france 1940

  1. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Opinions on the fall of France in 1940 are greatly divided. The two main camps, as far as I can see, are as follows: Camp 1 holds that the fall of France was a pure fluke. Manstein's plan even being implemented and the Ardennes offensive happening at all were rather unlikely, and it was only...
  2. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    AHC: Plausible Fall of France (WW2)

    It's no secret that pretty much every Axis victory in World War II was due either to allied incompetence, sheer dumb luck, or both. Once these factors ran out the Axis lost and lost badly, getting their asses kicked. The Fall of France perhaps exemplifies this best. Due to the French outright...
  3. 1940 : La France continue la guerre - France Fights On

    1940 - La France continue la guerre, also known as the Fantasque Time Line, is probably one of the most ambitious alternate history projects ever created. The original work can be read (in French) at this address: It is also being translated by @Wings on...
  4. If France is still fighting in 1940, what would WWII be like?

    Assuming the French decide to hold out in North Africa and take what they can with them, how will this affect the course of the war? The United States enters earlier or later? Barbarossa is still happening? The allies launch a landing in France for 1943? Does Japan continue to occupy...
  5. AltoRegnant

    AHCWI: France Curbstomps Hitler In 1940

    Inspired by the thread asking what they thought defeat would look like, your goal is a total reversal of fortune, where France effectively breaks any organized german resistance. Now, I know that France had a larger army on paper, but had older doctrine and poor morale, but I don't know a lot...
  6. AltoRegnant

    WI: Maginot Line Extended Into Belgium's Border, Stopping At Netherlands?

    OTL, the reason germany was able to go around the maginot was because Belgium wasnt fortified since the Belgians pulled out of collaborative plans. This, in turn, was because Belgium knew france was trying to force the combat north into belgium and avoid fighting on the homefront. But what if...
  7. How long could the French hold on to Corsica in a France fights on scenario?

    France fighting on from North Africa is a common subject for alternate history. But what about Corsica, how long could they keep it? What could they defend it with? Could the Axis take it if it was defended? What would it cost them to do it?
  8. What does Europe look like if Germany is defeated in 1939/40/41?

    Like it says on the tin. Say the Saar Offensive is a smashing French success, the Sickle Cut is a humiliating failure, whatever. Either way, the Allies reach Berlin in 1940 or 41 at the latest. What does post-war Europe look like? Does Germany still get carved up? Would some of the countries...
  9. What if France was considered an enemy and her colonial empire is dismantled?

    How can this happen and what will be the consequences to French colonies?
  10. AltoRegnant

    Battle of Britain If France Fights On?

    Say that the french mainland is still occupied, but the 3rd Republic stays in the fight (maybe they're under a more hawkish leadership). Obviously this doesn't change the ground front, but could the French Airforce be retrieved to Britain or Algiers? What impact could this mean for the Blitz?
  11. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Allied Ardense Plan Failed?

    During ww2, the Wehrmacht went through the Ardesne forest after noticing a lack of defense. In reality, this had been a bait to lure the germans in, and just beyond the gap was a british contingent, and much of the army dedicated to dealing with the WAllies was defeated as a result of the...
  12. France Fights On...Implications for Algeria Post-War

    Had France fought on in Algeria in 1940 (and eventually won), keeping a butterfly net until 1945, how would things have changed regarding Algerian independence? Would France have been much more likely to keep Algeria due to its new place in French cultural consciousness, demographic change, and...
  13. The Rooster's Glory -TL

    This is my first timeline I've already developed on my mind. Hopefully I won't develop writer's block. Anyway, this timeline is heavily based and will take elements and inspiration from the following timelines and stories: 1940 - La France continue la guerre:
  14. Good "France Fights On" TL's

    I was wondering if there are TL's where France does not surrender in 1940 and keeps fighting from North Africa and the Colonies. I know "1940 - La France continue la guerre" But it seems it was abandoned or stucked in endless discussions in 1942. Is there any other here?
  15. 1940: What if France had continued the war?

    Surfing the internet I found these French comics on a scenario where France decides to continue the war and an undeveloped website that apparently is the antecedent of the idea. Does anyone know more about these comics?
  16. Nightingale

    Romania in a France Does Not Fall Scenario

    If France does not fall, will Romania join the war on Nazi Germany's side? Will they stay neutral or join the allies? What would happen post-war?
  17. Nightingale

    Hungary in a France Does Not Fall Scenario

    If France does not fall, will Hungary join the war on Nazi Germany's side? Will they stay neutral or join the allies?
  18. Molotov-Ribbentrop revised: The Polish buffer

    The OTL Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement is a simple partition of Eastern Europe between Hitler and Stalin. While dividing Poland between them is easy, the plan leads the two to have a common border making Barbarossa possible. Let's suppose that Koba is a bit more weary of Hitler. Instead of a...
  19. Nightingale

    If France Does Not Fall, can a Western-Soviet Cold War still happen?

    Could a Cold War between the Soviet Union and the Western powers have occured if France holds in 1940?