1. WI: China ships 10 million women to the US in 1973

    https://www.scmp.com/article/626178/mao-offered-10m-women-trade-us So, what if Kissinger takes this as comedy and jokingly accepts, yet to his surprise shiploads of Chinese refugees begin swarming the west coast in the following months? How would the US respond? China wouldn't accept them...
  2. QTXAdsy

    AHC/WI Flying Scotsman USA Tour more successful?

    I'm surprised this hasn't been done among the train TL's on here, but it is one of the more fascinating railway stories ever, Flying Scotsman's tour of North America from 1969 to 1973. For those who don't know what this whole thing was about, this recent video tells the whole story of what...
  3. 1973 : Denmarks political earthquake

    My country is a very small country, but an election in 1973 almost changed the cause of history of the country and possible Nothern Europe. Since 1945 Denmark havde been ruled by large Danish Labour Party majority. (Meaning they had from 60 - 100 of 179 seats of the Folketing from 1945 -...
  4. Simon

    A Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the 1973 Oil Embargo

    The United States has the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) which–as the name might suggest–is a government controlled oil reserve equal to roughly just over a month supply at current usage in case of interruptions to oil supplies, prompted in large part by the 1973 oil crisis. It's the largest...
  5. WI: Pinochet Not Part of the Coup

    Despite claiming in his memoirs that he was the leading plotter of the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, Pinochet is generally believed to have only joined the coup very shortly before it occurred. Which raises an interesting question: suppose he never joined? What consequences would him not joining the...
  6. Texas Two-Step: Nixon nominates Connally as VP in 1973

    It has been well documented over time how much Richard Milhous Nixon, the unloved, unhappy 37th President of the United States, admired John Connally. Admired? Nay, adored Connally. John Connally was everything Nixon was not, a brash, outspoken, smooth Texas cowboy with cojones that Nixon...
  7. WI: US never supplied Israel in the Yom Kippur war?

    What if during the Yom Kippur war of 1973, the US chose not to be involved, fearing the risk of an oil embargo? Would have Israel still won without the US help? Would have the oil embargo still happened or not? Would have the Soviet Union collapsed years earlier as some people say it would have?
  8. Nightingale

    Effects of No/Delayed 1973 Energy Crisis

    As the OP says, what would happen if the First Oil Crisis was averted or delayed? What would be its effects, especially, economic and political effects, on the world?
  9. Alternate Nixon VPs

    Who could Nixon have picked as his Vice-President, instead of Agnew in 1968 and Ford in 1973, so there is a different President after Watergate? First, alternate Nixon running mates in 1968. 1968 alternate VPs Robert Finch-the California Lieutenant Governor was apparently Nixon's first choice...