
  1. Weimar Germany -No President Hindeburg, SPD President ?

    I am currently planning a scenario where the Weimar Republic lost the Rhineland completely but kept some mor eof their eastern lands and was wondering how this might effect the internal politics of Germany, specifically the presidential elections. Now for this scenario it is besides the point...
  2. No Hindenburg in 1925?

    The 1925 German presidential elections saw a tight race between the candidate from right-wing Reichsblock coalition Paul von Hindenburg and centre-left Volksblock coalition Wilhelm Marx. Hindenburg won the election by a 3 percent margin and had been persuaded to run by the right-wing parties...
  3. Friedrich der Große

    Different Eastern Front in WW1

    What if Germany won WW1 in 1914 by winning by the Schlieffen Plan succeeding or winning the Race to the Sea? My question is how the Eastern Front will develop on military area. Will Hindenburg and Ludendorff stay as commanders and with that will the “Hindenburg Myth” still occure, or would there...
  4. Friedrich der Große

    German supreme command (OHL) in an alternate WW1

    If the Central Powers go East first in WW1, how would the supreme command (Oberste Heeresleitung, OHL) look and develop during the war? Will Moltke still form it with Falkenhayn, or will we get Ludendorff still in? And will Hindenburg still play a role in the German army, because he retired...
  5. Weimar Germany: Wilhelm Marx wins in 1925- effects on the German foreign policy and rearmament?

    The permise is simple. Let's say that Hindenburg refuse to participate in 1925 German reichsprasident election and his main OTL contender, Wilhelm Marx beats a less popular candidate. OTL, it seems that Marx was comitted to guarding the Weimar republic and thus we may seen more restrictive...
  6. What if the Germans won the Battle of Verdun?

    I'm writing a timeline with this POD and I've run into some trouble. To start, I Imagine a German victory at Verdun looking something like Fort Souville and Fort Vaux falling relatively early, like sometime in March or April with Falkenhayn's original idea of a meat grinder becoming true. With...
  7. JCC the Alt Historian

    WI: No Hindenburg Disaster. How does this affect the airship industry?

    We all know the story of the Hindenburg disaster, on May 6, 1937, the German rigid airship named the Hindenburg caught fire as a result of a gas leak while it was trying to land and crashed in Manchester Township, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 and resulted in 36 deaths. This in turn would cause the...
  8. Everdarklegion

    The Kaiser's Restoration by 1936

    In OTL, a majority of the officers and military leadership in Germany still held loyalties to the Kaiser and the German Empire of old. Suppose that sometime between 1929 and 1936, Hindenburg rallies these officers and those loyal to the old Kaiser in order to oppose Hitler and his Nazi party. If...
  9. DBWI: What if airplanes were the only primary mode of aerial transport? (Zeppelin DBWI)

    The rigid airship (commonly referred to as the Zeppelin) is what many people think of when they think of air travel. The big, silver whales of the sky, after many iterations and improvements throughout its 119 years of existence, carry over 4.5 million people every single day! However, it was...
  10. baliebox4916

    My Alternate Utopia for My Anime/Manga/JRPG im Making

    Heres an Alternate History Scenario i Created out of the 8 Years of Research for an Anime im Making in the Future (its inspired by series like fringe but more utopian and the first run of futurama hope you like it) 1920s Walt Disney in the 1920s Agrees with Charles Mints to Work for Universal...
  11. AHC: Make Hindenburgs Son Chancellor

    Hindenburgs Son Oskar von Hindenburg was in OTL an important person during the rise of Hitler. He was also his father's personal assistant. How could he become Chancellor and rule Germany long term?
  12. Whiteshore

    Hitler dies in late 1933 or early 1934: What happens next?

    What if Adolf Hitler died in late 1933 or early 1934 (let's say that his death is a random heart attack or something along those line)? What happens next in not exactly-Nazi Germany? What does a senile and dying President Hindenburg (or the people in his inner circle) do? Declare von Papen or...
  13. WI: Hindenburg Orders the Kaiser's Restoration on his deathbed?

    What would be the consequences for the Weimar Republic if President Hindenburg called for the restoration of the Kaiser as the Head of State (while simultaneously renouncing and abolishing the presidency) on the eve of his death in 1934? And I'm not just talking about a line item in his last...
  14. Nietzche w/o Nazism

    Supposing (w 1932 PoD) Hitler and the Nazis never come to power in Germany. Does this impact the legacy of Nietzche and other philosophers that were (perhaps more fairly) associated with their regime OTL in any significant way? If so, how is Western Philosophy affected? And what are the run off...
  15. Electric Monk

    Timeless (NBC this fall: Hindenburg explodes, again)

    In which our heroes travel back in time to save (destroy?) the Hindenburg. It gets the coveted post-Voice slot that propelled The Blacklist, but given that it's NBC I wouldn't bet money on success, alas. However it's always nice to see alternate history on television, perhaps it'll be better...