
  1. King of the Uzbeks

    The Cradle of Presidents: A Buckeye Flavored Timeline in a Week
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Well, what’s this now? A Timeline in a Week! These are out of fashion you know. Yeah whatever. An idea struck me. And so I did it. Not quite ASB, but still rather funny. Aka a perfect choice for a TLIAW! You do realize you’re likely never gonna finish this in a week right? Quite possibly...
  2. Retiarius

    WI: Hawke v. Smith goes differently?

    In 1919 Ohio ratified the 19th Amendment endorsing prohibition, but in 1920 the state's voters came out against it in a referendum. There was a bit of confusion after that; the Supreme Court got called in to decide whether the amendment was no longer ratified. Hawke v. Smith didn't end up being...
  3. No Proclamation Line; How Do The British Organize the Ohio Country

    I was reading a little bit about the proposed colonies of Vandalia, Transylvania, and Charlotiana. All three colonies were proposed in the late 1700’s as the Americans at least attempts to move west. Of course most of these colonies were west of the proclamation line of 1763 which hindered their...
  4. WI: Michigan gets the Toledo Strip

    Today marks the anniversary of the unofficial end of the Toledo War, a mostly bloodless conflict between Michigan Territory and the state of Ohio over a disputed territory known as the Toledo Strip. Congress proposed a compromise where Michigan would get statehood and the entirety of the Upper...
  5. TheTexasRanger

    Ohio: The 14th State

    Chapter One: Confirmation at the Congress Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA October 31st, 1778 ------ "In a few years, the state of Pennsylvania will be celebrating 100 years since it's creation, and the year afterwards this city we find ourselves convening will celebrate it's founding...
  6. Duke Andrew of Dank

    DBWI: PRR Panhandle Abandoned

    Apparently, Conrail had thought of tearing up the PRR Panhandle line in the 1980s. But that thankfully never went through, and it got picked up with the rest of the PRR by Norfolk Southern. But what if it had indeed been abandoned?
  7. Cheer

    WI: "Real" Toledo War

    In case you don't know, the Toledo War was a boundary dispute between Michigan and Ohio upon Michigan's impending statehood. Due to some weird surveying, a strip of land including Toledo was claimed by both Ohio and Michigan. A team of self-proclaimed diplomats was sent (I forgot which state...
  8. GauchoBadger

    WI: British Ohio Valley

    Suppose that the british and loyalist forces manage to keep the Ohio Valley and most of the great lakes region (OTL US states of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesotta, and Wisconsin) after the American Independence War. How does this affect... -British Canada and its expansion? Will the...