclear Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 If Nobunaga Oda Survived?

    The Nobubaga Oda and His Son Nobutada Oda killed by Akechi Mitsuhide 1582 OTL, TTL Nobunaga Oda and Son Nobutada survived escaped Akechi Mitsuhide Failed, Nobunaga Oda Unification Succeeded 1584 and become Shogun lived until 1637 and replaced son Nobutada Oda. Would Atomic Bomb Hiroshima and...
  2. Could hydrogen bombs have been avoided?

    After watching Oppenheimer, I noticed that he says that if the US tries to make H bombs the Soviets will have no choice but do the same. Is this reasoning logical? If the US had instead attempted to negotiate an agreement to refrain from developing H bombs, would the Soviets have been willing...