new world order

  1. thevird

    Wars of Terror - An Alternate History Timeline.
    Threadmarks: 1 - The Meeting

    Hi! This is my first actual alt history timeline, so I hope you all enjoy it! WARS OF TERROR “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” — Ernest Hemingway, 1946 December 14th, 1979. I remember it like it was yesterday. The mood of the holidays was left...
  2. DBWI: What if capitalism won the cold war?

    The innevitable dialectics of history, and therefore the innevitable victory of socialism consists of two factors: 1. The developement of class consciousnes and 2. The developement of the productive forces, and the ever shorter growing cyclus of crisis. The farer the productive forces develope...
  3. New World Order: Marine Corps

    @Matt @Matt @Matt For background, POD is around 1990. The most significant change is that Saddam Hussein is killed in the immediate aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, necessitating a full-scale occupation of Iraq by US, British, and French forces. The occupation is much less bloody and...
  4. New World Order Navy (major surface combatants)

    Third in a series of alternate 1990's Navy threads. The last were: Anyway, for a bit of background the POD is a...
  5. Air wing for an American CVL (post Cold War)

    Introduction could be copied from my "A Helicopter for the USMC" thread: I'm plunging the depths of my own ignorance quite deeply here. Anyway, for a bit of background the POD is a long messy Iraq occupation...
  6. A helicopter for the USMC

    Rather than finish up the Army parts of my Alternate New World Order TL, I dove deep into an area I admittedly know very little about and started looking into Naval and Air Force procurement. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with the USMC, but I'm starting to run into areas where I...
  7. "For A Better America, A Better World” Collaborative Timeline

    "For A Better America, A Better World” - President Henry A. Wallace This is a collaborative timeline with a few guidelines and rules: Please PM me before posting radical changes, assassinations, declarations of war, or anything that would make a shocking political shift. Battles, scandals...
  8. An alternate New World Order: beta

    This timeline is still sketchy, but the idea of it is a radically different reorganization of the United States Army following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The POD is in 1988, but the first significant event is a coup in Iraq following Operation Desert Shield which necessitates a...