no ww1

  1. In a world with no WW1, could Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkestan, etc. ever gain independence from a surviving Russian Empire?

    For all talks about how the Ottoman Empire would inevitably collapse with or without WW1 (overall sentiment is no - its collapse was not inevitable, and it could survive if it took necessary steps to), a topic that I do not often see even in surviving Russian Empire discussions, is whenever if...
  2. PC: No WW1, a Cold War with poison gas instead?

    Supposing that the tensions that led to WW1 still exist but there's no spark to set everything on fire, would it be possible for there to be an atmosphere similar to that of the Cold War, with poison gas taking the place of nuclear weapons?
  3. An Explosion in Cape Town: Blue Water - Pink Land
    Threadmarks: Africa: 1900 - 1925

    An Explosion in Cape Town Blue Water - Pink Land - Daily Mail 8th January 1900 Boers blow Cape Town, kill Rhodes and 17 others The residents of Cape Town, Cape Colony, were disrupted in their activities by a loud bang and a blast of wind as an explosion rippled the city at around 11:30...
  4. Marklin

    Russia in a world with no World Wars

    A little while ago, I made a thread about culture in a world with no World Wars, but some of the discussion there made me want to talk about Russia in particular, and beyond just culture. After seeing folks like WIAH and plenty of other Anti-communists talk about how well off Russia would be...
  5. Marklin

    Culture of a world where WW1 was averted

    Sort of a sequel to my "Military tech in a no WW1 world thread," but this time talking about culture in a world without WW1? What direction would culture, such as art and film go in? How would European film industries develop without WW1 to stunt them? What of Russian media and culture without...
  6. A Scenario without WW1 still leads to a Horrible 20th Century

    Usually those who consider a no WW1 scenario dream up a relatively utopian 20th century. My argument is that the factors of decolonisation, economic stagnation, and the subsequent rising appeal of Communism alongside growing social consciousness worldwide, and new military technology is going...
  7. No WWI due to a more successful 1905 Russian Revolution?

    Historically, in 1905, in large part due to the Russo-Japanese War, Russia underwent a major revolutionary convulsion. The general understanding is that Tsar Nicholas II proceeded to give ground, very temporarily, to the revolutionaries, then walked back everything serious that he had done or...
  8. Nuclear German Empire conquers the world

    WW1 is avoided until Germamy develops nukes. Due lack of nazism experts don't leave Germany resulting in Germans being decades aheads of rest of the world in missile and nuclear tech. Germany surprise nuke major cities in UK,France,Russia with V2s forcing them to surrender unconditionally and...
  9. Gigachad3k

    Maximum Population of Hungary

    What could the maximum population of 1914 borders Hungary could support?
  10. Ideologies without World War 1

    WW1 was an event which greatly destabilized Europe, destroyed many pre-war governments, and caused civil wars to break out in many countries. This created a power vacuum which benefitted anti-establishment ideologies. In the aftermath of WW1, both a) pre-existing but basically powerless...
  11. Nightingale

    AHC: 1960s Successful US Civil Rights and Feminist Movements Without World War I and World War II

    Hi! I'm currently searching through threads talking about a scenario in which World War I and World War II don't happen at all. While I'm glad that I can get some sort of bearing on where technology, decolonization, and birth rates may be in this counterfactual, but I have not seen any...
  12. AltoRegnant

    DBAHQ: Serbia Crisis Blows Up. Who Wins?

    This one is pretty obscure but interesting to me. So in 1914, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalists called the Black Hand. Austria was outraged and with support from Germany, threatened war if they couldnt investigate. Russia was mad Austria was acting in the Balkans without...
  13. AltoRegnant

    DBWI Franz Ferdinand Dies?

    Now, as we all know, in 1914, there was hilarious failure of an assassination attempt on then Archduke Franz Ferdinand. None of the would be assassins hit the man, and he was even able to see those injured by the bombs used against him in hospital. He went on to democratize the empire into the...
  14. french politics with no world war 1

    i am new to this so here goes : if ww1 was postponed (by franz ferdinand surviving for instance) who will take control in france. is the millatary likely to take power? the socialists? bonapartists? discuss. thank you for your time.
  15. How much Manifest Destiny ?

    So i watched a video from Monsieur Z. In the video WW1 didnt happen and therefore the US stayed isolationist. In his scenario the US gained the unpopulated States of Canada, Cuba and northern Columbia because they didnt had any land left in the US to take away from the natives. (The difference...
  16. Consequences of no world wars on mass immigration to the US

    What would be the consequences of no world wars on the flow of European immigrants to the US? By 1914 most immigrants were either from Southern or Eastern Europe, how does this fact effects the ethnic makeup of the us? Would the great migration of African Americans be severely slowed or delayed...
  17. No blank check for A-H

    Instead of pledging to support A-H "no matter what", Germany ITTL is fairly hesitant. How would the July Crisis go down with a more cautious Germany?
  18. WI: No WW1+2, does the Age of Liberalism continue?

    I think many here are aware that WW1 was a turning point in European and world history. But i also think many underestimate just how much the western world changed in the wake of WW1 in terms of culture and economics. WW1 marked the end of the era of classical liberalism. It basically killed...
  19. WI No WW1, effect on the Chinese Warlord era?

    Would different cliques get foreign support? would this lead to a stalemate? would China get balkanized? (This isn't about how ww1 could've not occurred, but simply the effect on china when it was in its most precarious state if it hadn't)
  20. T-Mag 3004

    the (Grand) Duchy of Alsace-Lorraine

    Now let's discuss a region that's been discussed so, so, so many times prior, but not (from what I've seen) in this way. Alsace-Lorraine as a full state of the German Empire. so in my most successful Thread. NoMommsen said the following: "So, all of what I've written IMO shows a clear...