imjin war

  1. WI: Christian Japan

    What if Christian missionaries from Iberia managed to convert Japan to Christianity in the 1500s? Additionally what if this Japan managed to conquer Korea in the Imjin War (or an alternate version of it) or a later war when the Ming was collapsing
  2. GameBawesome

    WI: Oda Nobunaga's Imjin War

    (I made this thread talking about this years ago, but it went nowhere and died. This is more of a remake.) For context, the Imjin War was an attempt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to invade Ming China via Joseon Korea. After landing on Korean soil, the Japanese had initial success, even capturing the...
  3. What if Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Siam?

    Assuming that Hideyoshi was somehow able to conquer Korea and then decided to set his eyes on the Kingdom of Ayutthaya for whatever reason (pick your reasoning: desire to control one of the largest and wealthiest cities in Asia at the time, he wanted to see an elephant, he felt bored, etc.)...
  4. GameBawesome

    WI: The Siamese attacks Japan during the Imjin War

    According to some historians in Asia, during the Imjin War (When Japan under Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded the Kingdom of Joseon), supposedly the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Modern-Day Thailand), made a proposal to the Ming Chinese. They offered to dispatch a naval force to sail and attack Japan...
  5. GameBawesome

    WI: No Chongyu War/ No Japanese second invasion of Korea

    The Japanese Invasions of Korea is one of the most pivotal moments in East Asian history, yet understudied elsewhere. It was when the Japanese under Toyotomi Hideyoshi sought to invade Ming China via Joseon Korea. At first, the Japanese steamrolled the Koreans on land, and pushed into the...
  6. GameBawesome

    WI: Admiral Yi Sun-sin took Konishi Yukinaga's information

    Konishi Yukinaga was a Japanese Daimyo in the 16th Century for Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and was a major part of the Imjin War, or the Japanese Invasions of Korea. He was known for two things in particular; 1. He was a Christian Daimyo, and 2. He rivalry with another one of Hideyoshi's generals, Kato...
  7. GameBawesome

    WI: Toyotomi Hideyoshi doesn't invade Korea?

    In 1592, the Japanese invaded the Korea, which has become known as the Imjin War. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan, gathered large armies to invade the Korean Peninsula to invade China. There were many speculations on why Hideyoshi invaded Korea: Some say it was Megalomania for Hideyoshi to...
  8. WI/PC: Japanese Conquest of China during the Imjin War

    The Imjin War of the 1590s was the first attempt by the Japanese to establish a foothold on mainland Asia and subdue the Koreans. Japan, loosely united under the rule of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was a formidable military power, with thousands of battle hardened soldiers armed with the latest cannons...
  9. Sarthak

    Aftermath of a Chinese Conquest of Japan ~1598 AD after Imjin War?

    In 1597 AD, the Chinese Emperor, Wanli discussed a theoretical invasion of Japan if the Japanese did not cease in their attempt of taking Korea and entering Mainland Asia. The Ming had the ships to do so, and alongside the Koreans, the manpower to do so. Furthermore, as Japanese and Toyotomi...
  10. GameBawesome

    Could the Japanese be able to hold Korea after the 17th Century?

    Most of us are familiar with the Imjin War, or the Japanese Invasions of Korea. This was an attempt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to conquer Joseon Korea and then move on to conquer China. He organized many clans' armies into a force to invade the peninsula. However, his efforts failed due to 1) Naval...
  11. Aluma

    Impact of a Chinese Toyotomi Dynasty

    I know, Japan winning the Imjin War is either full on ASB or at very least very unlikely However this is not to talk about if they ruled all of China after overthrowing the ruling dynasty or even kept Korea as it's almost certain that the chinese would come for more Rather let's assume either...
  12. WI Toyotomi Hideoyoshi dies in 1592/No Imjin War. Delayed Japanese invasion of Korea/China coincides with Collapse of Ming

    WI Toyotomi Hideoyoshi dies in 1592, without a male heir and his far more capable nephew Toyotomi Hidetsugu becomes the next Imperial Regent. The Imjin War doesn't happen in this time frame, thus the Toyotomi aren't weakened, they don't a have child ruler, and Tokugawa Ieyasu has no...
  13. GameBawesome

    WI: The Imjin War ends in 1596

    The Japanese Invasion of Joseon Korea, also known as the Imjin War, had two phases. The initial first invasion lasted from 1592-1596 was called Imjin Disturbance, which ended in a truce in 1596. However this truce didn’t last, because negotiations fell through. This caused a second invasion in...
  14. WI: Yi Sun-sin never removed from command

    What if the Japanese efforts to have Yi Sun-sin removed from command failed? How might that have affected things?
  15. WI: No Japanese invasions of Korea

    What if Toyotomi Hideyoshi never ordered his invasions of Korea? How would things change?
  16. GameBawesome

    How would Oda Nobunaga handle the Imjin War

    What if, HYPOTHETICALLY, Oda Nobunaga didn’t get assassinated by Mitsuhide, or found out beforehand and escaped death? Let’s say he manages to unite all of Japan. Let’s say, Hideyoshi or/and a group of Generals convince Nobunaga to invade the Far East. How would Oda Nobunaga handle the Imjin...
  17. Remitonov

    WI Japanese tries to colonize Formosa in 1594, earlier end to Imjin War

    Just one of several ideas I've been considering for the Before 1900s thread. The main point is the establishment of a Japanese settlement in northern Taiwan. I am not sure how workable is this TL, and how many changes can result, but I'll try. 1594 – Based on suggestions by Ryukyuan king Shō...
  18. Zor

    Hideoyoshi invades Korea with European style Galleons

    In this scenario sometime around 1580 a Spanish Galleon arrives Southwestern Honshu badly damaged in a storm, if ultimately salvageable. As such the captain commissions local artisans to help him rebuild the ship with the assistance of local artisans who, on the order of their Daimyo go out of...